Dage Two THE SUMMER DAILY . - .Tw ..THE.SUMMER.DAILY t. v. tonight Ce tsipetF ddie' Father 70.tagec ahWst 24 ABC News-Smith Reasoner 6Chnese Way 6:30 2 It SBC News-Walter Creehite 4 13 NBC Newcs-.Jehn Chanrelor 7 ABC Netws-Smith /ieasener 9 l ream f jeaenle 70 Git an's Islad 70 Hew Be Veer Children trots? 7:Oo2?Trelhor Csequenres 4 N*.* 11 To Tell The Teefth 13 What's My Line? 20 Nanetsan d the Peetessere 24enn tee ettrs 5 French 'heft 7:30 Wha' C. y Line?. 4 Tee Asked Fee It 9 ahy Weeld et Iteathan Wintees 13 Teeth er Censeqeences 20 Ritterean 70 ltegan' serO's S6 TefleAnnured 0:5(1 2 It Peceets Carleen "Hr's Veer Beg, Charlie "Kilt a Dragon" 01907) 7 24 Tenmperatert's Rising 9~ Ill Grahant Special 56 Amer- an Odys.ry 70 Iragtne 0202 >11 Hawili Fv-0 724 Mevie "TitI Cerlain suer" , NoZ1r ei~erin Preet. 211Ihee i anAnseeltciglon 56 Internatienat Perteretance Otras'insky's "Firebird" 9:10 2 11 Pitrrt Films Three remedy pitets 9 Frent Pate Challenge 20 Sesen Ilundred Club 10:11 4 13 First Tuesday 7 24 Marems Welby, M.. 9 AscenteIfMan The beginnings of agrcuturre :10 Dasid Snsskind 50Detrit arkhJIrnal 11:30 50 Prejert 360 11:00724 711 1324 News 9 CnC News-Lleyd Rebesn .rO One Step Beynnd 11:30 211 Mevie "The Twe Fares et Dr. Jehyll" 4 13enny Cersen 20Ne irectiens "Valley et tre Giants" (1939) "Flying Leathernerks" (1951) Jehn Wayne and Rebert Ryan 1:00 4 7 13 News 1:17 2 Merle "'be Italian Brigands" (Italian; 1901) 11 News 2:47 7 News HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - The Motion Picture Association, 00 the basis of a 1974 poll, estimates thet the largest film audience in RICK DU BROW: Television in re6view HOLLYWOOD - It's only Jane, hot the television networks aye worrying about whether' their usual grandoise plans to start the new fall season with a hang are going to be possible. The reason: The effect of the writers' strike. Some future pro-. graming has been up in the air. And getting a new video season off to a carefully planned start, fitil of strategic razzmataze pro- motion which requires certainty in the program schedoling, is im.- portant to the networks in stir- ring viewer interest for the sea- s00 ahead. AT THE MOMENT, NBC-TV is planning to postpone the start of its 1973-74 season, which was scheduled to begin Sept. 10. And although television blueprints can change as rapidly as Chicago weather, the network is saying it figures, as of now, that its aut- umn kickoff will be delayed sev- eral weeks or so. There has been talk in the vid- eo trade of the possibility of start- iing the new season with some series that would be ready for airing, and then following later with others that are behind schedule. For example, some TrlE SUMMR DAILY somerc s-i oot The Michigao DOuy ViI. LxxxII, No. 19-5 Tresday, June 5, 1973 is edited sad wasaged 5y students at ithai iivseo Mi hide.k Ne.' plisci 764-7572. 5 cossO tls post,"e p id a. Se e tilg er 4100. Piobti 5 during the University year as 470 May- card street, Artn Arher, Michigan 48104. Subscription estee: $10 hy carrier (com- pee erro); $11 local mail (Michigan and Ohio); $13 tren-locet eiait (other states rnd treign). 01 mmr sicn publisd Tui sdey throgh saturday mereteg. suhecrip- tion eases: $5.50 hy carrier (ceempus area); $6.50 local maeit (Michigarn and Otie); $7.00 nor-ate 1mant tter itates tar rig). DRIFOthStTER shows are produced by independ- ent firms that agreed to terms with the writers, to addition, there are series with stockpiled scripts, which mirans they c a n work ahead - until the scripts runo out. OeatNBC-TV, there is a unique situation involving the network's highly poptilar Monday night pro football games, which are scheduled to begin Sept. tO. The word thus far is that this lineup of games is not going to be changed - which means that no matter how ABC-TV decides to handle the start of the re- mainder of its series, this one will proceed as planned. Result: ABC-TV may be happy on the one hand that it has no produc- tion problems with a series like this, which takes up a sizeable chunk of its prime time each week. But on the other hand, if the network has to start some of its other series later on a stag- gered basis, the initial, overall, new-season lineotp impact will be diminished by having a hot entry like the football games beginning somewhat independently, even with some other shosws ready for airing. .. And then there is the situation nisted by the show basitess news- paper "Daily Variety," which re- ported an executive as saying many sponsors want to sell their products early in the fall. As for more immediate upCOnt- ing programming, ABC-TV and NBC-TV will put on a number of new vacation-time series, and there are always various NOW SHOWING! summer specials, and sometimes unexpected live video happenings like the Senate Watergate hear- ings whose television tenttre is in- definite. But, unlike ABC-TV and NBC-TV, at this point, it does not expect to have new summer series because of the writers,' strike.- IT SEEMS CURIOUS that CBS- TV maintains it is not able, at least thus far, to come up with new summer series at the same time that NBC-TV and ABC-TV are announctng err dates for their various weekly vacation- time entries. One is tempted to contemplate how CBS-TV's f in- ancial coffers might benefit from this lack of summer series pro- duction outlay. In the past, one might also con- sider, CBS-TV imported s u c h notable summer mini-series as "The Six Wives of Henry VIII", and "The Life of Leonardo da Vinci.' At any rate, the net- work dons have at least several excellent summner ideas involving series', It plans to nmsve the weekly public affairs program "60 mmn- ites" from early Sunday even- ings to prime time Fridays for 31 broadcasts startintg Jur ?Z9. HI IYWOOl) (UPI) - The first actor to win an Acadenmy Award "Oscar," Emil Jannings, also swas the first to be absent on the presentation night. MICH IGAN R UGBY CONCEofRYT!M & hi AT near Huron High HAMM'S BEER Tuesday, June 5, 1973 Atlantic Ocean! This 55 year old Railroad Station has gone Seafood Rstaurat right to Anus Arbor Dinner Nightly Including sundas Lunch Weekda 401 DepOtat. - 769-0592 New World Pim Ceep Presents ACQIJTTERINQj SURER COLOSSAL hiEART WARMINQj TOE-TAppiNQ MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA 4 IN IKEN RUssdts Psoductioo oF BOY INRND a MGM A NN A RBOR PR EM IER E wel Kn Russel of The Music Lovers and The Devils lowe ) turns this shsw-within-a-show, parodvins all the t'icsand-- plot tontrisances of earls Holly- wood musicals, into a super- colossal cextrasangacza, bath- sround for Twiotny and a mas- nificent celebrotion of Bushy Berkcley. 7:30 & 9:30 P.M. Modern Languages Bldg. If. Washington at Thaycrl Iche"s on sae.6 p.m.) the nation ns amoog the 16-20 age CAMPUS s * bracket. HAR 0<;;;;;;><:::::>0<:::- 0:==0<= >0 Univ.s SDial ArtIl~osed -., u r~ emodelIn COMING SOON i vP c Cominq S Ar*12&l f ";Lo TPri 6-yo--yo --y r->o ->o<-- o r WANTED FEMALE GRADUATE STUDENTS for 5 res dent fellow positions at the PILOT PROGRAM -Alice Lloyd Dormitory for the '73-'74 schoo year. These are challenging jobs as teachers! counselors in an experimental dorm program. Call 764-1521 or apply in person. NOW THROUGH JUNE 15 SORRY-ALL MALE POSITIONS ARE FILLED. The University is a non- discriminatory, affirmative action employer. EVALUABLE COUPON WORTH $1.44 I adaEjumbo Drik -$144. . I Jumbo Drink FREE! I SUDMARINES *State & William . 1327 S. University OFFER GOOD FOR PICKUP OR I DINE-IN ONLY. I Offer Good June 5 thru June 7, 1973