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May 22, 1973 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1973-05-22

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Tuesday, May 22, 1973'


Page Three

Med school may lose funding

AN LN . ta LE Ar t concept osnow r a piaaoype ve usbeenueciueu upon mfr cooling te seare dski 0n ofy-
lab, spokespersons for Marshall Space Flight Center said yesterday. The raft or parasol would be deployed from a scientific
airlock and would not require a space walk by astronauts. A backup system will also be carried along that would require a
space walk to set up a two-pole sail sun-shield.
Willow Run labs'
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Wire Servi(-e eporis
Federal budget cuts in funding for bio-
medical research will cost the University-
medical school $1.6 to 2 million if Nixon
administration pronosals are approved, a
Medical Center snokismsn said yesterday.
The funding cutb ck, part of a national
plan to cut by 40 per cent funds allocated
for new medical res-rch in areas other
than cancer and hert and lung disease,
would hit the Uni-ersity hardest in train-
ing grants for nedic'1 personnel.
LOUIS GRAFF, director of information
for the Medical Center, said yesterday
there is "no expect-tion that teaching
services will be reduced" if the cutbacks
go through. Graff also denied that medical
school enrollment wild siffer.
No full-time tenured faculty will be dis-
missed, Graff said. Bridget cuts affecting
the School of Public Health recently
necessitated a 30 to 35 per cent reduction
in faculty, because the grants cut were
in the area of staff salaries.
The impact inside the medical school
will be on "training programs," Graff
said. Employment of graduate students
and post graduate fellows will be signifi-
cantly reduced.
THESE STAFF members hold- import-
ant teaching responsibilities, as well as
helping with patient care at University
Also in line for losses would be re-
search grants tot lling about $400,000,
special projects for medical education,
and health personnel training programs.
Graff said Medical Center administra-
tors cannot yet project how the losses will
be absorbed "It's a day to day watch and
wait and see situation," he remarked. If
the cutbacks go through, there is "hope,
and some expectation of relief from the
HOWEVER, SUCH emergency aid
"would not be helpful in the critical area
of research, because it would not apply'"
Graff said.
U.S. medical schools had expected to
receive about $446.3 million in research
contracts and grants for the new fiscal
year, but administration proposals would
leave them with $373 4 million, says a re-
port released yesterday by John Cooper,
president, of the Association of American
Medical Colleges.
ANOTHER $39 million will be lost in
salaries and other research costs, Cooper
The Nixon budget would also:
* Cause the dismissal of about 1,400
medical school faculty members unless
other support can be found.
* Work to the detriment of innovations
in curriculum.
* Force medical schools not to increase
first-year enrollments.
* Impair the ability of medical schools
to become involved in neighborhood com-
munity health programs - this due to the
elimination of regional medical programs.

Busing stalled
WASHINGTON The Supreme Court
yesterday refused on a tie vote to rein-
state an order for the merger of city
and county schools at Richmond, Va. The
decision left the question of cross-county
desegregation still unresolved. State At-
torney General Frank Kelley stated the
court's action "gives cause for optimism
as to the eventual outcome of the Detroit
busing case." U.S. District Court Judge
Stephen Roth has ruled that Detroit must
establish cross-district busing to remedy
school segregated conditions.
Klansmen convicted
DETROIT--Calling the Ku Klux 1n1-
a "racist organization," a federal judge
yesterday found five Klansmen guilty of
a bus bombing plot to disrupt a court-
ordered school busing program in Pontiac.
Ten empty school buses scheduled for use
to integrate Pontiac's schools were de-
stroyed Aug. 31, 1971. Convicted were
former state KKK "grand dragon" Robert
Miles, former "exalted cyclops" Dennis
Ramsey, and Wallace Fruit, Alex Distel,
and Raymond Quick, otherwise undistin-
guished Klansmen.
Happenings. ..
. . are light today, but the imaproved
weather should provide entertainment of
its own -.. WUOM "Symposium 73" wilt
feature live questions and answera with
President Fleming, new SGC president
Lee Gill and Cart Cohen, philosophy pro-
fessor and member of SACUA. Call in
your questions starting at 8 pm. . . .
Rackham Galleries are showing- the Ann
Arbor Public Schools Youth Show--art
work by kids from all over the city . . .
and in case you feel like a swim, Mar-
garet Bell Pool is open for svomen 12:10
to 1:10 and 5:10 to 6:10, co-ed 1:10 to 2
p.m., and Malt Mann Pool is open 3 p.m.
to 6:30 for everybody.
A2's weather
Clouding over by a f I e r n a o n with a
chance of rain by late this evening. A
large lon pressure area moving southeast
through Indiana wilt bring rain oar way
as it posses south of us on Wednesday.
We'll miss the worst of it, but the mid-
southern states expect tornados and heavy
thunderstorms. Bight temps will be be-
tween 68 and 72 with lows tonight of 55
to 60.

by heat in Skylab

\\hile an overheated Skylab orbits far
above us, its foul-ups come close to home
for at least one lo:uil group, the Environ-
mental Resear ch Institute of Michigan
(ERIM at ilow Rtun Airport.
ERIM, formerly the Willow Run Labora-
tories, was severed from the University
in January as a resut of student and
faculty protest ag-inst University par-
ticipation in clissified defense research
projects. Most of the war research was
conducted at Willow Run.
ERIM's COMPUTERS are prepared to
analyze earth resource data collected by
Skylab instruments.
But these instruments must be set in
motion, and the results transported back
to earth, by the first crew of astronauts
to venture out-if Skylab is ever deemed

"We're all anxious to see the vehicle
operating again. We won't have the oppor-
tunity to collect data anything like this
for a good number of years," said Richard
tegault, associate director of ERIM and
former prominent defense researcher.
EQUIPPED WITH 100 electronic "in-
vestigators" able to collect new informa-
tion on air and water pollution, agricul~
ture range management, and atmospheric
conditions, Skylab would have scanned
the earth inI 150 square mile plots.
Many of the experiments may already
be irretrievable, according to Legault.
"They involve heat-sensitive film and
magnetic tapes. There's a good chance
that they've been damaged," he said re-
FAILURE TO obtain Skylab data will
not, however, close down ERIM opera-
See SKYLAB, Page 10

Physiologist hunts wild rats
to learn about lead pollution

Armed with peanut butter and wire
traps, a University researcher has been
scouring the countryside and the seamier
sections of Detroit in a quest for wild rats.
Physiology Prof. David Mouw is trying
to determine the effects of lead pollution
on rats. Laboratory rats, tame pink-eyed
rodents usually used for research, are
useless in his experiment.
MOUW'S STUDY compares the lead
levels in city rat tissue with those found
in their country cousins. But although they
may be unsophisticated, the rural rats
have proved to be "much more wary than
city rats," according to the physiologist.
Mouw says he has peered over the edge
of a decaying silo and found it teeming
with rats, but after traps were laid, the
-catch was small, He believes that city

rats are used to burrowing in boxes for
food, while country rats, accustomed to
wide open spaces, become frightened by
In Detroit, Mouw has enlisted the aid
of the Environmental Enforcement Divi-
sion of the Department of Public Works
because "they know where the rats are."
Traps have been laid in various sections
of the city to -ensure a representative
ONCE THE RATS are shipped to the
Medical Science Building, they are pushed
to one edge of their trap and flipped on
their backs. After being injected with a
general anaesthetic they are sprayed with
an insecticide-to kill fleas.
Selected tissues are removed for study
before the rat is killed. Lead inhibits.
enzyme activity and affects the nervous

system when ingested in large enough
doses. Mouw is attempting to prove that
urban rats have a larger and more dan-
gerous amount of lead in them than rural
If the study is successful, it could refute
the oil industry's claims that lead in
gasoline is harmless. "It is clear," Mouw
says, "that most of the lead in city air
comes from auto exhausts."
MOUW'S WILD RAT excuirsiois into
Detroit's inner city have given him "the
feeling that the whole American system
has failed." Be mentions the garbage in
the alleys and the rats that live in aban-
doned cars and the fact that he has been
able to take away only a few of the one
million rats that inhabit Detroit,
"It makes you wonder if the appropriate
model for man is the tame laboratory rat
-or its wild cousin," he said.

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