Saturday, May 26, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Poge Five Saturday, May 26, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Five Testimony conflicts on basic Watergate issues Watergate: National security vs. pol.tics By RICHARD MEYER AP Newsfeatures Writer Phase 1 of the Watergate hear- ings has ended with key figures in conflict over promises of ex- ecutive clemency and whether there was an attempt to blame the CIA - and with unresolved controversy over the major. point at issue: How much did the Pres- ident know? McCord . .. Caulfield ... Alch . . . Barker . . . all testified on the red carpet in front of the long table covered with green felt, where the Senate Water- gate committee sought answers to what Chairman Sam J. Ervin Jr. called 'questions that . . strike at the very undergirding of our democracy." AS THE Watergate hearings re- cessed Thursday until June 5, contradictions during the five days of investigation came down more clearly than ever before in the nearly year-long story of Watergate to one man's word against another's. These conflicts are clear in testimony and the two major Watergate statements by Presi- dent Nixon - one televised cm April 30 and the other distribut- ed to White House reporters last Tuesday. - Were the Watergate con- spirators working under sanction from the President? JAMES McCORD JR., 48, con- spirator: "John Mitchell, by virtue of his position as attorney general of the United States, and John Dean, by virtue of his posi- tion as a counsel to the Presi- dent, by their consideration and approval of the Watergate opera- lion, in my opinion, gave sanction to the Watergate operation by both the White House and t h e attorney general's office . . . It was not my habit to question when two such high offices sanc- tioned an activity - it carried the full force and effect of pres- idential sanction." Nixon: "The burglary an3 bug- ging of the Democratic National Committee headquarters came as a complete surprise to me. I had no inkling that any such activities had been planed. . . and if I had known, I would not have per- mitted it." In his testimony, McCord said he had heard from G. Gord so Liddy, a fellow conspirator, that Mitchell and Dean had approved the Watergate break-in. T h e President, in his statement Tues- day, decried charges whicn amount to "second- or third-hand hearsay." AND ERVIN made it clear that, "so far as John Mitchell and John Dean . . . are concernod . . . hearsay does not connect them to Watergate legally speak- ing." -Was executive clemency of- fered and by whose authority? McCord: "John Caulfield stated that he was carrying the mes- sage of executive clemency to me 'from the very highest levels of the White House.' He stated that the President of the United States . . . had been told . . . He further stated that 'I may have a message to you at our next meeting from the President himself." John Caulfield, former White House aide: "At no time in our first meeting do I recall say- ing anything about the Presi- dent . . . John Dean . . . told me . . . Jack, I want you to . . . tell McCord . . . executive clemency is a sincere offer which comes from the very highest lev- els of the White House.' . . I believed that he was talking about the President ..." NIXON: "At no time did I auth- orize any offer of executive cle- mency for the Watergate defend- ants, nor did I know of any such offer." Again Ervin distinguished be- tween direct evidence and hear- say. Was there a - coverup? How much was the President told? FORMER Acting FBI pi -ector Patrick Gray, in testimony be- fore a Senate appropriations sub- committee: On July 6, 1972, three weeks after the break-in, he told Nixon on the telephone, "Mr. President, there is something I want to speak to you about. Dick Walters, deputy CIA director and I feel that people on yaar staff are trying to mortally wound you by using the CIA and FBI and by confusing the question of CIA interest is, or not in, people the FBI wishes to interview. Gray remembers Nixon paustng, then replying: "Pat, you just continue to conduct your aggressive and thorough investigation.' In his tApril 30 speech, Nixen said he remained convinced un- til March of 1973 "that charges of involvement by members of the White House staff were false." But then "new informa- tion . . . came to me . . . sug- gesting further that there had been an. effort to conzial the facts both from the public - from you - and from me." In his statement Tuesday, Nix- on was more specific: Because he feared that investigation into the activities of the CIA veterans involved in Watergate "cou;l. 1 lead to the uncovering of covert CIA operators totally unrelated to the Watergate break-in," he had told his two top aides, H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlich- man, to "insure that the FBI would not carry its investigation into areas that might comprom- ise . . . the CIA." By WALTER MEARS AP News Analysis WASHINGTON - In the tangle of operations that became t h e Watergate scandal, the line be- tween national security and poli- tics seems to have blurred. To some of the people impli- cated, the distinction, seems to have vanished. PRESIDENT NIXON has ack- nowledged that persons involved in national security operations acted unethically and illegally in his 1972 re-election campaign. The President repeated that no illegal campaign activities t o o k place with his knowledge or ap- proval, but conceded that intel- ligence and security operations he approved could have contri- buted to the attitudes that brought Watergate. Similar tactics, and in s o m e cases the same persons, under- took acts Nixon defended in the name of national security - and political behavior he denounced as illegal or unethical. NIXON catalogued three sets of national security steps he said had become entangled in Water- gate although they were not con- nected: -Wiretaps, he said fewer than 20, to determine the source cf news leaks about foreign policy. -A secret special investiga- tions unit in the White House, assigned to stop security leaks NIXON SAID he had emphasiz- ed national security strongly and, "because of the emphasis I put on the crucial importance of pro- tecting the national security, I can understand how highly mo- tivated individuals could h a v e felt justified in engaging in spe- cific activities that I would have disapproved had they been brought to my attention." Indeed, he said, "unethical, as well as illegal, activities took place in the course of the 1972 campaign. "None of these took place with my specific approval or know- ledge. To the extent that I may in any way have contributed to the climate in which they took place, I did not intend to; to the extent that I failed to prevent them, I should have been more vigilant . . "AND IT NOW appears t h a t there were persons who may have gone beyond my directives and sought to expand on my ef- forts to protect the national se- curity . . . to cover up any in- volvement they or certain others might have had in Watergate." - Was there pressure on the Watergate defendants to plead guilty in return for help later on? McCord: "I had heard from Mr. Bernard Barker specifically that Mr. E. Howard Hunt, a Water- gate conspirator had brought pressure to bear upon Mr. Bark- er, and the Cubans to use as their defense that this was a CIA operation . .. Mr. Barker came to me in the corridor outside, I and investigate other sensitive matters. Two of its members lat- er were convicted as Watergate conspirators. -An intelligence plan, never implemented, involving the FBI, the CIA and military intelligence agencies. Nixon said the plan he approved on July 23, 1970, and rescinded five days later, includ- ed authorization for breaking and entering. He said such activities had been going on until 1966. The plan is still secret and Nixo: said it should remain so. THE PRESIDENT said in his Tuesday statement that he didn't intend to put a national-security cover on Watergate, but to separ- ate security matters from the po- litical scandal. But the distinction does not seem to have been clear to some of the people involved. Discussing the 1970 intelligence plan that contemplated burglar- ies, Leonard. Garment, now White House counsel, said Presidents traditionally have authorized na- tional-security measures "that go beyond the boundary of the ordin- ary civil law." That led to this exchange at a White House briefing: Q: Does that mean the pres- idents of the United States have broken the law if they can jus- tify that, using national security, and doesn't that lead precisely to Watergate? Garment: Really, I would leave that to the historians. believe, the courtroom of the U.S. District Court building in Washington during breaks in the court proceedings and proceed- ed to relate to me the pressure which he said was being impos- ed upon him and upon the other men who were defendants - Mr. Frank Sturgis, Mr. Virgilio Gon- zales, Mr. Eugenio Martinez - pressure that he stated was stem- ming from Mr. Hunt and other unnamed individuals to plead guilty and to go off to jail or prison and ultimately to receive executive clemency and to re- ceive financial support for their families while they were in pris- on and promises - and he stated promises were made that they would be given help in obtain- ing a job or 'rehabilitation' at the prison." BARKER: Nobody told him Watergate was a CIA operation. He had Hunt's word that "this was national security and above the FBI and CIA." There was no pressure or offer of executive clemency to plead guilty and go to jail in silence. "I was guilty. I was caught inside the Democra- tic national headquarters at 2:30 in the morning." Nor were there conditions attached to $45,000 to $47,000 he received from Hunt's late wife for expenses. -Was McCord encouraged to blame to CIA? McCord, a 20-year CIA veter- an: "Gerald Alch . . . my at- torney through the Watergate trial . . . stated that he had a suggestion . . . that I use as my defense that the Watergate oper- ation was a CIA operation . . . _ MAJOR EVENTS COMMITTEE EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY PRESENTS: SAVOY BROWN MANFRED MANN Siegel-Schwall Band Dr. Hook & The Medicine Co. SAT., JUNE 9-4 P.M. EMU Campus-Rynearson Stadium $5 advanced $6 at the door (gen. adm.) 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