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May 23, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-05-23

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Summer Daily

Vol. LXXX11I, No. 11-S

Ann Arbor, Michigan--Wednesday, May 23, 1973

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Nixon: Orders I gave
aided in bug cover-up
'Nationalsecurit limited probe
Nixon yesterday stated he will not
resign because of the Watergate
scandal, but admitted he h a d ig-
nored "warning signals" of a wide-
ranging cover-up.
In a prepared statement, Nixon
said he was not i n v o l1v e d in nor
aware of the Wateragte cover-up but
acknowledged giving orders on at
least two occasions that later helped
cover-up efforts. r"
Nixon warned that some present i-
vestig-tions threaten to uncover sensitive
national security information that isn't
related to the s c a n d a 1, inchuding still .
secret details of a scuttled plan to gather
intelligence throsgh burglaries.
"I will not abandon my responsibilities,"
he said. "I will continue to do the jo) I
was elected to do."
Ie acknowledged tht th're now appears
to have been a wide-ranging cover-up of .
high-level involvement in the wiretapping.f
"With tindsight, it is apparent that I
should have given more heed to the warn-
ing signals I reeived along the way abot -.
a W:terg:te cover-ip," he said.
Early in the Watergate investigation, the
President said, he ordered his two top
aides, H. C. (Bob) H ildeman and John
Ehrlichman to make ce r t a i n that the
Watergate inestig t onnotbe allowed tIs
uncover secret CIA activities or the ac-s¢
tivities of the White Hose "plumbers"
group that hod inclnded Watergate oo- a '
spirators, E. Howard Hunt and G. Gaxrdon
More recently, on April 18, Nixon said
he gave orders to the Justice Department
that its investigation into the Watergate AP Photo
scandal shouldl "stay . out of national se- JAMES McCORD, convicted Watergate burglar, shows members of the Senate Watergate investigating committee a trans-
curity matters." For a few days this order mitter that is used to bog telephones. McCord showed the Senate committee how to attach the bug during his testimony
See ORDERS, Page 11 yesterday on Capitol Hill.
Snags plague UAC flights

At the end of the summer, the Univer-
pity Activities Center (UAC) will sever its
relationship with Vacationers International
Agency (VIA) because of the company's
allegedly unethical practices.
While UAC and VIA have received few
complaints about their charter service in
the past, the cancellation and rescheduling
of numerous flights this summer have.
produced an outcry from irate travelers.
A DAILY investigation into several such
complaints revealed, VIA's rather check-
ered history, topped by a strained relation-
ship with UAC, denial of landing rights in
Great Britain, and one charter flight
which apparently never existed.

VIA processes all UAC flights, and-
covers such details as contracting of
planes and handling of financial matters
for each flight.
A $20 administrative fee is levied on all
UAC-VIA air passengers, with VIA re-
ceiving 60 per cent of the fees, with UAC
retaining 40 per cent as pure profit.
UAC-VIA'S communication problems
surfaced dramatically last spring when
the price per person on a flight to,
Acapulco was raised $40 one day before
Charter contracts allow UAC-VIA to
raise flight prices as much as $50 to re-
duce the resulting financial loss if flights
are not filled to capacity.

Apparently the Acapulco plane was only
booked to two-thirds capacity.
said UAC authorized the charter despite
the low number of people going, UAC
President Chris White, however, contends
UAC did not realize any problems existed
until a passenger complained to them
about the $40 surcharge.
"The decision should have been a joint
one, but we were not informed," White
Vartaric claimed VIA should have sur-
charged each passenger nearly $80 and
consequently the agency lost money on
the flight.

While acknowledging that the price in-
crease was perfectly legal under the con-
tract, White termed the maneuver "not
ethical in my mind."
LAST DECEMBER UAC was denied the
right to charter any VIA-processed flights
which would land in England. At that time
a series of Christmas flights were sched-
oled to arrive in-London.
Shortly before departure, the flights
had to be re-routed to Amsterdam:
The British Civil Aviation Authority
(CAA) denied landing privileges because
a spot check of two previous flights ar-
ranged by VIA (then called Students
International) revealed several persons on
See CANCELLED, Page 11

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