Page Eight THE SUMMER DAILY Tuesdoy, June S, 1973 Page Eight THE SUMMER DAILY Tuesday, June 5, 1973 When you look at Vasque boots - for climbing, hiking, and back- packing - you see no fancy frills. Just honest workmanship. Designed by men who've been there, Vasque is the boot profes- sionals look for and wear. Because, out there, you need an honest boot. Come try on a pair of Vasque boots - at these quality mountaineering and backpacking outfitters. She wants me, she wants my Vasque boots ... She wants me, she wants my Vasque boots ... Draft dodger finds new lie in Canada, wouldn't come back (Continued from Page S) hair, and it smells of talcum powder and Vitalis, and the men thumb through the magazines and gossip: Len knows the conversation must get stiff when his father walks in and Leo asks, "how's your son?" and everybody knows which son, and Len knows how painful it must be for his father to answer: "Oh, he's . ." pause . "doin' well, you know . . ." pause ... "in Canada." BUT, MAYBE he could explain to Virgil, and that would be awfully important. Virgil has refused to telephone, write, acknowledge his younger brother's existence for four and a half years. It was winter, January, 1969, when Len Grannemann, his young wife and baby daughter left Missouri. The departure, without notice, climaxed a deep personal change in his life. He remembers growing up in the Ozark foothills and going with his grandfather to Chappler's Store in Cooper Hill, where the old-timers sat on two-by-twelves across some nail kegs, and he sat on a concrete step and drank the red soda pop his grandfather always bought him and listened to the oldtimers spin yarns. HE REMEMBERS how the people came from miles around when his great-grandfather died, and how they crowded along a line of tables with white tablecloths, and how he stood at one end and saw the beef and chicken and salad and homemade bread they brought, and the whiskey and beer, and how everybody got a drink and got to talking and sitting on the front porch and rocking .. . He remembers his grandmother, who cleaned the squirrels his grandfather shot, and who talked to him about whatever was on her mind while she made squirrel gravy; and his father, a survey crew leader for the Army corps of Engineers and a proud man, proud that his young son with clear blue eyes and wavy red hair was growing up to be a fine young American; and his mother, who took care of him and Virgil and his other brother, Wayne. He remembers standing every morning in school for the pledge of allegiance and learning that America was the greatest country in the world. And he remembers the day Virgil came home from Korea. "HE CAME TO school and we came running together down the school yard ,. . We became really, really close. We played ping pong and hunted and fished and drank beer . . . And we took this float trip down the Gasconade . . . the fast moving water and the fishing . . . We were gone for two weeks down this treacherous piece of water ... shooting the rapids ... "He was the person I was closest to." At Southwest Missouri State College in Springfield, Len Granne- mann joined Sigma Tau Gamma. A front-page picture in the news- paper showed him standing on the front porch of the fraternity house with a proud banner overhead: "We Back the Boys in Vietnam!" He polished his brass, spit-shined his shoes and planned to enroll in advanced ROTC. He figured on graduating in 1968 with a commission as a second lieutenant. Then . "I STARTED taking courses from professors who said, 'That's one point of view. There's another. Take a look at this side . . . and that side ...' " He began reading: Thoreau and Gandhi and an article in the Atlantic Monthly by Gen. David Shoup, retired Marine Corps commandant, who impressed upon him that the Vietnam war had no clearly defined objectives, that the United States was mistaken about what it thought it could do in Vietnam and that Americans were pursuing a kind of military roulette-"We tried 10,000 troops . . . and it didn't work . . . so we put our chips on 150,000 troops . . . and we spun the wheel again .. . At the same time, Len Grannemann experienced an internal up- heaval he likened to an "emotional catharsis." Be discovered that his heritage included a lot of hate. "I hated Jews. I hated Niggers. I hated Niggers. I hated Communists. I hated, hated, hated, hated, hated," Why? he asked himself. "Why should I hate blacks? Why should I hate Jews?" "WHY SHOULD I hate whatever? All of a sudden I couldn't do that anymore. Politically, emotionally, morally, this was a time of great upset in my life." He quit the fraternity. "I couldn't agree with their values about the war." Be refused to continue ROTC. "My friends changed, the people I was hanging around with changed." He became what he calls a midwest revolutionary. "That's not a New York revolutionary, not even a Washington, D. C., revolutionary. If I went to New York and told them that all I did was lead a Martin Luther King demonstration after he was shot . . and marched in a circle when Robert Kennedy was assassinated . . and carried a placard and made a few antiwar speeches on campus . . BUT AT Southwest Missouri State, that was revolutionary. And Len Grannemann was doctrinaire, quite dogmatic about it. "I couldn't be objective about some of the tactics in the move- ment. I thought, 'Well, the end justifies the means.' At that point, I, Was still struggling with the passions of adolescence. And you know an adolescent with a cause is a dangerous guy." He had little missionary effect, however, upon a first cousin, an' honor graduate from West Point who left for Vietnam with a sawed-off ahotgun "to kill the gooks;" and very little effect upon his father, whom he remembers saying, "Yeah, I know there's a lot of truth in a t of that, but I don't know what to believe anymore-you've just got to keep your nose clean, look straight ahead and keep going." THE EFFECT upon his farriage was disastrous. "I was married in 1966, right during the time of my upheaval . . and I changed so much I became two different people . . . My wife and I kept on for another couple of years or so, but eventually we didn't make it." They were divorced not long after they arrived in See WINDSOR. Page 10 TH EY GET YOU' .Riupp Campfittersr Raupp Camptitters 521 5. Ashley 2208 E. Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich. Lansing, Mich. Raupp Campfitters The Sportsman 28859 Orchard Lake 184 Pierce St. Farmington, Mich. Birmingham, Mich.