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June 02, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-06-02

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Summer Daily
Vol. LXXXII I, No. 18-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, June 2, 1973 Ten Cents Twelve Pages
B52 attacks continue
des Ite Senate vote
Skepticism mounts over cease-fire
By The AP and UPI .
U. S fighter-bombers and B52s pounded the Phnom
Penh area in a series of intensive raids yesterday, des- p~l ,
pite Thursday's Senate vote to cut off funds for further
bombing in Cambodia and Laos.
The rumbling of exploding b o m b a reverberated
throughout the Cambodian capital early yesterday as the
big B52s struck against reported rebel troop concentrations
just 18 miles from Phnom Penh in their closest raids to
the city in at least three weeks.
THE RAIDS were flown even as news reached the
Cambodian capital of the Senate move to cut funds for 4,
bombing in Cambodia.
News of the Senate's action caused scarcely a com- 'S.
ment in the streets of Phnom Penh or amongysoldiers
in the field questioned by reporters. However, diplomats
close to the top figures in the Cambodian government
said there was "considerable anxiety" in those circles -
Other diplomats expressed mounting skepticism yester- .
day concerning the prospects for a viable cease-fire in *
Vietnam. The reports came less than a week before
Henry Kissinger and Hanoi's Le Duc Tho are to meet -
again in Paris in efforts to strengthen the truce accords.
THE NORTH Vietnamese apparently are stockpiling
weapons including tanks, short-range missiles, and < ' s *--._
heavy machine guns in Tay Ninh Province bordering +«
Cambodia about 60 miles northwest of Saigon.: #'
The Vietnam Press, the official government news'.
agency, quoted Brig. Gen. Le Van T, commander of
the 25th Infantry Division, as saying that Communist in- n4
filtrators seemed to be well prepared for an offensive
designed to put military pressure on the Saigon govern
ment to force President Nguyen Van Thieu to make
Tu said that if talksin Paris between the Viet Cong
and Saigon aimed at shaping the politic-a1 future of South
Vietnam remain deadlocked, the Communist command
will make a mo'e militarily.
SETTLEMENT of the political problem is one of the
key points on the agenda between Kissinger and Thos ?
shen they resume their t.alks next Wednesday.
Reports from ashington said some American diplo-
m-atic and intelligence experts also are skeptical, chiefly
concerned about Saigon military command reports of
the reappearance of North Vietnamese tanks in at least
two areas of South Vietnam. A PATIENT SITS stolidly in the market place in Phnom Penh, Camodia, recently undergoing treatment at the
While communist troop activities were reported in the hands of a market place "doctor." The treatment involves the application of heated suction jars to the back
Phnom Penh area, armored vehicles moved down the of a person suffering just about any minor ailment. The heated cups raise large red welts which are said to
See U.S., Page 9 effect a sure cure.
Lie detectors test epI es

By JUDITH RUSKIN lie detector have caused some local merchants to recon- was told he would take the test on a Wednesday after-
Store managers call them simple checks on honesty sider the idea while others are abandoning it altogether. noon at a local motel.
and dependability. Their employes refer to them as Stop 'n Go Foods, an Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti chain of 24- When he arrived at the motel, he was met by a man
"torture and humiliation." hour grocery stores, requires all those seeking employment who said'he was from a Lansing-based detective agency.
Both are talking about polygraph tests currently being to submit to a polygraph test. The test is administered by The tester, a stocky man in his late fifties, told Bob he
administered to the employes of several area stores whose H' .J. Sparks Investigations, a private detective agency was a former military intelligence agent.
managers say they are only trying to combat inventory located in Lansing.
loss. BOB WAS GRILLED for over an hour on topics ranging
A STUDENT, who asked that his name not be used, from -his work experience ("Have you ever stolen any-
MANAGERS CLAIM the tests are not personal and only told reporters what happened when he applied for a thing from an employer?") to his personal drug habits
probe "basic honesty." Interviews with their employes $2.30 per hour clerking job at Stop 'n Go. ("When did you start doing grass . . downers . .
and polygraph operators, however, reveal the tests to be . Bob (not his real name) was told by the store's man- acid?"). Questions were repeated and rephrased to throw
grueling and highly personal interrogations. . ager that before he could be hired he would have to him off.
Legal and ethical questions arising from the use of the consent to a polygraph test. He reluctantly agreed and See LIE, Page 9

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