Saturday, May 19, 1973 THE SUMMER DAILY Page Seven .. .. V i s r the jo-b dow t UNCONTRACTED ( WORDS 1 day2days 3 days a0-10a 1.0a 2.00 2.40 11-15 1.15 2.30 2.90 16-20 1.30 2.60 3.60 21-25 1.55 3.10 4.30 26-30 1.20 3.60 5.00 31-35 2.05 4.10 5.65 36-40 2.30 4.60 6.30 41-45 2.55 5.10 6.95 (Continued from Page 6) USED CARS USED CARS WANTED TO RENT 1965 RAMBLER Amerian, appro. FRIENDLY malegraeeso n o 32,000, gnadctond., I1dailea,$25.^1970 inhaue ae pt. ftr Fail.Ed, 663-1 095. 1965 JETSTAR OLDSMOBILE. S5ao. 1 MerFryMonterpyapprax. 42;, 511,13 46-0- U 2.80 5.60 7.0 awner. Call Snsan, 761-7960, 38Ntl vFrygaad cand., 01200. Snoa tires a fr each. 063-0176 eve. & 703-3174 da. ALUMNUS (Irv1na Jaffe) and family INCHES 66 MUSTANG. 0206. 663-1023" Call eve 89N1S naw reaiding in France plan to vsiot 1 . 2.813 5.60 7.60 nlg.3NS- Ann Arbor far a few days in, Ang. 2 5.20 10.40 14.651 HELP WANTED Thsey aant to rent a hanae at large 3 7.40 14.80 21.102 PRETFRSME TRVL-apt. ftoseaeys. If yopan help,I 4 9.40 18.80 26.953 PERECTFORSUMERTRAELpie aecall 764-0562 and 1eae a; 5 1 1.20 22.40 32.204 1060 VW va /'64 egine. Rehnilt POPO PROGRAMMER neded forasnm- mtsage. dLOS 10,000amiLno -net ttarter, genera- nae. Write A. Radcliffe, 318 E. Wit-1 tr, 3 neaw tiras, newtradio. $350 or lana, stating your ua1111cations. N.B.: Each gtoup 6 choaatees tot beat offer. Leaveyessage, Rex, 761- 681112 ~ SUBLET . -Hphntdwrsor- 18173. 1ONHpeae wrsoe ______OWN BEDROOM 1n two-bedrooa apt. (.this includes telephoe '6 ODWagonsandad ta., solid BAYITN o d ~ JnJy By pas. Chap. 10 Iks'es etuls 1inch thsugh sonaedento, run arywep ,ocatsiaonor3-pear-aid girl. 15-20/ Call 065-4212.. 480-Mrdo100.6303. 5N8 wek lih oskeig -ark.-No--ight hn _e-pig...-___ AMF0 Poia.$10. 66033. SNOO Honra, starting tinae fleailie. Eapeei- ROOM FOR WOMAN in honse. Great ence with thildren preferred. Call location on Forest Ct. Inanadiate ac- PERSONAL 662(j -716. 9011 pancp to June 30. Chep. Call 761- TO O A THE MtICHIGAN DAILY neds aggres- 7292gil.6193. rt EUROPFRM$2 CASH site people to do saltsstarts. Good CAMPUS: large, clean, tarnished toerEFOM$2 tonanission, at ypunt atn pate. I- 1 ot il.71-92 ueFLIGHTS BRING YOUR TITLE terested? Call Bill at 764-6560 wetek- --- --- -- - days. ,d~tc 2-nORM. APT., basenatnt, garage, up- Individnal WE'LL BUY YOUR CAR! stairs bedroona, A/C, $1460nao. Now- Gronp 0FFICE & SALES RELP. Fnll-tima. Nat! end of Jnly. 665-4010. 2009 Nchednled (Icalandic) TOP $$$ jnst far snmme. Apply in peeson to ® " " -ItaErpa Mr. Bricault, Daniels Jewelry, 201 S. OWN ROOM IN APT. Cheap, pets, fa1ll ta-uopa - SPRING SWINGERS- Main, Ann Arbor. 34H09 option. 663-2004. 2206 SERVICES - SPORTS & IMPORTS - MTELS OEi ioi ed LEASE OR SUBLET-Island Delta Apts. Enroll asd Britrail passes 1972 VOLVO, 1435, 4 speed, MTIELSROEiLsnaned Mike, 663-3162 at Abe, 1-545-7539. 2- StoetID-ad AM/FM, low naileage . $3193 girl to lice in and tare fat thildren. hrasiaaigpoStatt ne AtdntyD.carenalaepshs 1969 VOLVO, anto., a/c . $2195 Ternas and benefits negosiable. 522- 1. 10015 lAutnant erntial,lagg prage 1971 06GB -ROADSTER . 25,5,0067. 21H122585 Guides to cities, countries, cnstonas 1970 KARMAN GHIA Coupe ..$15951 SUMMER SUBLET-2 bedroom apart- MOTHER'S HELPER, aged 11-22. Sept.- naent, naodetn, famnished, air condi- TOURS -TOYOTA JAZZ PARADE- Jane in NYC area. Children 2 and 4. tioning, parking. Near canapus. CallF 1961-1972 all naadels to ehoose from: Roona, hoard and salary. Write: Mrs. 769-7436. 120$ Designed according to pant flight 100 percent warranty an engines, Rsche 1Fla v. Re ..- shdnle transnaissions and diffs. far 106$ nales ____, 181111AATOERS NERAIOA VAAIrE' 3$ERAIOA days.17 DM' eldla aus. STUNDENT NEEDED far light ontdoor SUBLET SERVICE AEC Choose frona Coronas, Carinas mitnnea ut-osigcm 2 hrhSre and Celicas pies. Mnst be able to handle light, 761-7966 repairs. Send brief resunnato.0Box We maintain a list at sue F2 -THE HIT PARADE SPECIALS- 23MchgnDly OOl present tenants wishing to SHAD COFFEE HOUR KING retiring. 1069 FORD Galaxy 306, 2-dr., LAN Osublet shalt apartments farYER Grad Coffee Mont nerds Grad Stn- hadoat=no . $25 annt o iha annt.Cnat0 a dent Overteer tar nest year. If inter- 197$ MUSTANG, V-I, onto, psmeo in salts. $125 per week further infornaationse otc 6-57,Gratr6 plsconanission. Full-tinae only. etdCnat6357,Gratr6 law naileage ,.,..... $2195 ;Most have cat. Call Mrs. Cooper at xrFtc 1967 BUICK Riviera, sir, jnst like new Sumre Placemntt 763-4117. cHtc CAMPUS MANAGEMENT, INC. VITAN ARO'onygalb . . . $1595 ...._ VST N RBRS nyge a 1971 PINTO Hatthback, 4-speed., I PART-TIME HELP-Motnings. & ecves. before you spend your naoney' need- 2600 cc . $1095761-6090. 361109 lessly. Fine quality diamaonds and 1 66341,01low prices on all engageent and Toyota Ann Arbor ; Canap AL-GON-QUIAN. 270 na. north 6340 wedding rings. Austin Disaond, 1209 at Ann Arbor. Instrnctors Beaded fat cue S.Uhiversity, 663-7151. cFtc 97N , YAtan riflery (prefer at' least 21 yrs. 0141, sailing, water-skiing, coop craft, pro- INTRO-ACT-Weekend Marathon Per- 76-95grana director, ,& kitchen help. Apply PERSONAL tonal Growth Group using encountet 76-95at Ann Arbor YMCA, 350 5. Fifth______ & Gestalt. U. of M. credit. June 1, tNtc Ate. 663-0536. 94H11 GRAD COFFEE HOUR: Wed, night a- 2, 3. 0al1 Richard, 662-4126, 23F13 10 p na. Lots of people. Special: Has t t OtChocolate, 4th floor Nackho . New RICHARD LEE i t Pople wlcome! Ftc Photographer SELECTING WINE froma the Village Wedding Cand11s and Portraits CRO SW RD Apothecarp's 110lartmeas properly Call 455-1331 for appointmaents. stoted wine t a reasonoble price. ctct 1112.0Univrsity. cFtc - Cp.'iGn]FaueCopTRVLCMAINmaeofeae EU OEACROSS 4 Replenish. CaspianwatedfoIaopprox. month trip West. 73' i" 1 More foolish. 56 Steel beam. 20 Satan: Prefix Route flexible but will intludea 1- I J\,ai ~ ' Seaward. 39 Fishing spears. 23 Crates: Abbr, sth toNt'Grt W -ah., S.F.,oL.A., * PrI sutie oiO rer ake, , anouve, ; P -is* Spain 11 Pospolar head- 61 Sieuan Indian, 25 Turkish titles. Vegas, Grand Canyon, Denver. Camp- - , 1hadatar, 64 Samoan habor, 260Oneaofthe tog w/ihing. GwB geac; shote all *Vienna * Italy * 1Queuing, 66 Shortslev. . Kellys. epenseas, 1eatingt batsra June 15.I 15 Deficiency 67 New York state 27 Note of n kind, po think pan should hoce done this * Studio Arts* disease. prison. 29 Ancient trip long ada but didnt, call HAL, JULY and AUGUST 17 Works tgeher. 61 Catted pilla-s, sruens 761-9575 evrs., persitently. 59F12 CLASSIFIED RATES 4 dots 5 dossA days odd. 3.26 3 90 4.50 .55 3.90 4 0 5.60 .75 4.80 5 90 6.80 .85 5.70 700 8.10 1.05 6.60 $ 10 9.40 1.20 7.40 9.05 1u50 1.35 8.20 10.00 1 1.60 1.50 9 00 1095 12.70 1.65 9.80 1 1,96 13.80 1.80 9 80 1 190 13.80 1.80 19 10' 23 45 27.60 360 760 3400 40.20. 5.40 530 4355 5160 7200 2.20 52.10 61.80 9.00 at ns one wed - 5charaters count 6as8*two wd. enumsbes) 5 words Per line PERSONAL ENROLL. NOW: tr clsss strtin. in: Kungt-Pu. Ta Chi, Htcha Yoga, As- trology, Tarot, Filnmaaking Workshop, Nature Photography, Basic Photoga- phy, Studio Figure Photography, Mod- ern Dance, Blly Dance, Ceatie Weting, Creative Drawing asd Paint- log, Figure Drawing nd Painting, Cloy Mold Mking, Stind Glat Art, Primitive Weating,. Batik and Tie Dyeing. THE ART WORLDS, 2131z 5 Main St., 66-244 011 UNIQUE JEWELRY DESIGNS. Awad- winning attist-craftsman Bands, stone ettin, et. Faily pticd. 11- 41o 484-0054 se 434-055, ALTERNATIVES TO ABORTION - PROBLEM PREGNANCY, HELP 769- 7283. 406 . Diviion. Fte XEROX AND OFFSET Fast, low gnt dplcatng, COPY QUICK 1217 . Unversty 769-000 I am trying to bribe you with uncertainty, with danger, with def eat. brges That's mostly what you'll find if you commit your life to the millions in the Third World who cry out in the hunger of their hearts, That ..and fulf ill- ment too.with the COLUMBAN FATHERS. Over 1,000) Catholic mission- aypriests at work mainly in thedeveloping nations. We've been caled by many names - foreign dogs".- "hope-makers" ... "ctpital- ilcmias..."hard-nosed realiss".. Read the whole story in ow new FREE N KL Tell, it TOk.I If'.Mk 18 Seawred product. 19 Type sf tube, 2$ Musial. 21 "Mikado" role. 22 Diving bird, 24 Prohibited, 26 Gypsy horse, 28 Detonate, 3$ Joker, 33 Name akin to Rudolph. 15 Pen, 36 Sailor's reply, 38 With full force. 4$ Mtas's same, 42 Coin of Italy, 43 MacLaine musical. 45 Elerted : Fr, 47 Glided, 48 Languafe: Ahbr, 49 Ones. 12 Chemical suffix. 53 Splashy patty. 69 iblical judge, 31 70 _- many werds. 3 71 Cendition. 3; DOWN 1 One of a Caesar 3= trio, S' 2 Presently. 31 3 Flowering tree 4. of East India, 4e 4 Mote refined: 4( 5 Freedom of 5{ acceto. 5i 6 In mediasl,..,. 5! °7 Blind as,..., 8 Opposite of 5. staccato, 5( 9 City in Spain, I 3$ Song. IS "And away 5: ___6: 12 Atian land: 62 r. Var.63 13 Aircraft, fur 65 sort. . 66 16 City on the 30 Washiagton city:. 31 City in Tusrkey. 32 Dame-shtaped structure, 4 Adjective suesi, 7 Dawn goddess, 9 Seruff. 1 Then: Fr, 14 Profit, 16 French "one." $ Prevailt, It Expresses anger. i3 Coat ornament. i5 AntL i6 Latin pronoun, i7 Remote water from a boat. i8 Hindu fire god, SO Dancera f a type, i2 Warm, i3 Done to i5Greek letter. 6 Peer Gymt'a mother, I' 2 3 4 fl'F6 7I8 9 1t0 1F1J"2T13 17 1 43 44 45 46 47 - - - -4a8 4 -9 o - -0 -51 52 - 53 4 55 56 57 06 59' 60 - ,1 62 63 69 - - 70 - - 71 - - - - ILANGUAGE ART THEATRE HAVE A FEW EXTRA hourt a day?" FILM COOKING PHOTOGRAPHY i Want ta earn a little extra cash? The CERAMICS, LIYHO, SCULPTURE Michigan Daily needs interested pro- AND MORE pta to do. soles' work. Gaod 'caolms- sian. Call Bill at 764-0560 weekdays. STILL OPENINGS dFtc UNWANTED Facial and Body Hlalt re-:f Applications moved perrmanently by electrolyoia. Accepted Now! John Garrett, registered Eltcttologist -962-1905, 616 David Stott Bldg., Ge- THE Center Why buy maaas ptoduced WEDDING RINGS? Hate Foot personal design FOR created by JHAN. 769-7550. rFR Foreign Study Study C era i C LIMITED SCHOLARSIPS and LOANS For '73 ptogram handbook PaintinganAplcto TheaterContact CENTER FOR FOREIGN STUDY A Private Educational Organization 207 Michigan Theatre Bldg. Language ton Liberty, above MarilynShp Literature 662557 Sculpture TES ESO =rivte insructi. ArtHitoy SPIG AND SUMMER DRESSMAK- C ~ ~ ~ E CoinIN utona Tailoting, Designing, and Alteration ftoma Marque Design- Printmaking TENNIS LESSONS - former U-H play- er.Countr Club pta. Private court.- and- more Individoal or groups. 709-5946, gFt in MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE Pa c Underwriters atill ban the bent ratea Paris* Spain in town. CaBl us, 761-4616, aFY' * Italy " Vienna BOARD EXAM TUTORING JULY AND AUGUST Entollment Eor Kaplan Tutaring Contact courats now being accepted fnr tbs upcoming LSAT, MCAT, DAT exams. SUMMER ABROAD Far info-mration and enrollment eall 313-354-0085. rFte A Private Educational Organization - __ 204 Michigan Theatre Bldg. - :-..-______ .662-6666 et s al MIXED BOWLING LEAGUES na, Sign lupNowain4reae HPin Bowling-Win a res egamae 1C I as fed H Union Lanes Open 11 a~m, Hon-Sat. cFO:______________ St. Columbans, Neb. 68056 1Please send me a copy of yoar booklet, Na strings. 1Name I AddressI State Zi t Callege class