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May 26, 1973 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1973-05-26

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Summer Daily
11 llFMI( lAV l1)AIIY
Edited and managed by students at the
University of Michigan
Saturday, May 26, 1973 News Phone: 764-0552
Stopand search
goes to School
THE PURPOSE of public schools is to educate, not to
intimidate. It appears however, that the Ann Arbor
Board of Education is moving closer to the latter goal.
Thursday night the Board gave approval to a stop-
and frisk plan officially aimed at preventing students
from carrying weapons in school. And a week ago, a
Board trustee suggested an alternative school for
"troublemakers" not fit to be educated in the Ann Arbor
Public Schools a plan sounding much like reform school.
The stop and frisk policy, once implemented, will al-
low school personnel to question any and all students
for whom there is "reasonable suspicion" that the indi-
vidual is carrying a weapon. It was decided that "reason-
able suspicion" would aoply if a teacher received a phone
tip that a certain student had a bomb, or if one student
reported seeing another student commit an assault and
run away with the weapon.
We weren't aware tha there were many mad bombers
running around the Ann Arbor schools, but it won't be
surprising if teachers begin receiving numerous prank
tips, resulting in a great number of students being sub-
ject to undue searches.
THE STOP AND frisk nrocedure, beyond questioning, will
allow a school offi-il to conduct a patdown search of
the student if satisf'tnv answers are not procured.
Students who refite to consent to such a search may
be removed from the school grounds unless they can
prove that they have no weapon. And to do this, they
must consent to a search. Catch 22.
Furthermore, the nolicv will further permit invasion
of student orivacy by allowing lockers to be opened with-
out consent.
Unfortunately. this stop and search nolicy is appar-
ently lesal. Yet we are appalled that the Board of Edu-
cation feels it necessary to resort to such an extreme
usage of the law as a reaction to two recent stabbings in
Ann Arbor schools.I
As we have previously stated, we recognize that crime
does appear to be on the increase in Ann Arbor Public
Schools. Yet, we do not believe that intimidation tactics
are the best answer for meeting this problem.
IT SHOULD be stressed at this point that while the con-
stitutional rights of students have not as yet been
established we do feel that such right as freedom from}
fear of improper search and seizure should apply within
institutions of learning.
We see. as a more viable alternative, stepped up se-I
curity patrols to be present when and if trouble breaks
out. The Board did approve such patrols as part of the
stop and search policy.
A N ATMOSPHERE filled with suspicion of one another
and fear of being searched will not prove condusive
to quality education.

Robert Williams facing extradition:
Justice or persecution?

I F: TT WILlIAMS is within a
Y tone' throw of extradition to
North Carolina for an alleged kid-
lping. No one familiar with the
case believes that there ens a kid-
nanping iat all. Rather, it is be-
lieved that the North Caralina
charge and extradition process ore
designed to keep the heavy arm of
the law firmly wrapped around
Williams for as long as possible.
Williams, most readers will re-
call, was a militant NAACP official
in Monroe, N.C. when he shelt-
ered a white couple from a crowd
of angry blacks during a time of
virtual racial warfare in August
1961. He left in fear for his life
as state and local police were re-
portedly ready to attack the black
section of town. The white couple
left his hime unharmed after two

airs. Wiliams, hearing of the
idnapping charge in New York,
ocentualty went to Cuba and later
o China. He returned to the U.S.
at Detroit in September 1969. In
Jnuary, 19?0, Governor Milliken
agreed to grant North Carolina's
?xtradition request.
able to buy time by legal maneu-
cers in Michigan state and Federal
courts, he has eventually lost at
every stage. His losses have not
-een based on the substantive is-
sties of prosecution by prejudiced
c>fficials. Instead, the courts - in-
cluding that of Federal J u d g e
Fred Kaess lust week - have
washed their hands of William's
appeals with the aid of technicali-
Never tnind that the North Caro-
line indictment of Williams is im-
properly made out, a Michigan
court has no business ruling on
that. Never mind that North Caro-
lina's ex-Governor Scott wants Wil-
iams tried for sedition or that
'Monroe-area Klansmen in January
1971 openly looked forward to
"lynching that nigger"; North
Caroline officials will see that his
-ights are respected. Never mind
that William's four original code-
Fendants aren't being sought for
simultaneous prosecution, because
Williams's name, after all, is on
the extradition request and Gover-
nor Milliken's extradition warrant
s neatly signed with Attorney Gen-
oral Kelly's concurrence. And nev-
er mind that citizens of N o r t h
Carolina made four attempts on
William's life before he left the
U.S., because Justice, being blind,
can't look the other way.
should choose to quickly grant the

request on Williams- n e v e r
convicted of anything, only charged
vith htsing the decency to save
two whites from an angry black
crowd -is not entirely clear. Sure-
ly he knows the transparent flimsi-
ness of the kidnapping charge, and
its real motive. Surely he knows
that William's life, in or out of
jail, will be tetipardized in North
Carolina. Surely he knowxs what the
chances of a fair trial are.
Then there is Michlgan's tradi-
tion of sheltering fugitives charged
with 'political' crimes in prac-
tice, often Southern blacks. But
the Governor has little black sup-
port, so he stands to lose little by
extraditing Williams. There may
well have been hints from Wash-
ington about what to do. In any
case, it means one less trouble-
maker in Michigan. Perhaps you
have to be an escaped convict, not
just accused, to fall within the
nonextradition tradition.
IT WOULD certainly be "con-
troversial" to deny extradition. But
the stain on the Governor's hands
may be hard to wash off, espec-
ially if the arms with which Monroe
greets Robert Williams are not
merely those of the law, b u t
Those who take issue with Gov-
ernor Milliken's view of the matter'
are invited to urge him to recon-
sider his action.
Barring a reversal on the Gov-
ernor's part, extradition will al-
most certainly occur within four or
five weeks.
Robert Williams has been badly
served by American justice.
Stee Fleck is a guest writer for
The Daily.

Letters o The Daily

Books needed
To The Daily:
Corps Volunteer serving a two
year contract in Ghana, under the
Department of Game and Wild-
life. I'm stationed at Mole Na-
tional Park, which covers an area
of 1,900 square miles and is the
only one of its kind in Ghana. My
job here is to start a technical
library for use by game depart-
ment staff and students, both
Ghanaian and foreign, who wish to
do research at the park.
At present, there is very little
information available to the peo-
ple in this country on wildlife in
Ghana, West Africa, or even Af-
rica in general; therefore, the
establishment of a large technical
library is essential to the develop-
ment of improved wildlife manage-
ment techniques.
It would be of infinite value to

me if those of you who have old
magazines and books, (from cours-
es you might like to forget), would
send them over. What's needed are
general books and magazines relat-
ed to wildlife, mammalogy, orni-
thology, botany, forestry, fisheries,
entomology, physiology, compara-
tive anatomy, genetics, ecology,
natural resource planning, tech-
niques, range management, photo-
grammetry, ad infinitum.
In addition, anything more spec-
ifically related to African a n d
West African wildlife, botany, etc.,
etc., (mag articles, journals, re-
ports, masters and doctorate
theses), would be most appreciat-
I believe it costs about 50c to
send a book by sea freight, and
even one book would be a substan-
tial contribution to our present
stock of 13 books and 31a old TIME
magazines. (Be sure to w r i t e

"used book - no value" on the
customs ticket).
Since THE universal problem ..
lack of funds . . . hasn't overlook-
ed this undertaking either, I have
to rely quite heavily on the sup-
port of the students and profes-
sors at the universities to make the
project work. There is a great po-
tential for the development of
sound ecological practices a n d
management" techniques in Ghana,
and there are a lot of well qual-
ified, highly motivated Ghanaians
here to do it, but they lack ade-
quate resources for continued re-
Thank you for your cooperation
and support.
-Katherine Toth
Mole National Park
P.O. Box 8
Damongo, Ghana
West Africa
May 16

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