Friday, May 25, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Five B ringing it all back home, on the coffee table WRITINGS AN!) DRAWINGS, by Bob Dy- Lan. Alfred A. Knopt, $6.95. By N.T. CANTAB Well, here's a strange thing . . an ex- qoisite coffee-table hook for wiat is (or shod be) the post-coffee-table generation;. the institutionalization of an anti-institutiosn ido) twhn-p to now-h-is pretty well eluded the itchy pal mof copy-hungry. publishing hooses. lthere are, of corse, things to be said for the idea. 1or a start, Dylan has with mad- denins; consistency refrained from printing his onrics tn his album sleeves, probably knosieg damn well he is the foremost re- cording artist to warrant such attention. Sec- ond, some of his best songs ("Tears of Rage," "I'll Keep It with Mine," etc.) he has left to others to record, hence condemn- ing them to relative obscurity. Third, and perhaps most significant of all, his period of greatest popularity is past, and, like it or not, it is time for those retrospective assess- ments a book such as this allows. Myself, I don't much like it, and it would be nice to think that this is a publisher's put-on - not an idea fostered by Dylan him- self. Which is another way of saying, this book preaches to the converted-sadly re- minding thesm of good times past-and will win few nro admirers among those who get off on Alice Cooper or (pre-Dylan) once got off on Frank Sinatra. B'ssically, the Zimserman saga falls into three cleor stages: sotstic protest, electric angst, comntrv lv-back. Most idol-ators would agree thtt's it is the middle period-"Bringing It All Back Home" to "John Wesleyv Hard- ing" - which is the best, albeit before N. T. CANTAI, obviously a nom de p/snte, doesn' twant to have i/ known that he knots o anything a! all aboutt pop crusic, a matter that is open to debate any-vay. ("I o't Think 'wice It's Alt Right") and after ("lesy ldy Ly") there are reslt jss left toacioted for. The least excitisg is the I-st At his pr-k tDyt-m stoatd sinig: Ito wrrites evryting's b e e n returned whihl wras owed (1st th+ wb'ck of the fish track that loads sthile my conscience explodes Th- h-'rmnricas play the skeleton keys and the rain An tlh-se visinns of Johanna are now all tht.I rei' in. ')1, -cr+-,ial motoreyle accident, onie m-r- rĀ±age, a -d seeral kids later, Dylain hts side- :tepped: Ontside of the gates the trucks were unloadin', The weather was hot, a-nearly 90 degrees. The man standin' next to me, -his head xsvs exploding. Well, I was prayin' the pieces wouldn't fall on me. Well, we all grow old and it don't mean this isn't a nice book to have--rocking in our racking chairs, feet on the fender, and assr sninds back there somewhere in the frenetic sixties. It's jst that since those days the song-writing laurels seemed to have passed to others (Van Morrison? Rod Stewart?) and one doesn't care, maybe, to have it ruboed in. Dylan blew open all those "moon-Trine" ephemera, made pop music grow up, and his since retired from the field in any real -rnse. Perh)ps we who worshipped him need these writings and drawings to realize we have grown tsp too. But just remember those E'lizabethan lyricists who wrote for musical accompaniment never expected to have their words ripped from their aural'context, never envisaged the static finalities of the printed page, never realized that they, like ytan, might be unfairly judged for only half their achievement. Bob Dylan Outer space gods made us wise? By JOEL SCHERZER They came from a distant star many thousands of years ago, these awesome giants, and spark- ed intelligent life on this planet. The notion that extra-terrestial space travelers visited warth, mated with prehistoric man and left him with the technology to build the pyramids and the wis- dom to write the Bible is ad- vanced in a series of controver- sial books by German author Erich Von Daniken. His proof? sThe baffling stone faces of Easter Island, cave drawings depicting helmeted as- tronits and fantastic flying ma- chines, a 3,000 year-old bottery that still generates electricity- and hi'tdreds of other prehistoric mysteries. "It's not a theory, " the self- edutcated a-thor said in an inter- viev. "It's much more than that. " In Chariots of the Gods? and Gods from Outer Space, Von Compiled by Publisher's Weekly FICTION: Once Is Not Enough - Jacqueline Susann The Odessa File -Frederick Forsyth The Taking of Pelham One Two Three - John Godey Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Richard Bach The Matlock Paper - Robert Ludlum Green Darkness - Anya Seton The Digger's Game - George Higgins Evening In Byzantium - Irwin Shaw Law And Order - Dorothy Uhnak The Defection of A. J. LeWinter - Robert Litell NONFICTION Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution - Robert C. Atkins The Implosion Conspiracy - Lquis Nizer The Joy of Sex - Alex Comfort I'm O.K., You're O.K. - Thomas Harris The Best and The Brightest - David Halberstam Hour of Gold, Hour'of Lead - Anne Morrow Lindbergh Life and Death of Adolf Hitler '- Robert Payne An Untold Story - Elliott Roosevelt The Rape of the Taxpayer - Philip Stern My Life in the Mafia - Vincent Teresa Daniken claims that beings from another civilization somewhere in the universe came to earth sev- eral times in the remote past and encountered modern man's distant ancestors. The "giants" managed to breed with a select group through genetic manipula- tion and give the offspring some- thing new to earth-intelligence. But when the spacemen left for a time, all did not go well on earth, Von Daniken says. The "creations" were warned not to mate with others (hence the later notion of original sin), but they did anyway and were "corrupt- ed." The space travelers event- ually returned, ad chose to de- stroy the imperfect ones. They did this twice. Once with The Great Flood and again at Sodom and Gomorrah. But finally the seed of intel- ligence took hold, and the "gods" were able to teach ancient man the secrets they brought with thes from their own planet. Man was soddenly able to grind lenses, do sophisticated mathe- matical calculations, move mas- sive stones, and record what hap- pened in what were to become our religioss texts. After the "gods" left for the last time, oan construed huge landmarks (the great stone faces of Easter Island and the pyramids, for ex- ample) and air strips in the hope that they would return. How did such a mind-boggling idea present itself to Von Dani- ken, a non-scientist by his own description? The 38 - year - old Swiss - born writer says it all began with his Catholic high school education. Certain Old Testament passages puzzled him, stch as the refer- ence in Genesis to God creating man "t our image." ("Why our' i m a g e and not my' image?" questions Von Daniken.) Other Bible stories fueled his imagination. In Ezekiel's vision a fabulous flying craft is de- scribed which, Von Daniken says, a NASA scientist asserts could actually fly if reconstruced to- day. Some of the ancient enigmas that the author cites are: -An electric battery on dis- play at the Bagdad Museum which has been dated at 1,000 Summer Daily on its head. The monolith has steps and ramps, he says, as well as decorative spirals and holes. He says the Incas lacked the technology to remove it from its quarry and overturn it. Von Daniken admits that most scientists reject his theory. In Germany alone, there are as many as five books that seek to refute his ideas. But the tide is slowly turning, the author says, B.C. and can still produce 1.5 volts. -An Assyrian lens nearly 3,000 years old which he alleges can only be duplicbted today with highly technical equipment (on display in the British Museum). -A 14,000-year-old bison skull found in Russia containing a hole which because of its size and the uniformity of its circumference, - Von Daniken identiifes as a bul- let hole. -Various cave and tomb illu- strations which he maintains de- pict astronauts, complete with helmets, spacesuits, and even aircraft with control panels, en- gine sand exhaust systems. These he says can be found in South America, China, Western Europe and elsewhere. -A 20,000-ton block of stone which he claims was elaborately carved by the Incas, then turned and more and more scientists, particularly astronomers, are be- ginning to agree that he may be on to something. The author believes that one da irref-table proof his theory will be 'nearthed. Ie speculates that the "gods" came to earth in the hare that they might find a new home, perhaps because their own pl-net had become isn- inhabitable--or perhaps because they had fled a "war in heaven" on their own star. Bot shat if the "giants" reltirn some day) Will they again be dis- appointed in oor devel ment? Will thre be a-other gr'at ,lsod? Von Daniken doesn't think so. "I think they'd be pleased," he says. Joel Shercr is a fraturr writ- er for Reuters Newerice