Dage Two TF SUMMER DAILY Friday, June 1, 1973 t~v. tonight 6:00 ? 4 7 11 13 New 7Courtshiplof ddiP.'s ;h1r ?0 Land of the (tiants ?74 ABC News,-Sniith,'Reasoner i0 Fltntston es 56 TolBe Xnnollnced 6:30 '?11CB~s Nets-Wail,-t-Cronkite 4 13 NBC New-.john Choonellor 7AB;('N(!ws-Swith ltaoner 9 IDream of Jeannie 741Iflck Van Dyke 50 Gitllgan's Island 5r, Bridge with Jean Cox 7:00 ? Tnth or Consequences 4 New s 7 T wrell the Truth 9 Beverly Hillbillies 01 To Tell the Troth 13 What's My line? 20 Nanny and" he Peofessor 24 Bawling torDollars 50ILoveLacy 56WoldPress 7:30 2 What's My Line 4 Bollywood Squares 7 Wait Till Year Father G~et 11 Yon Ashed For It 13 Tenth or Consequece 20 Good News-Religio 74 Wait TiltYouteFthe1e0s 56 Wall Street Weeh 50 Bogan's Beroes t8:00 2 11 Movie "The Maltese Bippy" (1969) 4 13 Sanford and Son 724BradyBunch 9t Pig and Whist01 20 Bathe's Law 56 Washingston Week in Revsiew 50 Dragnet 0:30 4 13 Little People 7 24 Partridge Fatally 9 David Frost Revuet 501Merv triftin 56 Oft the Recnrd 9:i04 Geoge Pierrot'sDetrait 724BRoom 222 9 Ness-Dan West 13 Circle of Feae 20 Ozzie and Harriet 5,6 Tarning Points 9:30 2 I1 Movie "A Walk with Livt and DeathO" 7 24 Odd Couple 9S pors toScre 70 SesvonIHundred Cluh 56 Acupunctare: Medicine or Magic? 10:005 4 13 Bold tOnes 7 24 Lose, Atmerican Style 9 'ommay hunter 50 Perry Mason 5t The Toy That Grew Up 11:00 27 4 7 11 13 24 News 9 CBC Nesws-Lloyd IRohertsool 50 One Step Beyond 1113072Mavie "Bad tolio" (1947) Bing Croshy and Boh Hope 4 13 Johnn'y.Carsaot Tony Curtis 7 74 Jack Paar Tonite "(woick Before'15 Melts." (1965) 20 fRight (In 50 Masie "HIr. Socrates" (1935) Paul Muni 12:00 9 Masie "'rhe Blig Stret" 01047 Hlenry Fonda, Lacille Ball, Agaes Moorehead l:00 4 13 Midnighlt Special 7 lMovsie RICK DU BROW: 0 at iet 0WTele visio.n in review TetePoeMCIA lI i i f, WOiOD -- Two series, (I ,'-TV's "The Waltons" and N', -TV's "America," are the too 'vote-getters in the annual Critics' Consensus awards for "excentional costributions to tele- Vi'sion." "The Waltons" concerns a large anod affectionate Ameni- can mountain family in the 1930s Denression. "America" was a ptersonal tou~r of United States history by All- stair Cooke, British-born journal- ist-brondcasters who is a long- timne U.S.- citizen. Both earned 14 of a possible 18 votes in the poll of television colulmnists. Entries are declared winners if two thirds of the columnists vote fo them. The enttien in the' Critics' Con- sensus balloting are nominated by the colimnists. There are no categories and few awards, in contrast to the video industry's Emmy ceremonies. IN ADDITION to "The W a 1- toss" and "America," four oth- er Critics' Consensus entries, each of which got 12 votes, were declared wianers in the compe- tition, which covered the period from May 1, 1972 to April 30 o this year, They are: -"L~ong Day's Journey into Night,"' ABC-TV's presentation of Eugene O'Neill's autobiograph- ical play, starring Laurence Oli- vier and Conslance Cummings. -"VD Blules," a program that use an essentially entertamn- maul format to give information shout veneral disease, and was aired by noneommercial televis- ion's Public Broadcastiug Serv- THIE SUMMER DAILY, ouwmseredio- tiossof The MichignaOily Vol. LXXXIII, No, 17-S I'riday, Jane 1, 1973 is editedand maagedbyrstuoenas as the Univesit y at Mtichian. Neasupoe 764-0567. Secoad ceass postagepidat Ann5 Arbor, Michiganu48tu6. Publishea daily Toesrday thsroghs Ssunday mluig during50heUiesityyearat 420May- narl Stceas, Al's Arbor, Michigan 4tu0. Suscription ats: $10by carrier(am- pu ra); $11 losal 1ail (Michsiann Ohio); $131n0n-loal snait aother sate sand toralga). Smmessess iopublishsedlTusda6y thrsogi S aturdaymorncing. Sbscrip- ton anctes: $5.50 by earrier (capus acea,); $0.50 local osail (Miciganu atd Ohio): $7.00 non-loal ad1(sothe statssnd orei).1 'Ba Edge" (1556) 1:30 7 Movie "The Awful Dr. Oroff" (Spanish 1901) 9 wrestling 11 News 2:30 4 1:1 News 3:0102 7 Newss ice netwsork, with Dick Cavett as host. --Lien Minnelli, for her per- formance in bet NBC-TV musi- cal special "Liza with a Z," which was virtually a one-woman show. -Alistair Cooke, for his con- tributions to the "America" ser- ies as writer and narrator. Be was the on-camera host as well, THE SIX WINNERS are the largest number of entries honor- ed by the Critics' Consensus since its start eight years ago. Besides the programming and individuols that got a two-thirds or better vote, oher nominees figured rominently in the ballot- ing. For example, Hal Holbrook had 11 votes for his performance in the ABC-TV teleplay "T h at Certsin Summer". as a 'ivorced man Incedwith explamning he is a homosexual to his visiting young son. Also getting 11 votes in the lat- est pool was ABC-TV's coverage of the Munich Olympic Games last summer. In additlon, t h e this "F1O1KMD $200 8130 FRI.-SAT. United Artist's GEO RGE GERDES sse network's reporting of the violesnce and death that began when Arab guerrillas seized Is- raeli tram members as hostages at the Munich Olympics got eigh~t ballots. And ABC-TV's Jim Mc- Eay, a sportscaster who w as deeply involved in the coverage of both these Olympic stories, won 10 voles. OTHER NOMINEES with 10 ballots were Olivier, for his per- formance in "Long Day's Journ- ey into Night"; writer Earl Ham- ner Jr., for his part in creating "The Waltons" which is drawn in good measure from his boy- hood reminiscences; and "Liza snith a Z." Nine of the critics voted to censulre CBS-TV for no showing its scheduled adaptation of the stage play "Sticks and Bones," an angry and satirical work about a U.S. Vietnam veteran who returns to his family. I AZLNG Special Tiwes: 1 P.M.-3:30 - 6:10-$:45 - LAURENCE MICHAEL OLR/1ER CAINE HURRY--MUST END SOON ! --N EXT-- "Man of La Mancha" 1214S. UNIVERSITY 0 DIAL 668-6416 THE FIRTUENSOED O "RUSSIA" FILM FTESV~ NO a film by THEODORE HOLCOMB written by HARRISON E. SALISBURY longtiwe friend and teacher of Loudon Wainwriht 1411 Hill1$STT 11 aS "'RUSSIA SPEAKS FOR ITSELF, MEMORABLY! Harrison E. Salisbury is an ideal quide, pinpointing the awesome csmplexi- ties of the Soviet Union today!", --Howard Thomapson, New Yurk Two's "An extremely well photographed pinture in color" --Archer Winstea, New York Fast Thurs. &Fi. at7 &9FP.M.; St. &Suntt1,3,5, 7,9F.M. SOON: "LAST TANGO IN PARIS" aw w,. . .;,, a , OPEt12:45 2nd 'Week!r SHIOWN Ai , 34:45, 6:50to9 PM A TWN WITH IT'S PAST ON IT'S CON- S CIEiC- S E E ,KS"PROTECTION" FROM THE VWRONG MAN! They'd never forget k the day he drifted into town. IN ERNEST LEHMAN'S PRODUCTION OPFDVRDA E MOO= =IFSATURDAY *FinE ~ ndSUNDAY Modern Languages Building m $1 .25 Cont. Friends of Newsreel 7:15 & 930 P.M.a~osaTom aoe 'mua GEORGE SEGAL" SANDY DENNIS " s'emepay byERNEST LEHMAN'" firete by MIKE NICHOLS Pr oddothtagerbyaRichard Barr andCintloWslder Masic Ale thi"'PRESENTED BY WARNER BROS. ULINI LASIWUUU VERNIA BLOOM ,lARANA HILL