Saturday, Jtune 2, 1973
Page Threl
Antioch reopens: Police acts
met with non-violent protest
buildings at Antioch College. Students circle
broke through barricades to enter buildings.
no a dump truck used to carry away
the truck, preventing it from moving.
Probe poin ts t(
IUD investigation
WASHINGTON-The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) disclosed yesterday
that it has begu nan extensive investiga-
tion of firms manufacturing intrauterine
devices (IUDs) in the wake of various
reports of medical complications. But By DAN BIDDLE answered some questions and raised<
FDA officials, in their second day of testi- Copyright 19t3 The Michigan Daiy about the curious career of one-tim
mony before a House subcommittee, said A continuing investigation by The Daily Arborite James Gerald Mellen.
the agency needs new legislative authority has revealed further evidence that a for-
to regulate the mushrooming medical de- mer local radical leader and co-founder MELLEN, AS reported in yeste.
vices industry effectively. of Weatherman may have in fact been a Daily, has been linked by several so
speiat i To Th" e ity
YEtL W StPRINGS, Ohio-In accord-
ance with a court injunction, police yes-
terlay reopened buildings on the Antioch
College campus, bringing to a close the
six-week lo:kout strike conducted by fi-
nancial aid and minority students.
Met by the firm. but generally non-
violent protest of over 2150 strike sup-
porters, police left within four hours
making no arrests.
IlNORITY AND fi strial aid students
had been striking for a College guarantee
that the twould receive financial aid
thromtghout their undergraduate careers.
The administration claimed they could
only assure the students of two more
years of aid.
With Greene County Sheriff Russell
Bradley leading the way, 30 armed and
helmeted officers approached a rally of
strikers in front of Antioch Administrative
Main Building at 2 p.nt.
Beginning in the morning, strikers form-
ed a moving picket line in front of the
administration building.
POLICE MARCHED through the line
without incident and proceeded to the side
of tie building where they broke in
through a first floor window.
From the inside. police then kicked
their way out through the barricade
Observers were immediately ahowed
access to the building where they found
typewriters and phones smashed, files
tosir out and garbage strewn on the floor.
AFTER THE DEBRIS was loaded on a
truck, police pushed their way with clubs
against a mass of students who had form-
ed a human chain around the vehicle.
'There were no injuries.
Forces were then directed to open all
other college buildings and, followed by a
troop of chanting demonstrators, they
proceeded around the campus.
As the truck retreated with a second
load of debris, protestors linking arms,
were again forced back by verbal threats
and the pressure of clubs.
TWO STRIKERS were reportedly knock-
ed on the ground during the skirmishes.
Strike steering committee member
Kevin White said "without reservation"
that Bradley was trying to provoke the
strikers by bringing the truck through the
campus a second time.
White said the boycott of classes would
continue and scheduled a community
meeting of students, faculty and em-
ployes for this evening.
Tough luck
travels with
young girl
Things haven't been g o i n g right for
Heather Collins.
The 19-year-old native of London, Eng-
land left her father it San Francisco over
a month ago to visit some relatives and
a friend she thought lived here.
BUT BETWEEN San Francisco and Ann
Arbor-in a Houston youth hostel to be
exact - everything Heather owned was
stolen.Everything except for the shirt on
her back and the pants she was wearing.
"I really got rippd of," she ays.
"They took $2 , my pass rt and visa,
my clothes-even my shoes."
Gone too was a slip of paper with her
father's address in San Francisco, and she
doesn't remember what street she lived
on for four months. Nor does she know
whatsbusiness her father is involved i in
the states.
"IN LONDON women don't have any-
thing to do with men's work," she es-
plains. "I think he might own a costr c-
See VISITOR, Page 9
e Ann
New label law
WASHINGTON--Consumers will have a
choice of three types of frankfurters and
other cooked sausages uder new labeling
and ingredient requirements adopted yes-
terday by the Agriculture Department.
Under the new regulations, labels must
specify whether frankfurters are all beef
or a combination of meats. Those which
contain by-products such as hearts or
tongues must be labeled as such.
Happenings ...
are varied this weekend, featuring
something for everyone. The Greek Fes-
tival continues today at St. Nicholas'
Church on N. Main, so run on over and
stuff yourself with baklava . . the Com-
munity Women's Clinic will be holding
a mass meeting Sunday at 3 p.m in the
basement of St. Andrews Church for those
interested in women's health care facili-
ties . . . Candidates for the upcoming
school board election will be speaking
Sunday from 4-6 p.m. at Northside School
. . . If you think you can get into some
poetry in the park, don't miss the first
of the summer series of poetry readings
at theWest Park band shelter, Sunday at
1 p.m
A2's weather
It looks like our recent luck with good
weather nnay be running out. Today will
be overcast to partly cloudy with a chance
of light showers as the cold front from
Canada passes through, High today be-
tween 72-77 with lows tonight of 5G-55 due
to cooler temperatures on the other side
.of the front.
federal undercover agent.
Accounts to The Daily and The Fifth
Estate from both official and "under-
ground" sources around the country have
for top city
The identities of the two people under
consideration for city administrator has
aeen a closely guarded secret in local
government, but The Daily yesterday
learned that Sylvester Murray and Ed
Maroney are the candidates.
Mtrray currently is the city manager of
Inkster, Mich. Maroney now works for
the Florida state government as a liaison
afficer between federal and local agen-
cies. Formerly he held the post of city
manager in Lexington, Ky.
THE CITY originally received about 75
applications for the post. The field was
narrowed to seven candidates who- came
to Ann Arbor for interviews.
Last Tuesday, a City Council committee
reviewed the seven and decided Murray
and Maroney were the top candidates.
The administrator probably shapes city
policy and operating procedures more
to a confessed FBI informer and a cluster
of mysterious occurrences surrounding
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
and its violent child, Weatherman.
The sources, who have requested an-
onymity, suggest that Mellen testified be-
fore at least one secret federal grand jury
robef SDS. Ac ent further suggest
that Mellen may have been in contact
with Guy Goodwin, the Justice Department
oicial wa directed prosecution of radi-
cat figures in 1970-71.
Last night a Justice Department spokes-
man reiterated an earlier refusal to either
confirm or deny reports of Mellen's role
as an undercover man.
BUT THE spokesman once again left
room for speculation, telling The Daily:
"I haven't had a chance to check our files
on this guy yet, but as you're aware,
we'll probably be in a 'no-comment' situa-
tion on this one"
The same spokesman told The Daily
Thursday that he "had heard" Mellen's
name and would not rule out possible
communication b e t w e e n Goodwin and
Detroit sources say that in early 1%9
Mellen, then the leader of SDS' statewide
Detroit-based organization, joined with
activists from Chicago, Cleveland and
New York in the formation of the Jesse
James Gang, a network which soon be-
came known as Weatherman.
LATER THE SAME year Mellen be-
came one of a small group of Weather-
man's national operatives.
See MELLEN, Page *