Soturday, June 2, 1 Page Ten THE SUMMER DAILY 84-year-old swashbuckler remembers a bizzare life By ELLIOT BROWN NEW YORK (UPI) - T h e slave girl draped heavy veils over Carl Von Hoffman's khaki shirt and placed soecial shoes on his feet to mark hint as the wife of a Moroccan nobleman. With only one eye showin titrougth the lIyers of cloth, Von HIoffian wllked thrott th chub- icle-lined corridors in the pnlace of the a h f tf Fe4. Tl year was 1920, od Cr i Vtt Iltff- nis becatme tie first whit matn to enter a tioroccan iharem. AS TIlE j'tgte tnigtht fel, Cart Vton loffinan sot iI the gra httt of a Shltttke chief in North- ern Rhode.sia, doing magic tricks for the n ties. They caled hirn Solet t) - Slomont and Moses - herase te at-ays brought a bagful of sleight-of-hand tricks. This time, in 1924, he was making a white handkerchief turn colors - and inftriating the witch doctor. "I will stop him," the witch doctor cried. And with l o u d chants and rapid dancesteps, he circled the tut in which the young explorer sat. "NOW lIE can't do it any- more." thr' witch doctor stid. The natives at Iched silently. Von Hoffman, with a nervos smile, tOrned the magic white handker- chief red a'gan. It was King Chiwale himself who knocked the witch doctor to the dirt floor -- just as he was about to fling his spear through Von Hoffman. In the mountains of Formosa, which even few missionaries had penetrated in 19,30, Cart Voa Hoffman stood besides the head- ed and befeathered native - whose tribe still hunted heads. THE TWO had become friends, and now was the time to become blood brothers. Von Hoffman picked up a knife and slit a vein in his wrist. The blood dripped into a carved wooden cup on the end of a stick. The headhunter did the same, driping his blood into another cup on the other end of the stick. THEN THE CUPS were filled with native beer, and each man drank the other's blood. They were blood brothers for life. Carl Von Hoffman is 94 now, and his exptloring days aro past. He lives with his wife in a fashionable apartment on Man- hattan's East Side. The watls bristle with spears and fetishes, clubs and poison arrows - all relics of his adventures. The dark hair of his youth has turned white. The eyes which squinted through the mist of jun- gle gt des now peer through thick eyeglasses. The legs which csrried him on a 2,500-mile walk from Cairo to ( apetown move strw'y non. BUT VON HOFFMAN remert- hers. He remembers 12 months of riding with the faned Mexican rev(tlutionarv Panc'ho Villa. He remembers hunting kangaroo with Austratian bushmen. He retnembers safariing to South America with Teddy Roosevelt. Von Hoffman ran away from the St. Petersburg Military Acad- emy in Russia when he was 14 years otd, to fight in the Rus& t- Japanese War. He was wounded, promoted, decorated and rest- less when the war ended. IN 1908, he came to America. "I couldn't speak much Eng- lish," Von Hoffman recalled. "So, I became a newspaper photographer." Ilis skill as a still photograph- er and movie cameraman launch- ed hitm into exploring when, in 1912, famed movie maker D. W. Griffith sent him to Mexaro to film Villa on location. "Villa was a strong, laiet man," Von Hoffman said. "He treated his men pretty good - but plain. There wasn't any camarderie. He was just one of them. VON HOFFMAN has a pictare of himself and Villa standing near one another. Between the two rough-looking characters is ano- ther rough-looking character. There's another picture of him- self in his collection. The ex plorer, dressed in smart, warts clothes, stands on a Moroccan street while behind him passes a blur of Moorish life. In clear focus beside him, ho- ever, is a woman, so draped in robes that only her right arm and a slit for her eyes s h o w through. "THAT'S HOW they dressed me," Von Hoffman said in his quiet, Russian-accented voic "And it worked, too." The governor of Fez, Moroc o -- know as the Pasha of Fez - befriended the young Von Hoffman when he came to his city. Von Hoffman has a picture of the Pasha, too, and it siows a regal-looking Arab, dressed to robes, a sslemn expression e- hind his ftll, white beard, re- clining on his right side, s itr- rotnded b his court retainers. "He invited me to a feast," Von Hofftnan explained, "atd while I was there, I told him sty mother was fros the Russiats state of Georgia. I didn't k ewv that he would tell his 36 wires. "THE MOOR is knowti for his interest in beautiful wives," Von Hoffman continued, 'and lots of Russian women are brought across the mountains and solt into harems. "Peasant women are soid by their parents," he said. "They don't become slaves, they be- came wives." The next day, as Von Huff.- man sat in a tea house with toe British consul, an urchin ap- proached and handed him a no:e in badly misspelled Georgian: "If you will follow this person, he will bring you to me." "Who or where was 'me'" Von Hoffman noted, "I didn't know. But I did know a lot of French officers who disappeared, with their bodies found later i' the desert. I went anyhow." HE FOLLOWED the boy to a building, and there Von Hoffman was robed in a "caftan" - the heavy robe - and the special shoes and thick veil; The boy led him into the harem through the slate quarters. There, Von Hoffman discovered he'd been summoned by a lonely wife, who just 'wanted to see somebody from her ewn people. "SHE WAS A presty girl wit. dark hatr Von Ilofman re- 761-9700 NOW SHOWING! 7:00 and 9:30 YouituI ambassaCor speaks Nicholas Gonzalez-Revilla, 27, Panama's ambassador to the Unite States talks to a class in modern day political issues at Michiga State University Thursday. le said there was a possibility violence between the U.S. and Panama if Panama is not give control of the Canal Zone. membered, 'dre-;ne. it, a lon, silk Arabic dress covered wit-i flowers and embroide,'} . "She wasn't happy nor un- happy," he sai-1. "She was just homesick. We taskvd for a couple of hours." Von Hoffman rae:nbers leav- ting the harem witn no problem-. But one thing he can t remetmbe: is the woman's nao "THE NAME doesn't matter," said the white-hai:ed ola adveo- turer with a thin smile. "The ideaa," lie said, "wa to see the things which were !t)- bidden." 231',south" state OPEN 12:45 SHOWS ot 1, 3, 4:45 6:50 & 9 P.M. 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