THE Summer Daily Vol. LXXXIII, No. 15-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, May 30, 1973 Ten Cents Twelve Pages RPP sues govt. By GORDON ATCHESON and DAN BIDDLE Special To The Daily DETROIT-At a Monday morning press- conference here, the Rainbow People's Party (RPP) announced that three party members have filed a $1.2 million law suit against several former high level govern- ment officials, including former Attorney General John Mitchell charging them with illegal wiretapping. Others named as defendants in the law suit are former Attorney General Richard SINCLAIR Kleindienst, former acting FBI director L. over wiretaps Patrick Gray, and Clyde Tolson, the ex- ecutor of J. Edgar Hoover's estate. RPP LEADER John Sinclair called the defendants "the leading criminal figures of the day." The suit originally included Richard Nixon as a co-defendant but the court refused to allow the President to be named in the case. The suit was officially filed on April 2 in a Washington D.C. federal district court on behalf of Sinclair, Lawrence' "Pun" Plamondon, and John Forrest. The FBI arrested that trio for the 1968 bombing of a local CIA office. The government based a large portion of its case on information gained through the use of bugging devices, -authorized by Mitchell "in the interest of national secur- ity." DURING THE TRIAL, the government refused to make public the specific nature of the wiretaps or the information gained through their use. The attorneys for Sin- clair, Plamondon, and Forrest claimed the failure to reveal such detailed information See RAINBOW, Page 10 PLAMONDON issinger, Tho agree to new Vet peace plan SAIGON (11-HenrygKissinger and Hanoi's Le -Due Tho have agreed to a new peace plan that calls for Saigon and Viet Cong forces to stop ihooting but apparently makes no proposal for ending the war in Cam- bodia, government sources said yes- terday. South Vietnam has given its ap- proval, in principle to the new ac- cord, Saigon sources reported, but has asked for some unspecified mod- ifications. CANADA ANNOUNCED in Ottawa that it will withdraw its peakekeepers from the International Commission of Control and Supervision, charged with supervising the cease-fire. It was not immediately clear what .effect the Canadian pullout would have on the reported Kissinger-Tho agree- ment, though the Canadians said they were giving the 6-day notice in an effort to remain on hand for the first days of the new pact's application. The pian provides for an immediate alt to all .American reconnaissance flights over North Vietnam andsandend within 24 hours to hostilities between Saigon gay- ernment forces and the Viet Cong. Kissinger has emphasized he intends to conclude the agreement with Tho at their next round of talks beginning June 6 in Paris. Kissinger said in Washington he has reached "new understandings" with Tho, hut he declined to detail what they ACCORDING TO government sources in Saigon, the timetable in the new p a goes like this: * B~etween five and 10 days aftera cease-fire, Saigon and the Vie Cong wi- permit monitors from hoth sides to be deployed with their immunity guaranteeUF, . In the same time period the United States will resume clearing mines from North Vietnamese waters and resume economic talks with Hanoi. s Zones of control are to he demarcated within Three months. * Within six months a Council of Na tioao Reconciliation and Concord is to hb HUhAEIA OBA OCShv tVetnam t hei ome established and the procedure set for TOG AMRCNCMA FOCShv letVtnmhirfmr national elections. Under terms ot the presence is felt in many ways. This Vietnamese child was fathered by an American orignalPars ageemntthiswassup serviceman, long gone now, and abandoned by his mother. Such children are con- poeoriia Pariveementccotishewasysupe sidered otcasts by the Vietnamese and often find homes only in religious sanctuar- ies or orphanages run by Buddhist or Catholic groops. The child. shown here See KISSINGER, Page 10 is sitting on the floor of a Buddhist pagoda in Saigon. Nixon-testimony uncons titutioal?* Story on Page 3