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June 02, 1973 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1973-06-02

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urday, June 2, 1973


Page Nine

.,r.,.,June2." 973_HE'_MER{,IY..gein

Lie detectors used
o screen applicants

(ontiued from8.e01)
t one point late in the inter-
., he was asked if he had
r lied to get a friend in
able. Tired and confused, he
"he might have, at one time
hen he was a child. The in-
ogator pressed, demanding
es, places and circumstances.
ob left the motel room, ex-
sted and upset wondering why
h a grilling was necessary and
rful of how the highly per-
al information obtained in the
rview would be used.
ILL YINGER, the district
nager of Stop 'n Go Foods,
s the tests were initiated
wt a year and a half ago be-
se there was considerable em-
e theft.
People come to us with the
pose of stealing,' he says,
ing that since the testing bec
the amount of theft has
You can't be naive about
" Arnold McCardell of the
sing agency says. "Most
ie who have worked have
n something."
inger claims the tests are
used to determos ;in ap-
ant's basic honesty. "We
use it to tell if they are
ng the truth on the applica-
. The test does not deter-
e who we hire,' he says.
e continues, "We ask no per-
t questions. We ask if they re
owever, -another spokesnnn
the company admits the
graph test is both in depth
quite personal. "We probe
areas, including drug use,
lifting, criminal record and
ral dependability," he told
nger said the testing was
tly confidential. "As far as
ow the records are destroyed
after the test is taken."
t McCardell stated that he
s all test records on file in
office. "State law requires I
a file for two years," he
such law exists.
1 polygraph operators must
icensed by the state, but as
no official requirements have
set forth, especially con-
ing retention and destruction
ecords. A five man State
d of Forensic Polygraph
miners has been appointed
he governor to oversee the
asing. The board has not yet
approved by the state sen-
op 'n Go receives an oral
rt from McCardell the day
tests are given. This is fol-
d by a written report about
$2.00 8:30
United Artist's
longtime friend and
teacher of

Loudon Wainwright

a week later. "The only person
I give the information to is the
requester (in this case Stop 'n
Go)" McCardell said.
HE WILL NOT, he added,
even give out previous test in-
formation on an individual who
has already been tested once.
That person must be tested
again. "I would lose my license
if I gave out that information,"
he said.
For less than 100 tests a year,
McCardell charges $35 per test.
This includes a detailed. written
report. For a shorter report he
charges $30, and for only an
oral report the price drops to
$28. In' all cases the actual test
and questions remain the same.
Yinger believes pre-employ-
ment polygraph tests are "be-
coming more and more popular
everywhere. It eliminates per-
sons of questionable character
thereby increasing store profits,"
he added.
stores, however, found few
others using polygraph tests. All
Pants Galore stores give the
tests as a matter of company
policy. Village Green stores in
Detroit also use lie detector
Arby's Roast Beef in Ann Arbor
informs their employes that they
can be asked to take a lie de-
tector test after being hired.
"It's on the application is case
anything ever came up we would
be legally able to use it," the
manager says, "but we've never
given one yet."
The Ponderosa Steak House in
Ann Arbor states on its applica-
tions that employes can be sub-
ject to lie detector tests. But
the manager holds that a test has
never been given to hourly em-
ployes. Because of legal reasons,
"It's being taken off of our new
applications," he said.
JOHN HODGE, personnel di-
rector of Meijers Thrifty Acres,
finds the whole practice ques-
tionable. "To use a 'ie detector
test would indicate a lack of
trust. To hire someone is a dis-
play of trust. That's a contradic-
While it is perfectly legal to
have prospective employes sit
through a test, the situation be-
comes more complex for present
employes. "Once you get a job
you can refuse to take a test,"
said Gerald Bennetts, director
of Bennets' Lie Detector Service
and School in Detroit. "They
have to have your consent, and
they can't fire you if you refuse."
He reported that a law govern-
ing the use of polygraph tests
was passed earlier this year.
HE COMMENTED that when
tested, the results alone can't
get you fired, even if the test
shows an employe is lying about
stealing. "As long as you don't
confess, they can't fire you."

*w w ubic oo ,.

Mellen si
(Continued from Page 3) to warn
In that capacity, sources say, was a "
Mellen was in direct and con- 0 Sev
tinuous contact with Larry Grat- spoke v.
wohl, a confessed FBI informer perience
who was then a key figure in the funded1
Detroit Weatherman collective. mid-1960
Grathwohl, whose undercover hiding s
activities w e r e described at mer SD
length in a May 20 New York not say
Times s t o r y, encouraged and ganizati
trained Detroit "Weatherpeople" salary.
in the use of explosives and used 0 One
the alias of "Sam Karp," sources SDS act
say. encounte
The sources suggest that Grath- 19bilia
wohl/Karp was receiving direct ly social
orders from Mellen. repeated
GRATHWOHL IS currently tes- man. M
tifying to a San Francisco federal
grand jury probe of Weatherman
activities. He has refused to talk
to reporters.
Accounts of Mellen's actions
have also bared the following a d
. Mellen told fellow SDSe:s
that he attended San Francisco
State College but was vague con- than an
cerning his experience there. An official.
employe in the college's records conduct
department told The Daily thatcndsct
Mellen did earn a B.A. degree council
there in 1960, but grew appre- council
hensive after noting that Mellen partmen
had "a delinquency" with the BOTH
college and refused to give fur- BOTH
ther explanation. week.
* Mellen sought emolooment Repor
with a radical group in Chicago found a
in 1970 after other Weatherman fondal
figures had gone underground. ceptable
Several West C o a s t activists to Murr
traveled all the way to Chicago topho
-- - ---- - - -- Rights I
Visitor loses the me
his selec
father, shoes to confi
(Continued from Page 3)
tion c o m p a n y or something." MARO
Late last week, penniless and awareo
barefoot, Heather arrived in Ann having t
Arbor. Her uncle, whom she has other in
not seen since she was a little Masters
girl, no longer lives here. He is from Y
listed in last year's phone book undergr
as J. A. Broduer, of 1330 Mc-
Intyre. Her friend Helen has also
moved and her home on Ashley
is boarded up.
With no money, no shoes and
no friends, Heather began worry-
ing. She finally went up to a stu-
dent and asked for help. He en-
trusted her to Gail Knudson, a
waitress at Bimbos.
GAIL HAS turned detective t'n
try and locate Heather's father,
bitt Jonathan Collins, San Fran- 1C
cisco has proved to be less than Ho Chi1
sffiaient information. into Cat
All the ohone numbers the wo southern
have tried have failed. The nam.
Birean of Immigration said they
have too much paperwork to be THE
ab- to trace a visa. said the
Heather can't remember what noi isI
oean liner she took from Lon- offensiv
don to New York or what airline Tho tall
she flew from New York to San
Francisco. "Ther
"I AM MORE into neople then the Kis
the names of shins," savs Heath- work or
er. "That seems so boring." win pol
H,1ther sacs it is too early for two,
her father to begin worrying. said.
H° was nlanning to live in San Kissin
F r a o c i s c o for another five week t
months. "Besides, I travel a lot underst
and so does he.
"I once got lost in Gernany na
for three weeks. A German fam- DA
ilv took me in until the woman
I was staying with snotted my
ftither on the street. She dragge d
him into the house by the arm

saying. 'You have a daughter DAY CALF
here, yo" have a da'ighter hare.' Ciiier'
It was really quite funny. Open usee
"I'M NOT WORRIED," she 2 pm.
said. "We always manage ti get lonneur,
back together and I call Gail nary er. a pm.
mother now." CAREERF
So Heather is living on Hill I NTERV
Lice Edue.
St. in a pair of borrowed sandals fire on Mc
with her adoptive "mother" in- dieates fo
til she learns what street her anese bus
father lives on. Japan. Qi
"Really," Heather Collins sA l erEnf
"I'm just not very observant." ng Eng.o

the group that Mellea
eral sources asy Mellen
aguely of "t}:aching, ex-
s" with a governmen:-
group in Africa in the
's. "He appeared to be
omething bad," one tsr
Ser recalls; Mel'en would
which "government or-
on" was paying his
former non-Weasherman
ivist was "shocked" to
r Mellen at a November
iference of the Student
tion Committee, a mild-
ist anti-war gron which
ly berated SDS-Weather-
ellen. the activist recalls,

uspected spy

gave no explanaation of his p.ub-
lie presence months after other
Weatherman leaders na l vanush-
ed to escape the FBI.
Reporters from The Daly aad
The Fifth Estate, a Detroit bi-
weekly, have so far been inable
to locate Mellen.
A NUMBER OF soirces say
the tall, slim 37-year-old i3 now
in his native state of California.
One account placed him in an as-
yet unidentified radical group in
the San Francisco B ay area
some three months ago.
Another source says Mellen
now lives and teaches -ear Los
Angeles, where he was born.

indidates for city
Iministrator named

aontinued from PageS)
y other local government
The administrator must
the day-to-day city busi-
d act as a liaison between
and the various city de-
HAVE been invited for
interviews early next
tedly the Republicans
l seven candidates ac-
The Democrats pointed
ay and Maroney as the
ices. While the Human
Party council members
ed, they found none of
n outstanding.
y refused to comment on
ction. He said he wished
er with council before
a statement.
NEY SAID te was un-
of his status other than
been asked to attend an-
terview. He received a
degree in urban studies
'ale University and an
aduate degree from the

University of New Haven.
The candidate nominated cs
administrator must te approved
by council. Mayor games Ste-
phenson reportedly is looking for
a person who will have biparti
san or tripartisan support from
Stephenson said yesterday the
list under consideration has been
narrowed to two people, bitt re-
fused to name them. While other
candidates for the post may be
considered, reliable city hall
sources indicate "almost cer-
tainly either Murray or Maroney
will be the next administrator."
THE SEARCH for a new ad-
ministrator began months ago
when then City Administrator
Guy Larcon announced his retire-
ment. Larcom, the city's first
administrator, held the job for
18 years.
George Owers will serve as
acting administrator until July 1.
By that time council is expected
to make a final decision concern-
ing the new administrator.

U.S. bombing in
ambodia resumes
despite Senate ban

ontinued from Page 1)
Minh trail through Laos,
tmbodia, then into the
sector of South Viet-
ir assessment is that Ha-
preparing to launch an
e if the Kissinger and
ks fail.
e is no do'ibt of a forth-
communist offensive if
singer - Tho talks don't
if the communists don't
itically in a month or
one intelligence expert
ger indicated eirlier this
't he had reached "new
andings" with Tho in

their rrmnd of talks DIst month.
He said he exnected that the un-
derstandings will be concluded
satisfactorily during the forth-
coming meeting with Tho.
"A GREAT deal denends then
on whether the new understand-
ings will ha imnlemented," Kis-
sing-r said.
Infrirmnts in Saigon pointed
it-- that the items being discts-
sed by Kissinger and Tho are
the 5- te - oa- ians of the
origin-I ne-cra ee-rment, sign-
ed Jn. 'a- wi-h h-e never
been innlamented. There isno
g-4r-tee that thev -er will be
seriosl! nit into ff nt, -onsid-
ering the mistrist h-to 'en the
two onnosing narties in Sooth

Saturday, June 2l 'n 764-7460 to sien up for interview
ENDAR or stop in Career Planning & Place-
Monday, June 4 ment Office.
Communications Committee: TEACHER CORPS PEACE CORPS
tine. 3524 5AB, noo. TECE CRP PE E OP
Meeting: 4025 Adnmn. B PROG.: A rep will be in this office
June 7 to interview candidates. Open
Recital: Hudson Ladd, caril- for grads. who majoredi i Eng. iB.A. in
Baird Carillon, Burton Tow- Eng. or Secondary Teacher w/major
in Eng.) Three yr. program leading to
PLANNING & PLACEMENT M's degree ii yr. at Lackawanna Pub.
tIEWS ON CAMPUS: Time- Schools, & 2 yrs. w Peace Corps, par-
Systems, will be in this of- ticipating in Afghanistan. Interns re-
on., June 4 to interview can- ceive $90,wk & free tuition.
r Instructors of Eng. for Jap- ACTION / PEACE CORPS VISTA will
. men in Tokyo, & Osaka, be in Rm. 3529 of S.A.B. June 12. 13 &
ualifications are. 1) Teach- 14 to discuss opportunities with inter-
ig. major, or 3) esp. in teach ested students. Appts. not necessary
as a Peace Carps volunteer. but do stop by to visit with reps.

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