m Wednesday, May 23, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page t I CAMBODIAN CONFLICT Insurgent groups By DENNIS NEELD The next year, a more serious military andl Associated Press Writer armed rebellion broke out in largely respon PlHNOM PENH, Cambodia - the mountainous frontier a r e a ing the insure Three separate groups that don't near North -Vietnam. About 60,- tive guerrilla always get along with each other 000 tribesmen abandoned their ACCORDING make up the 50,000-member is- villages to escape a resettlement ports, there I surgent force fighting to oust program and the Khmer Rouge ber of shootou the regime of President Lon got more recruits. Rouge Comm Nol of Cambodia. DISAFFECTED teachers a n d ents loyal to They go under the blanket students, outlawed politicians and Sihanouk no name Khmer Rouge - R e d impoverished peasants also drift- ment in exile Cambodians - but they aren't ed away. These, then, were the all Communists. original Khmer Rouge, probably SINCE Lon Nol ousted Prince no more than 3,000 armed men. } I pD Norodom Sihanouk in March of Lon Nol's coup-of March 1970, LESTERs 1970 their ranks have grown which overthrew. Sihanouk, and and now they control about 8S subsequent operations in Cam- per cent of Cambodia. bodia by U.S. and South Viet- U.S. officials say these rebels namese troops, put the Red Kh- mers in the big league. Several military commanders remained loyai to Sihanouk and formed the nucleus of the Khmer Rum Doh - Khmer Liberation. They were joined by Cambodian Vietnamese escaping new repres- sive measures unleashed against them by the Lon Nol regime. Few of them were Communists. ADD TO THIS a couple thous- and Chams, a Moslem minority of smugglers, traders and fisher- men who seek an autonomous re- public. Again, few of them are Communists. All these are' the Khmer Rum Doh. DEPOSED C A M B O D I A N Soon after the Lon Nol coup, PRINCE Norodom Sihanouk:- To North Vietnam returned to Cam- some insurgents a revered lead- bodia 2,000 highly trained Cam- MtCR9 er; to others, a distrusted enemy. bodians taken to Hanoi in their teens when the Viet Minh pulled are doing all the front-line fight- out at the end of the war against ing now against the government, the French in 1954. with the exception of those North These are the Khmer V i e t- Vietnamese and Viet Cong who minh. They form the hard core of man artillery pieces and do theCO R over-all planning.m-"«.. The three main insurgent groups are the original Khmer Rouge, the Khmer Doh and the Khmer Thursd Vietminh. Aud. 3 ML THE ORIGINAL Khmer Rouges launched their rebellion against New Sihanouk in the early 1960s. They: vie political instructors sible for transform- gents into an effec- force. G TO inteligence re- have been a num- uts between Khmer unists and insurg- Prince Sihanouk. aw heads a govern- based in Peking. f1 FIFTH FORUM FIFTH AVENUE AT LIBERTY Information 761-9700 SHOW TIMES NOW SHOWING 7:00 8:0 10 :00 SAT, & SUN. MATIN'EE 2:30 4:00 5:. 0 Nire day & Friday B--7:30 & 9:30 lorld Film Coop or - persons under 18 cannot be admitted . . . MEE LIGNTE0 - PA RK IM were led by French-educated Marxists, many of them teachers, agitating against what they felt was mismanagement of the econ- omy and a feudal dictatorship. A 1967 peasants' revolt in Bat- tambang Province, prompted by harsh landlords and the corrup- tion of local officials, was follow- ed by savage repression. Hun- dreds fled to the mountains where Cambodian Communists were ready with weapons hidden since the war against the French in the 1950s. PRESIDENT LON NOL'Scoup fragmented Cambodian society and was a boom to the insurgent Khmer Rouge. " " " " " " ENDS TODAY! Burt Reynolds & Dyan Cannon in "SHAMUS" (PG ) 231 S. STATE ST.-DIAL 662-6264 at 1:15-3:10-5:05-7P.M.-9P.M STARTS TOMORROW The townspeople want "law and order." They were afraid to fight for what - they wanted. They wanted the high plains drifter to do their fighting for them. C L I N T E A S T W O O Che Legend of Boggy Creek THE STORY OF THE "FOLJKE MONSTER" * A MMWCO wNERfNAMiNAL PCTuRES RELEASE STARTS FRIDAY May 25 Shows 7 & 9 PM, f .. HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER