THE SUMMER GAILY Page Two PaeTo H UMEAL tv. tm he tonight 6:00 2 4 7 11 13 News 9 Courtship of Eddie's Father 20 Land of the Giants 24 ABC News-Smith/Reasoner 50 Fllotstoors 511VaishingsWilderness Life on Alaska's tundra 6:30 2 11 CBS News--Walter Cronkite 4 13 NBC News-John Chancellor 7 ABC News-Smith/Reasoner 91 Dream of Jeannie 24 Diek Van Dyke 50 Gilligan's Island 56 Guten Tag Wei Geht's 6:45 56 German Tavelog 7:002 Truth or Consequences 4 News 7 To Tell the Truth 9 Beverly Hillbillies 01 To Tell The Troth 13 What's My Line 20 Nanny and the Professor 24 Bowlin yfor Dollars 50 ILovr yeLu ra 50 I Love Lucy 56 Zoom 7:30 2 What's My Line? 4 Festival of Family Classics '20,000 Leagues Under the Sea." 7 Wild Kingdom 9 trish Rovers 11 Police Surgeon 13 Truth or Consequences 20 Rifleman 24 Let's Make a Deal 50 Hogan's heroes 56 Consumer Game 0:00 2 11 Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour 4 03 Adam-l2 7 24 Paul Lynde 9 Bennett and Basie 20 Burke's Law 50 Dragnet 56 America '73 8:30 4 13 McMillan and-Wife 7 24 Movie "The Spiral Staircase" 11946) DROPS DESI Liza love s Sellers Wednesday, May 23, 1973 "DAZZLING" William Wolf, Cue LWNDON P) - A giggling, wisecracking Liza ,Minnelli an- nounced Tuesday the end of her engagement to Desi Arnaz Jr. and proclaimed her love for Brit- 50 Merv Griffin 9:00 2 Two Faces of War Discussion of amnesty 9 International World Series of Hockey 11 Dan August Burt Reynolds S 0 Ozzie and Harriet a36 June Wayne New York Times art critic Grace Glueck 9:30 20 Seven Bundred Club 56 Inner City Freeway 10:00 211 Cannon 4 13 Search 7 24 Owen Marshall 50 Perry Mason 56 Soul! 11:00 2 4 7 11 13 24 News 9 CBC News-Lloyd Robertson 50 Ope Step Beyond 11:30 2 11 Movie-Drama "The Poppy Is Also a Flower" (1966) 4 13 Johnny Carson Phyllis Newman 7 24 Night Train to Terror 9 News 20 Camp Meeting Hour 50 Movie-Drama "The Stranger in Between." (English 1952) 12:00 9 Movie "Reap the Wild Wind," (19423 Ray Milland, Paulette God- dard, John Wayne 1+:00 4 7 13 News 1:30 2 Movie "Wake of the Red Witch." 01948) John Wayne 3:00 2 New ish comic Peter Sellers. are no longer engaged. It's all She bustled into a crowded been called off." news conference, briefly hum- Liza, 27, said she met comed- med what.,sounded like the re- ian Sellers, 47, for the f i r s t frain 'Life is a cabaret, old time when she came to Lon- chum," and declared it was all don for a series of concerts very simple. "I fell in love with this man "MY ENGAGEMENT, our re- Peter Sellers and I am pleased lationship, had been deteriorating to say he fell in love with me. I for some time - pleasantly, luck- ' am really terr' ically happy," ily," she said, ftumbling w'th the 0scar-winning star ofth ant around her neck. "We movie "Cabaret" bubbled, Does she plan to wed Sellers? "No, please," that's private," The Summer Daily, summer edition she said of The Michigan Daily, edited and managed by students at the University ~ of Michigan. News phone: 764-0562. Sec- and Clams postage paid at Ann AreLE GUE Michigan 40104. Pbuished daily 'u- MIXED LEAGUES day through Sunday morning Univer- aity year. Subscriptionrate $10 byL ccrie (campus area); $11 local maillAL (in Mich. or Ohio); $13 non-local mailC L (other staes and foreign).LAST Summer Session published Tuesday through Saturday morning. Subscrip- Sign Up Now tion rates: $5.50 by carrier (campus r 00; $6.50 loal moal (iMich. or UNION LANES Ohio); $7.50 non-local il (other ES sawe and foreign)..[ I t 2 i I e s !I 11 Special Times: ( P.M.-3:30 6:10-8:45 LAURENCE MICHAEL OLIMER CAINE iSEPHIL MANKIEICtaot 3 rd Hit Week! Get Selling Results! TRY DAILY CL.AsIFiE9us NEW OWNERSHIP SALE" ALL SHOES 20-50%l OFF (Sale run- Monday, May 21 thru Saturday, May 26) 52 - EAST WILLIAM - ANN ARBOR RITA MESSENGER DI RECENT DRAWl May 23 though J Opening Reception Friday e from 7 until 10 THE UNION G. Located on the first floor of the M GALLERY HOURS: Wednesday through also Friday evenings, (BERT: NGS une 3 vening, May 25 p.m. ALLERY Michigan Union Sunday, 12-5 p.m. 7-10 p.m. U I Gi~~nda eind Our ji g8ad