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May 19, 1973 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1973-05-19

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Saturday, May 19, 1973 TH
McCracken defeats
Broom challengers

City attorney will

(Continued from Pas)3
Cracken's salary last year in-
cluded $6700 from the University
as specified by the union con-
tract, and $8000 from the local,
as well as undetermined gen-
erous travel and food expenses.
McCracken flatly denied funds
were being misallocated.
B R 0 O M MEMBERS also
charged, "McCracken is dealing
with the University - he's get-
ting kickbacks"
McCracken returned, "I'd like
to know who Hines knows in the
University." McCracken's cam-
paigners revealed that Hines was
promoted three times within six
months in 1972, despite the con-
tract's stipulation that the Uni-
M cCord
(Continued from Page 1)
secret testimony by McCord.
Reading from a'prepared state-
ment, McCord said he was told
by Caulfield:
"'You know that if the ad-
ministration gets its back to the
wall, it will have to take steps to
defend itself.'
"I took that as a personal
threat and I told him in response
that I had had a good life, that
my will was made oit and that
I had thought through the risks
and would take them when I was
"He said that -if I had to go
off to jail that the administration
would help with the bail pre-
miums. I advised him that it was
not a bail premium, but $100,000
straight cash and that was a
problem I would have to worry
about, through family and
Sources close to the committee
say Caulfield is expected to cor-
roborate McCord's testimony
about several meetings along the
Potomac River but that he has so
far refused to say he was ordered
to carry the message by his su-
WASHINGTON (A) -President
Nixon went for a Potomac River
cruise last night aboard the presi-
dential yacht Sequoia. According
to White House officials, he was
accompanied by his long-time
friend, millionaire "Bebe" Re-
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versity need not review bids for
promotion until an employe has
held one post for at least six
Charges le-elled against the
Broom Committee by M-Crack-
en's supoorters were equally ser-
ious. A motion Hines made while
serving as chief steward was par-
ticularly criticized.
THE MOTION proposed that
the local nion withhold for its
own use the per capita tax it
pays to the AFSCME interna-
tional office. The- tax comprises
nearly $10,000 ot of the $16,000
in dues the 2700 member local
branch collects per month.
Hines' opponents called the
move "union busting" because if
a local withholds dues, the in-
ternational may place it in trus-
teeship, in effect usurping all
local authority.
Further, McCracken's support-
ers claimed the effect of the
Broom c a m p a i g n was racist,
tending to encourage union mem-
bers to "vote their color."
IN THE elections for lower
AFSCME posts, r e s u 1 t s were
either inconclusive or tended to
favor members of whit Broom
supporters c a I1I "McCracken's

Jerold Lax

Police arrest
three alleged
drug dealers
(Continued from Page 1)
The Los Angeles B u r e a u of
Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs
indicated that Moore has alleged-
ly been involved in drug traffic
on the west coast, but refused to
disclose the nature of his in-
as "the unknown quantity" in the
case, and hinted that the Cali-
fornian's presence suggested a
possible link to "the far west
and even the far east:"
Malone, Harris, and Moore are
each being held at $15,000 bond.

leave post in July
(Conet ied from Page 3) to leive feeling there are other
Ie said, however, he was up- projects to be done," Lax added.
set that the marijuana ordinance He said he wanted to strength-
received the publicity it did. en the citv's anti-discrimination
"The attention the measure at- laws and see that they were bet-
tracted is symptomatic of the ter enforced.
way people look at drugs," he Stephens-i indicated no one
commented. has, ass yet, been definitely con-
"That ordinance should have sidered as a candidate to fill the
been enacted a long, long time city attornev's post.
ago." "THE NEW ATTORNEY will
LAX WILL become an asso- not be an active Human Rights
ciate professor at the Wayne Party or Democratic Party
State University law school this member," Stephenson said. He
fall, but he said he has no long would not, however, rule out the
range future plans. possibility the new attorney
"While I'm looking forward to might be an active Republican
teaching, it's always frustrating Party member.
Modern Languages Building
SATURDAY and SUNDAY, 5 19-20
starrina BELA LUGOSI
7:00 9:30
W.C. FIELDS as the
8:20 10:40
7:00 & 9:00 double-feature $1.25

Saturday, May 19 Senate Assembly: Rackham Amph.
3:i5 pm.
DAY CALENDAR Public Health: D. Gudakunst Lec-
Conference on Admin. of the Federal ture: D. C. Gajdusek, Nat'l Inst. of
Water Pollution Control Act Amend- Neurological Diseases & Stroke, "The
ments of 1972 & Opportunities for Trail from New Guinea Kuru to the
Citizen Participation: Rackham Am- Transmissible Viral Dementias," Aud.,
phitheater, 9 am.-3 pm. SPH0 It. 4 pm.
Basebali: Michigan vs Northwestern, Musi School: Carillon recital, Christ
Fisher Stadium, 1 pm. Church Cranbrook Carillon Guild,
Sunday, May 20 Baird Carillon, 7 pm.
TV Center: "Discovery of Science: Hospital Volunteers Information
First Stirrings," WWJ-TV, Channel 4. Meeting: St. Joseph Mercy Hosp. Aud.,
noon. a-s pm.
Monday, May 21 Ctr. for Study of Higher Education:
Cluster Communications Comm.: Op- L. Glenny, Univ. of Calif.-Berkeley,
en meeting, 3524 SAB, noon. "Trends & Developments in State Co-
SACUA: West Alcove, Rackham ordination for Postsecondary Educa-
Amph, 3:15 pm. tion," w. Conf. Em., Rackham, 8 pm.

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