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May 10, 1973 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1973-05-10

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Page Four


Thursday, May 10 . , 1971

Page~~~~~~~~ For.H SMERD-L-MCGNDAL Trd r My-, 17


Summer Daily
Edited and managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Thursday, May 10, 1973 News Phone: 764-0552
Watergate needs
outside prosecutor
THOUGH MANY allegations and charges have been
made in the Watergate affair, few have, as yet, been
proven. The announcement by Attorney General desig-
nate Elliot Richardson that he will name a special prose-
eutor to handle the Watergate investigation raises hopes
that the facts will, after many months of cover-up, fin-
ally emerge. Yet doubts remain as to whether the investi-
gation will be totally free of White House influence.
Richardson recognized the importance of a totally
independent prosecutor when he stated Monday that
the investigations must be "so conducted as to command
full public confidence in their integrity and fairness."
Furthermore, White House spokesman Ronald Ziegler
has tried to soothe doubt by insisting that Richardsonj
has a "totally free hand" in the matter.
YET, THE truth of the matter is that the special pro-
secutor, once named by Richardson, will be an em-
ployee of the government's
Justice Department, and as
such will be subject to
Rich'ardsons control and
ultimately to that of the
President. Even Zeigler has
noted this, when he recent-
ly stated that Richardson's
authority comes from the
The demand for a truly
independent pro-
secutor stems from sus-
picions raised that the
President himself may haveu
been involved in the Water-..
gate coverup. Would a pro-
Elliot Richardson secutor hired and 'respon-
sible to the President bet
able to initiate prosecution against him if evidence war-t
ranted such action? We think not. And neither does ther
American public.V
IT IS THUS basically to restore faith in Nixon as Presi-
dent that an independent investigation must occur.-
A Senate resolution recently introducted would providec
for a prosecutor with final authority to summon a spe-i
cial grand jury, to subpoena witnesses, to initiate pro-d
secutions, and to frame indictments as well as to offer
immunity to witnesses with important testimony. This f
prosecutor's actions would not be subject to veto by the
attorney general or the President.a
Unfortunately, even if the Senate passes this resol- t
tion, it would not have binding force. Nixon or Richard-
son could ignore it if they so desired. t
PRESIDENT NIXON, if he truly seeks to redeem him-s
self and his administration, must act quickly and on
his own to insure snch an independent prosecutor and
The Burn Sh vew

sti- -
White House to be declared
a national disaster area.

R ECORD FLOODS in the Missis-
sippi valley have eased some-
what in the fortnight since Presi-
dent Nixon flew over the area and
designated five states as major
disaster areas.
A deluge of a different sort con-
tinues to wreak havoc in the capi-
tal, however. Any day noiw you
may be reading a dispatch some-
what along this line:
WASHINGTON - President Nix-
in declared parts of the White
1loise a disaster area today be-
cause of the heavy flood of damag-
ng disclosures from the Watergate.
The proclamation makes Presi-
lential aides driven from office by
the flood eligible for emergency de-
ense loans and bail bonds.
In addition to the staff members
already forced to flee by the rising
ide of evidence, it appeared that
everal other officials were in over
heir heads.
THERE WAS even doubt in some

quarters that the President him-
yelf was on safe ground.
The Watergate flood was start-
ed a few weeks ago by a minr
grand jury leak. Efforts were made
to contain the flow of implications
by piling up sandbags filled wth
press releases.
But these proved woefully in de -
quate and quickly became inoper-
FLOOD STAGE was rea'aed
when the dam of a newly formeJd
Senate investigating committee
broke sending torrents of lleng
Liins gushing toward the A% hte
House and washing away a svii of
executive privilege.
An extra crew was put on duty o
help pump out denials, but th'y
were unable to keep up with the
overflow of accusations.
After a couple of farmer Nixo'
ampaign officials were swaped,
iters began heading for higher
ground, vowing they wou0ld no-Ibe

left up the creek withot a uti
Rescue workers said the iutpuI
ing of inculpating reports fren
grand jury, FBI, Senate and W:uae
house sources was made worse by
a freshet of rumor, heresay and
"These are the most damaing
revelations to hit the White Ioae
since the foundation was shake igby
disclosure of Sherman Adams' iRe-
prudence during the Eisenhonr
administratiiin," said a Red 'cos~
vl'inteer after an aerial
of the scene.
KIND-HIEARTED residents ai
opeiing their homes o W it
House aides caught in the inuti
tion and nearby churches are sere'-
ing as tempor ry shelters.
Some victims of the flood, mt
of whom are not covered by sc.n-
,l'il insirance, tire expected to 't
refuge in the Fifth Amendment
Dick Wes/ iis a wri/er for Unit d
Press iterna/ional.

Letters to The Daily

THE WATERGATE scandal has been discussed exten-
sively in foreign editorials in the last week. In Great
Britain, mitch of the opinion has been quite critical of
President Nixon.
The London Daily Teleeranh said the scandal has put
the President's competence and integrity into question.
"Mr. Nixon's authority has been shaken to its roots by the
shocking and almost unbelievable Watergate scandal.
"His own behavior as this crisis mounted has been
such as increasingly to undermine faith not only in his
own competence but also, however hesitatingly, in his own
integrity ..."
Speaking in harsher terms, the Financial Times of-
Britain said that Nixon's television address last week
"may serve only to increase the suspicions of those who
have always regarded him as Tricky Dicky."-THE AS-


To The Daily:
1 RECENTLY HAD a run-in
with an Ann Arbor store about
heir discriminatory credit policy,
and have taken legal steps to see
that the policy is changed. After
requesting this s t o r e to
change the name on my charge
account I was informed that it
woild be necessary to fill out a
tew application for credit in my
isband's name, and that "all
future purchases and payments
hould be made in that name."
I would like your readers to
know -that this sexist policy is now
not only illegal, but enforced, and
hat complaints may be filed with
he Michigan Civil Rights Com-
mission. This action implies to
ither cases of sex discrimination
which previously did not fall un-
der the Commission's jurisdiction,
.uch as landlord's who won't rent
o single or divorced women (or
If anyone feels they have been.
discriminated against because of
tis or'her sex they should file a
omplaint within 90 days of the in-
ident. Action can take up to six
months, but the result will gener-

ally be that the discriminatory
policy will be changed not only in
regards to yourself but those who
deal with the company in the fu-
ture. I hope people won't let this
opportunity to demand their rights
to go by.
-Suzanne Main Trentle
April 16
Frat problems
To The Daily:
Some people on this campus won-
der why the system of fraterniti=:s
is dying out. I don't any longer.
Having Hell's Angels'nights, beer
parties, and stag flicks are t'Aes
of getting to know your brothers in
the house. But when I see these
events carried beyond the fraern-
ities and into the communities it
can only hurt theyfraternities' pub-
lic image. To see one's own broth-
ers hauling girls out of sorority
hotises and taking furniture for
their own rooms is totally revolting
and alarming.
To be sure, I am not guiltless,
but to remain silent is worse. I nsa
not saving all activities s h oa I d
cease, but to re-evaluate the stanil-

ards of each snd every nc if li. is
important. We are not .inced 5
"-ite we are "supposedly rien
a-d in a fraternity.
There are many gicld amiis
and many good men in fraterniti a
and it is unfortunate In y se
least that a few drunk brithers
mtar esentislly put an end tii oor
entire system.
-A Concerned F erite:'
April 20
Yost 'Big League'
To The Daily:
I WONDER how at tudenis
at thetUniversity f Muciuan rest.
izn that the late tiiilf 1. (1I irry
Up) Yost excelled in Ither sports
besides football.
In his undergraduate 'as he as
a baseball player at Phi a Nirtheran
The late Dr. 'Thonsma J. 'imull,
who was on the Ohio Nothara tot-
ball team until the time he played
on the "Point-a-Minut-'' team at
Michigan, recalled that Yost had
great ability as a baseball player,
and said he was good .en.ugh so
have made good Big League mater-
-Mark Warren

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Euitoreiaese Editor
ports Editor

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