Page Three Friday, June 1, 1973 THE SUMMED . DAILY Antioch strikers to break off occupation under injunction By SUE SOMMER Special To The Daily v YELLOW SPRINGS, Ohio -Strikers at Antioch College have decided to let police take over college buildings that they have occupied for almost six weeks. The decision came after a meeting with Green County Sheriff Russell Bradley yes- terday morning. Bradley had hinted that mass arrests might be necessary to re- claim the buildings, which were ordered cleared in a court injunction handed down on Wednesday. THE INJUNCTION followed a suit filed by four Antioch students who claimed that " their right to an education was being in- terfered with by the strike. a "As long as the injunction is operative we can't do anything to the people who want to enter the building except appeal to their consciousness," said Kevin White, a member of the strike steering com- mittee. The strikers announced that they would form a maoviiig, non-viiilent picket linse in front of the structures they formertly bar- 6 ricaded. THE MOST IMPORTANT thin, now for Doily Photo by JIM EDDY the strikers is a college oBard of Trus- tees meeting which begins today. At the A GROUP OF STRIKING Antioch College students burn acting Dean Dixon Reagin in effigy during a demonstration out- session, the steering committee repre. side a college building yesterday. The action came before it was announced strikers would end a six week old strike under sentatives will air the strikers' grievances., pressure of a court injunction. See ANTIOCH, Page 13 NEC 935 and 507 are this week's winning state Te lottery numbers. Reside GOTIATIONS BEGIN IN JUNE: Interns vote to bargain By MARILYN RILEY hospital so something will be done about medical care at University-affiliated hos- and wire service reperts them. pitals. University of Michigan Interns and "SOME OF THESE problems have been DR. JOHN GRONVALL, dean of medi- ts Association (IRA) yesterday in committee for years," he added. cine and director of the Medical Center unanimously to begin collective Specifically, the IRA will work toward said the University would "enter in good ning with the University to improve increasing efficiency in record-keeping faith" negotiations with the IRA. and fringe benefits, thus setting and shortening waits for appointments in "We certainly have a joint concern for otion the first professional medical out-patient clinics. the well-being of patients and will work to organization in Michigan. IRA members will also seek member- ensure that collective bargaining does not action also distinguishes University ship on committees of the active medical cause any diminution of services to them," al as the first university-affiliated staff which directly affect the quality of he said. SGC suit dismissed The State Court of Appeals has dis- missed a suit filed by Student Government Council seeking to open "all meetings of the Board of Regents." A three judge panel dismissed the s u i t "for lack of merit in the grounds presented." SGC Legal Advocate Thomas Bentley indicates he may appeal the decision. Iceland discussions REYKJAVIK-After day long talks in the Icelandic capital, Presidents Richard Nixon and George Pompidou were re- portedly unable to settle major political, economic, and defense problems dividing the United States and France. The two did agree to keep channels open for con- tinued discussion to resolve conflicting policies. Happenings ... . . along with the weather are looking up. The Greek Festival begins today at 11 a.m. at St. Nicholas' Church on N. Main ... Molly Reno, program coordina- tor at the Washtenaw County Jail will lead a discussion on "Women in Prison" at the Feminist House, 8 p.m. . . . the Ann Arbor Junior Light Opera will pre- sent "I Do! I Do!" at Pioneer High at 7:30 p.m.... Movies on tab are: "Prime Cat" and "The Chase" at the MLB (7:30, 9:30) and "The List of Adrian Messenger" at Aud. A, Angell Hall (7:30, 9:30). A2S weather An unprecedented second day of sun- shine is on tap. It will be warmer today as a Canadian cold front pushes down toward us from the north, giving us scat- tered clouds. A high pressure area over Virginia will fight for our benefit, how- ever, in keeping the rain away. High today be t we e n 70-75 and low tonite about 52-57. voted bargai wages into m labor The Hospit hospital in the country to have such an organization, according to Dr. Jay Har- ness, spokesman for the IRA. A LANDMARK decision by the Michigan Supreme Court last February 22 recog- nized the right of interns and residents to bargain as a labor organization, stating that they had the two-fold status of em- ployes and students. Since the ruling, the bargaining commit- tee of the IRA had been studying areas of concern to the residents and interns, in an effort to determine whether or not the IRA should officially decide to col- lectively bargain. The committee issued an affirmative recommendation, which the IRA accepted yesterday. According to Harness, a main objective of the association will be to "give a real backing to areas of deficiency in the Judge halts bottle law enforcement By GORDON ATCHESON At the request of several local mer- chants, Circuit Court Judge Edward Deake yesterday issued a temporary restraining order preventing Ann Arbor from en- forcing its non-returnable bottle ordinance. The order will delay enforcement of the law which would have gone into effect today, until at least June 6, when a pre- Nixon refusal to talk ' bpre y hi story' Law school Prof. Paul Kauper, a dis- tinguished authority on the U.S. Constitu- tion, is of the opinion that historical precedent supports President Nixon's re- fusal to testify about the Watergate affair. Kauper, whose son John is an assistant U.S. Attorney General, said that the precedent was set in 1807 when Chief Justice John Marshall subpoenaed Presi- dent Thomas Jefferson to produce docu- ments in connection with treason charges against Aaron Burr. ALTHOUGH PRESIDENT Jefferson later made some of the documents avail- able, he was adamant in refusing to honor the subpoena and in maintaining he was not subject to the subpoena powers of a judicial body, Kauper noted. "The Constitution is silent on the issue of Presidential subpoenas," he said. "But on the basis of historical precedent, and under the constitutional doctrine of sep- eration of powers and by the very nature of the executive office, it appears the President is not amenable to judicial process or to subpoenas issued by Con- gress." Kauper made these points in response to the recent statement by White House press secretary Ronald Ziegler that it would be "constitutionally inappropriate" for the President to be ordered to give sworn testimony, informal statements or written responses to questions in connec- tion with judicial or congressional investi- gations of the Watergate affair. liminary hearing is scheduled on a law- suit filed by the merchants. THE CLASS ACTION suit against the city claims that the ordinance denies local retailers "equal protection under the law" as guaranteed by the state and federal constitutions. During the preliminary hearing, Deake is expected to call for an extensive hear- ing exploring the ordinance's "merits." Deake also has the perrogotive to continue the restraining order beyond the June 6 date. The ordinance, approved by City Council March 19, requires local merchants to collect deposits on all beer and soft drink containers they sell. The merchants must also redeem all such containers. THE ORDINANCE for all practical pur- poses eliminates beverages sold in non- returnable bottles from the city. Those named as plaintiffs in the suit include the Capitol Market, Falsetta Mar- ket, Buster's Food Mart, Big 10 Party Store, Van's Market, and Cal-ert Brothers. They have, however, filed the suit on behalf of all other retailers within the city who sell beer and soft drinks. Deake stated in the restraining order that the ordinance appears to do "serious damage" to the merchants' businesses. ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY Bruce Laidlaw said the implications of the suit See JUDGE, Page'14