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May 10, 1973 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1973-05-10

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Sununer Daily
2-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, May 10, 1973 Ten Cents


Twelve Pages


, " V/ r t ~ E 'v

Nixon man responsible
for burglary resigns
President: 'Get to bottom of this'

ily The AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - Another top level ex-
ecutive quit the Nixon administration yes-
terday after accepting full responsibility
for dispatching a team of burglars to rifle
Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatric files.
Meanwhile, President Nixon told Repub-
lican campaign contributors last night he
will get to the bottom of the Watergate
scand-l and not let it keep him from mak-
ing "the next four years better than the
last four years."
plate fund-raising dinner for the 1974 con-
gressional campaign. Planners said the
turnout was lower than expected.
Egil Krogh wrote Nixon, "With public
confidence in our government already
shaken by the Watergate affair, and with
the complete affirmation of your personal
integrity so imperative at this time, I
cannot remain in the administration."
Krogh was undersecretary of trans-
portation, a $42,500 a year job he took
mast January after leaving a White House
post as assistant to John Ehrlichman.
Mis resignation brought the number of
hi-ig echelon 'people leaving or being fired
ir i the administration to at least 10,
K3iOGI HAD SAID earlier he agreed to
thi -urgirs imission hatched by Water-
, .- ciinsjiratars G. Gordon kiddy and
: i-)vrd Iint, whom he hid hired as
Lihers' t itsnvestigate teiks of the
1'' ncc Paipers.
f i_ ' I ist ndItt tis a(''shans broke into
t Dfice of tr. Lewis Fielding and
rs h i Cih' files iIfElsberg, now on trial
S I ie tteii aitPapers.
lri 4 Si rsi sdtan came a' the White
s- nted to recoser triginal doc-
"lsthotsteI presidentisI counset
is Its-in secreted in a bank safe de-
i))si' bos, before lie was fired by Nixon.
"THESE ARE White 1Itotse papers -.
clissified documents taken frota the White
Htise and we want them back," said
press secretary Ronald Ziegler.
See EGIL, Page 9

Egil Krogh

Forged Daily
--See Story,
Page 3

RESIGNED WHITE HOUSE AIDES John .Ehrlichman, right, It. R. Haldeman,
left, and their attorneys arrive at U.S. District Court yesterday where a federal
grand jury is taking testimony relating to the Watergate affair.

Ul residency rule .axed

A key University residency requirement
that prevented almost all non-resident-
students from becoming eligible for lower
in--state tuition rates was struck dowrn
yesterday by Circuit Court. Judge William
The ruling will not take immediate ef-
fect, as Ager is expected to grant a
stay, on the decision while appeals are
THE PROVISION that was struck down
prevented students desiring resident status

from taking more than three credit hours
during a six month period.
Ager r'led that students could not be
denied the right to establish residence for
in-state tuition purposes simply because
they were in attendance at the University.
The net effect of the decision makes it
possible for thousands of persons to re-
apply for residence status, with the ac-
companying lower tuition rates. In addi-
tion, out-of-state students who were en-
rolled on or after March 1, 1972, would
be eligible for rebates on the higher rates
they paid during that time if given resi-

dent status.
IN HIS OPINION, Ager wrote, "A stu-
dent or any other person who becomes of
age has a right to change his residence.
The denial of this right or its lawful
existence, in a situation such as we have
in this rule (the residency requirement)
which prevents a student from becoming a
resident of the State of Michigan, is a
denial of the United States and, perhaps,
Michigan constitutional equal protection
The opinion, whoch was handed down
in the form of a permanent injunction,

came as a result of a lawsuit filed in
March 1972 by local attorney Arthur Car-
penter and six out-of-state students.
Carpenter was jubilant when he heard
of the judge's ruling. "I think it is a
tribute," he said, "to the willingness of
the court to follow judicial decisions and
to do what is proper . . " Carpenter
lauded Ager, saying that the decision was
made despite what the attorney called
"deep pressures on the judge."

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