Page Ten THE SUMMER DA ILY Friday, May 25, 1973 Page Ten THE SUMMER DAILY Friday, May 25, 1973 JOHN BURTON, overseer of the Empire Mine in Grass Valley, Calif. compares a picture of how the mine used to look with how it looks today. With the price of bullion soaring on the international mar- kets, mining officials believe operations such as this one may become profitable once again. As price of bullion soars, California is hit with gold fever By JACK SCHREIBMAN Associated Press Writer SAN FlRANCISCO - As the price of gold soars to record heights in the world's bullion markets the yellow bug with the warm, warm glow is biting dreamers of the elusive El Dorado. Outbreaks of gold fever are widely reported on the rise in the old mine fields of the West, including California's Mother Lode coun- try where $600 million in the yellow metal was mined between 1848 and 1859. NOBODY, the experts figure, is ever again going to be as lucky as those old '49ers who could wander up to the Sierra foothills east of Sacramento and pan maybe $5,000 in gold in three days. But the international gold situation, with price at $100 plus per ounce, has renewed interest. In Juneau, the University of Alaska soddenly is offering an "in- troductory course in prospecting," in Nevada plans are afoot to mine four -gold areas and Colorado officials, though skeptical, say they've noticed increased interest in gold mining. BUT there is a catch. As in all mining, the crucial point is to get the gold out and refined for less than the price of the metal. As production costs rise, the anchor on mining digs in deeper and deeper until activity stops. Nevertheless, California's realistic mine and money men appear impressed with the portents of high gold prices. But they point out _ that Mother Nature in this state- is exceedingly tenacious about her gold and won't let it go cheaply. PAUL HENSHAW, president of Homestake Mining Co., the na- tion's largest producer. of 407,397 troy ounces of gold last year at Lead, S.D., disclosed that Homestake is prospecting for new California gold, "acquiring land and drilling"' for ore samples. Henshaw held outlittle hope that the individual prospector could extract his expenses even at today's high prices. le advised that Mother Lode landowners would be more successful sinking their money into recreational cabins rather than mineshafts. See AMATEURS, Page 13 FIFTH FORUM FIFTH AVENUE AT LIBERTY Information 761-9700 SHOW TIMES: NOW SHOWING 7:00 8:30 10:00 SA 3&SUN MATINEE 230 400 530 Tk FIRST 'sn girl - l4' I ROU lll r l# Surrealistic, satiric war film recounting WW I. Lt. Michael Crawford, military Don Quixote who never learns from experience. Lennon, ex-fascist, joins the platoon in surreal colors and make-up, as each member of the plataon is disposed of $3.59 Records $4.59 Tapes iscont recor s Mon.-Fri. 9:30-9 (S. State) 10-10 (South Univ.) 300 S. State, 1235 South University Sat. 9:30-6, Sun. 12-5