Page Ten T11E SUMMER DAILY Soturday, May 26, 1973 'Bigfoot' monster sighted in Wash. SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - Is it Bigfoot or some guy in a motheaten, baggy gorilla suit? The elusive Bigfoot, legend- ary ape - man of the Pacific Northwest, was sighted and photographed, according to a group of professional creature hunters. Actually, they say their photo- graph is of "Son of Bigfoot," a hairy teen-age monster with sil- ver-gray fur and a mane rising like a Roman soldier's plume from the nape of his neck to the Wash." They won't be more spe- top of his head. cific because, "It'd be like a Big- foot convention around there'" THAT'S what appears in the photograph by B-F Enterprises, a Santa Clara, Calif., corporation dedicated to the capture of a cen- turies-old legend. The last Bigfoot phot6 was tak- en in 1967. The location, say Tom Bis- cari and Gene Findley is "some- where northeast of Spokane, THEY are right about that. The hunt for Bigfoot is a growing hobby for weekenders and has become a full-time occuption for a handful of adventurers. Indian stories started it all. They told of eight-foot monsters rumbling around isolated areas of forests and jagged cb. I ny auncer Jnana Marga, 3-years-old, w a s the hit of the Berkley Miraculous Children's Faire in Berkeley, Calif. with her Salome-like ren- dition of a belly dance. Castle Dracula opens CASTL EDRACU LA, Romania U11 - The Romanian tourist organization has taken a hint from a film maker who tit- led a recent horror epic "Drac- ula has risen from the dead - You can't keep a good man down.' A- prt o their aggresive cmtpaigsfor the torist dollar the Romanians have organized Dracula Tours, which so far have attracted 2,00 foreigners HIGH POINT of the tours is Castle Dracula, 800 feet above a stream running th rotgh the Car- pathian Motnt-ins 1ol miles north of Bucharest. It was built by a 15th century Romanian pr ince, Vlad Dracula, known historically as Vlad the Impaler. The character of Count Dracula, vampire villain of the perennial best seller by Bram Stoker, is said to be based on Vlad The Romanian tourist organi- zation has pushed the tours em- phasizing Draculean horrors, despite the fact that they are casting slurs on a national hero. ROMANIAN HEROS are judg- ed primarily on how well they fought against the Turks. Vlad was one of the best. When two Turkish emissaries came to his court demanding tri- bute they failed to remove their turbans saying it was not their custom. "Let's make that perma- nent," Vlad is reported to have said. His soldiers nailed the tur- bans to the Turks' heads. Vlad spent two years rampag- ing through the Danube Valley defying the empire - building Turks. Mohammed It, conqueror of Constantinole set out in 1462 with 250,000 troops to take revenge. When the Turkish sul- tan arrived at Tirgoviste, Vlad's capital, he got a shock. VLAD had performed his spe- cialty on thousands of prisoners and Tirgoviste was ringed with tall, shrp stakes, each one deco- rated with an impaled Turk. The castle was identified as Vlad's in 1969 b two Dracula scholars, Profs. Raymond Mc- Nally and Radu Florescu of Bos- ton University. The tours started last year. THEY INCLUDE visits to Drac- ula's birthplace, capital, castle and grave as well as to Brasov. There on St. Bartholomew's Day, according to chronicles of 1460, Vad ate lunch outdoors sur- rounded by a forest of stakesson which he had skewered rebel- lious German burghers of the town. This and other horror stIr- ies are told on the bus along the way, Every LP On These 42 Best Selling Labels Is On Sale For Three Days Only! A.B.C. - BLUESWAY -- DUNHILL - IMPULSE - A&M - ODE - ANGEL - BACH GUILD - FANTASY - LIBERTY -- MERCURY - COLUMBIA - EPIC - DECCA - UNI - MCA -- MGM - LONDON IMPORTS - ARGO - DAS ALTE WERKE - TELEFUNKEN - L'OISEAU - LYRE - CAPITOL - APPLE -- SHELTER - ISLAND --- HARVEST -- PHILIPS - LONDON - DERAM - THRESHOLD - MAM - RCA VICTOR - GRUNT - POLYDOR - PRESTIGE - UNITED ARTIST - VANGUARD - VERVE - REQUEST -- DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON - ARCHIVE SUNDAY, May 27th: 12-6; MONDAY, May 28th: 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; TUESDAY, May 29th: 9:30-9 (S. State); 10-10 (S. University) $ 99 $ 69 $419 $ 65 4.98 LIST 5.98 LIST 6.98 LIST 6.98 STEREO TAPES ALL STEREO TAPES ON SALE discount records 300 S. STATE 1235 SOUTH UNIVERSIT'Y