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May 19, 1973 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1973-05-19

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Page Eight


Nixon can't fill posts
in wake of Watergate

dent Nixon's effort to salvage his
second term is being hampered
by an obvious reluctance of
high caliber people to join the
scandal - shattered administra-
Since the Watergate engulfed
the White House, not a single
new face has been brought into"
the administration in a top post
although Nixon has had to find
replacements for the attorney
general, secretary of defense,
FBI director, CIA director,
administrator of the Environ-
mental Protection Administra-
tion, and the top men on the
White House'staff.
THE PRESIDENT offered the
defense secretary job to David
Packard, a California electronics
millionaire who served with dis-
tinction as the Pentagon's num-
ber two man for the first two
years of the Nixon administra-
tion. Packard turned him 'down.
It is difficult to tell how many
other rejections the President
received from potential appoin-

tees because sich contacts are
usially kept quiet. But the re-
suilts speak for themselves. Nixon
has been obliged to play a sort
of bureaucratic musical chairs,
filling one post only at 'the ex-
pense of creating a new vacancy
somewhere else.
Nixon began his second term
list January with a major shake-
up of his high-level aides. Three
A News Analysis
new faces were brought into the
cabinet and several other men
at the cabinet and subcabinet lev-
el switched jobs. The President
said his objective was to keep his
administration from stagnating,
to prevent top officials from be-
coming prisoners of their own
AS A RESULT of the combina-
tion of the January and May re-
shuffles, seven of the 11 cabinet
members have been in their pre-
sent' -posts for less than four
months. Some of the top jobs in
the White House staff are filled

on an "acting" or "interim"
basis, and many of the import-
ant sub-cabinet posts are not
filled at all.
If CIA Director James Schle-
singer is confirmed as secretary
of defense, he will become the
third top man at the Pentagon in
tss than five months. As a
corollary of that change, the Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency is get-
ting its third director in the
same five - month period with
the selection of William E. Colby
to succeed Schlesinger.
Some high level change may
be desirable, as Nixon said in
January, but the government has
had too much of it by this time.
The administration needs sta-
bility and direction but it ap-
pears to be drifting and con-
THE HIGH - LEVEL personnel
problems Ore troublesome. But
the implied vote of no confidence
that Nixon's recruiting difficul-
ties point up is probably even
more serious.
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$hip makes detour
for Nixon speech

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NORFOLK, Va. ) - "Why
not? He's the President,' was how
a Navy official explained why the
aircraft carrier Independence
was ordered 'to make a 1,000-
mile detour to be here when
President Nixon arrives today.
The Independence left here a
few days ago to participate in
Armed Forces Day observances
at Mayport, Fla. But when the
White House announced Wednes-
day that President Nixon would
make an Armed Forces- Day
speech here today, the Navy or-
dered the carrier's return to
serve as a backdrop for Nixon's
THE SHIP dropped anchor
here Thursday after steaming
full power on the return trip.
Norfolk's Navy population,

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which includes the Atlantic Fleet
Headquarters, also is being en-
couraged to fill out the audience
for Nixon.
The Navy took quick action and
got 5,000 posters, each with a 5-
by 7-inch portrait of the Presi-
dent, printed and distributed
throughout the several bases in
'this tidewater military complex.
THE POSTERS describe Nix-
on's visit and the attendant cere-
monies -as a "Gala Armed Forces
Day Celebration." The posters
urge'sailors to "Come and Greet
President Nixon, Your Command-
"Considering that we didn't
get the final word till Wednesday,
distribution of these posters was
quite an accomplishment," a
Navy spokesman said.
Another Navy official said of
the recall of the carrier: "With
the President coming, the pow-
era that be thought it would be
advantageous to bring her back,
They just changed the course a
little bit and brought her back
here ... -e wanted as many of
our people to see the President
as possible."
rier uses thousands of gallons of
fuel for a trip such as the In-
dependence undertook. Navy of-
ficials said the cost was not a
factor since the Independence
was on a training cruise and she
was "still in training and w a s
training all the way back."
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