Page- T.en THE SUMMER DAILY Saturday, May 19, 197 PaeTnTESME ALYStraMy1,17 B ill requiring Senate stamp on 0MB directors vetoed WASII~f~5N UI't -Presi- dent Nix.on yes terdazy vetoed a measure that would hove ye- quired h3is budget director and deputy b dget director to have Senate -ofirmation. He said theto 'a-i s w od have "forced the re'too 'at h", un- cunstitttiotr t procedttre"ttf Roy Ash, tDirector of the Off ice of M-ia no eent and Budg'et (OMB) and his cthief Deputy Frederic Mat ek. "1111S STEP wovold he a grave viotatio of ttte fundamoentat doc- Major League Standings trinle of separation of Powers, Nixon said itn his veto msessage. "Itt view of nmy responsibilities if is toy firtm duty to veto this bill." Both the director and deputy director of the OMB are appoint- ed by the Pr'esident and serv-e at his pleasure. NIXON SAID that this pro- cedure had been followed in Ite 0MB and its predecessor the Budget Btureau for SO years with- out Senate cotnfirmation. Congress enacted the mneasure on the groutnds that the adminis- tration's chief budget officer oc- cupied a position commensurate with other cabinet officials who do require Senate confirmation. BROOKLYN BLUES BUSTERS every MONDAY, starttng MAY 21sit FLICKS BAR 114 E. Washington Befween Main & Ashley 9:30 P.M-1:30 P.M. Phone 665-6963 W -1,Prt. HGt 0etroi 18 17 .508 - iSatimoe 16 7 .485 2 Ni iinau ke 16 7 .485 1 Nets York 16 is 476 11. testen r1418 .45272ny cirect-and . 1 .429 3'-, iirago 20 11i:657 - Kansas Ct 2 5 .583t Caiftrnta8 4 .563 - O~akland 19i t17 -.581 4 Minesot 1 6 .50011 Tlexas 1 01 3759 Btaltimonr 5,Cltelntd2 Mitwaue 6,New Yorkt5 Dliett 5,JBoston 4 Mtinnesota 3, Ciceagto 0 Ktnsas Cityv atOaklandet i tt exs t Catifona, night Satnrday's Probtable Pittrhers MinsotatBlleven 3-6 at t inag DietritC(emantn 7-2at1vilwalkee itell 3-t Boston ee 3-0at BltiiteeMc- Nall 3-, ngh Nee YorkPeterson 3-5 at Clesetand Bomn2-5,tiight Natinal Leu W I. Pt. 'G C'1'irt . 215 .595 - Nets 1V k 1915 .559 1~ Motel 1417 .4257551 Pittsburh 1 17 .4255 Philadieelhia 1It27.371 1 S1. Louis- I t 3734 9!> 'West Site Frane it-eo 26 15 .634 - Hounston2 15 .615 1 Ciecinnati 21 15 .585 2l/ Len Angeles 22 16 .579 2-f Atlanta1 21 .417 81,4 Sa 11Ditgo4 368 t0y Friday's aies SitLouisat Mntrealppd., ain Ciao9, Philadelpia 2 eew ork4 Pttsburegh 3 Cninai 5, S an Diego 4 to neleso 3,Atlanta 7 Heoiston 3, San FrancistoI Satureday's Probable Pi1ters. St. Leuin Ceseland 2-4 at Mont- treatiStonemnan 0-1 Pittsbur~gh Bies 1-4 at NewYork 4Mac - Sa itegNrmn 0-5at Cinrin- naiMcGilotlin 1-0, night1 Sa Fanico P.-re43 atHoutone W~ison 3-4, night SUBSCRIBE NOW Call 764-0558 NEW OWNERSHIP SALE!! ALL SHOES 20-50%, OFF Y (Sale run' Monday, May21l thru, Saturday. May 26) 522 S " EAST J"/ AN ARBOR Give The Bear abreak. You're the only one who can. Because alb Smlokey call do is ask you to help prevent forest fire.. He can't break your matches. Or douse your campfires. Or snugifeat your cigareta. Only you can. So, please, lend Smokey a hand. And mayb while you're at it, lend him your voice too: tell people to ;ive the bear a break. He deserves it. So does America. g emlf It ,:"emicj,4