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May 22, 1973 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1973-05-22

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Susnuer Daily

Vol. LXXXI I, No. 10-s

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, May 22, 1973

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Helms; Nixon named in co ver-up

spy plan

WASHINGTON I - Sen. Stuart
Symington (D-Mo.) said yesterday
he has obtained secret White House
documents sketching a plan to use
the CIA and the Pentagon to gather
intelligence information within the
United States.
Symington said some of the pro-
posals were .in documents hidden by
ousted White House counsel John
Dean for a time in a safety deposit
box at a suburban bank.
THE DOCUMENTS "set no limits on
:he amount of burglary" the Central In-
telligence Agency and the Department of
Defense could have been involved in, said
Symington, acting chairman of the Sen-
ate Armed Services Committee.
In related Senate hearings yesterday,
former CIA director Richard Helms testi-
fied his deputy at the CIA, Army Lt. Gen.
Vernon Walters, was ordered to discourage
an FBI investigation into money linked to
the Watergate affair because "that was
the President's wish."
In still another Watergate development,
the White House said yesterday it had a
special intelligence unit created in the
Justice Department in 1970 to evaluate
information about radical organizations.
GERALD WARREN, the deputy White
House press secretary, said the unit still
exists, but emphasized "it was not created
for political purposes."
'He said it was organized after President
Nixon expressed concern about the evalua-
tion of domestic intelligence involving
radical and antiwar groups.
Tom Huston, a former aide to Dean,
told the Armed Services Committee that
copies of the plan to gather espionage in-
formation were to go to President Nixon
and White House chief of staff H. R. (Bob)
Haldeman, Symington said.
HUSTON, WHO LEFT the administra-
tion in 1971 after two and a half years
service, testified he dealt only with Halde-

man, not Nixon according to Symington.
The acting chairman of the Senate
panel said the apparent thrust of the plan
was to increase the espionage role of the
Central Intelligence Agency and the De-
partment of Defense within the United
Symington would not release -the texts
of two different sets of documents which r
he said "set no limit on the amount of
burglary" the intelligence agencies could
have been involved in. ..'.., ,Nss ,
BUT IN ANSWERING newsmen's ques- AP Photo
tions, Symington indicated that burglaries FORMER CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Director Richard Helms tells
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday-that former White House chief
af foreign embassies were contemplated by. of staff H. R. (Bob) Haldeman told CIA officials "it is the President's wish" that
the plan. the agency approach the FBI to discourage an investigation related to the Water-
See SYMINGTON, Page 10 gate case.
City Council moves t

revke$5 dop
By GORDON ATCHESON unsuccessful," R o b e r t Henry (R-Third
City Council last night took the first Ward) said in support of the move to
definitive step towards eliminating the rescind the present marijuana statute.
city's highly publicized, hotly controversial PREVIOUSLY THE Republicans have
five dollar fine for the use and sale of expressed concern that the five dollar fine
marijuana. has encouraged drug trafficking within the
Council gave preliminary approval to an city. During his inangural speech last
ordinance which, if passed a second time, April, Mayor J a m e s Stephenson called
will rescind the year-old marijuana law marijuana dealers "social poison" and
enacted by the Democratic-Human Rights said "they must be driven out of town."
Party (HRP) coalition on the previous Council member Jerry DeGrieck (HRP-
council. First Ward) termed the new ordinance
NEARLY 200 persons, including street "extremely regressive." He asked that
people and a large contingent from the the question of a five dollar penalty for
Rainbow People's Party jammed the coun- marijuana use be put on next April's
cil c h a m b e r s to vocally protest the general election ballot, allowing the peo-
measure. ple to decide the law's fate.
The voting broke along partisan political "A lot of people smoke dope. It's a
lines as the Republicans cast the affirma- simple fact of life," DeGrieck commented.
live votes. The ordinance passed by a 6-3 "ANN ARBOR was the dope capital of
tally. the midwest before the five dollar fine
"The city has diddled around with the and will continue to be the dope capital
state narcotics laws and has been very of the midwest even after the law is re-

e law ,
pealed," he added.
Throughout the debate, members of the
audience heckled the Republican council-
members while passing marijuana ciga-
rettes back and forth.
In all likelihood the ordinance will come
before council again at its next regularly
scheduled meeting, June 4. A two-hour
public hearing will precede any council
action on the measure.
predicted rescinding the p r e s e n t fine
would have no major effect on the use of
marijuana in the city.
He indicated laws against the use of
marijuana will not be more stringently
enforced if the five dollar fine is repealed.
"The probability of getting caught is
minimal and the odds of-ft being con-
victed are pretty favorable," he said.
ASSUMING THE city law is repealed,
state statutes governing the use of mari-
See POT, Page 10

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