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August 11, 1979 - Image 16

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Michigan Daily, 1979-08-11

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Page 16-Saturday, August 11, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Twins approve 30-year
lease for domed stadium;
win key concessions

ST. PAUL (AP) - The Minnesota
Twins approved a 30-year lease for a
downtown Minneapolis domed stadium
yesterday, virtually insuring that the
structure will be built after years of
However, the Twins extracted two
key concessions ina final day of closed-
door bargaining with the chairman of
the Metropolitan Sports Facilities
Commission, the agency which will
build the stadium,
Chairman Dan Brutger agreed to
throw in $1 million in donated funds to
replace the Twins' current office space
in Metropolitan Stadium. He also
agreed to either terminate the team's
KC edges,
late raly
By The Associated Press
KANSAS CITY-Amos Otis' single
capped a two-run counter-rally in the
bottom of the ninth inning last night, lif-
ting the Kansas City Royals to a 7-6 vic-
tory over the Detroit Tigers in the
opener of a twi-night doubleheader.
DETROIT SCORED three runs in the
top of the inning to grab a 6-5 lead but
Hal McRae tied the score with a leadoff
home run off reliever Aurelio Lopez (6-
3). One out later, a walk to Darrell Por-
ter was followed by singles by Pete
LaCock and Otis, making a winner of
rookie reliever Dan Quisenberry (2-0).
Steve Kemp's two-run homer helped
Detroit take a 3-2 lead but George Brett
tripled home the tying run in the
Royals' seventh and scored on
LaCock's single to give Kansas City a 4-
3 lead.

lease or install air conditioning if atten-
dance falls off because there is no
cooling in the stadium.
THE FACILITY will have a fabric
roof, similar to the Silverdome at Pon-
tiac, Mich., and is designed to seat
65,000 for football. Movable seats will
expand the playing field for baseball
and leave seating for 54,195.
Air conditioning is not now planned
because engineers say it won't be
needed. It would cost $2 million to in-
With those conditions, the lease was
approved by the Twins board of direc-
tors and later by the stadium com-
mission on a vote of 7-1.
Only Ricahrd Radman, a St. Paul
labor leader, voted against the lease,
"" " ***** *****"'O*nly four wees .. .
saying he believes the cost of the O l f u e k
Miesota ly eed limits set by the . , . until the Michigan football team begins its centennial year against
However, Brutger said the obstacles Northwestern September 8. Defensive back Mike Jolly will undoubtedly
in the path of the stadiuim "are now at be a key to the veteran Wolverine defense, and you read up about him and
t panth," nddhe'sareopats his mates that same day in "Kickoff," the Daily's guide to the 1979 football
that it will be built and opened in season. It's'full of facts, figures, and analysis of the Wolverines and t leir
December 1981 as planned. Big Ten rivals.
Cards overpower Cubs
B The Associated Press
ST. LOUIS-Jerry Mumphrey and collect its sixth straight victory. ninth for the Cubs' final run.
cracked an inside-the-park homer to Dave Kingman's triple, a walk to
score three runs and Ted Simmons, Larry Bittner and RBI singles to Steve A 's 6, Twins 5
Garry Templeton and Ken Reitz drove Ontiveros, Steve Dillard and Ivan
home two runs each, leading the St. DeJesus staked Chicago to a 3-2 lead in BLOOMINGTON, Minn. -N
Louis Cardinals to a 13-8 triumph over the second inning. Heath, whose pinch single tied thes
the Chicago Cubs in the first game of a But Templeton, who had four singles, in the ninth inning, delivered a sacr
twi-night doubleheader last night. keyed a 17-hit St. Louis attack which fly in the 11th to give the Oakland1
Mumphrey's homer, his third of the produced an 11-4 lead after six innings. 6-5 victory over the Minnesota T
year, highlighted a four-run Cardinals Buckner belted his 11th homer of the yesterday in the first game of a
uprising in the fourth inning against season following DeJesus' single and night doubleheader.
Cubs starter Mike Krubow (9-7). The Scot Thompson's double in the Cubs' Hath's fly ball scored Mitchell I
burst enabled St. Louis to withstand Bill seventh. who had singled to lead off the
Buckner's three-run homer for Chicago Kingman hit his 38th homer in the moved to second on a fly ball and


A's a

third on an infield hit by Dave Chalk.
Minnesota relief ace Mike Marshal (10-
10) worked the final 4%f3 innings and
gave up the tying and winning runs.
Mets 7, Expos 1
NEW YORK-Joel Youngblood and
Doug Flynn drove in two runs apiece in
New York's six-run first inning, and the
Mets snapped a five-game losing streak
yesterday with a 7-1 victory over the
Montreal Expos in the first game of
their twi-night doubleheader.
The Mets sent 10 men to the plate in
the first inning, with all six runs being
charged to Expos left-hander Ross
Grimsley (8-8). Craig Swan (11-9)
limited Montreal to seven hits; in-
cluding Chris Speier's third-inning solo
home run, his fourth.
American League
Kansas City 7, Detroit 6 (2nidgame, n)
Oakland 6, Minnesota 5 (2nd game, n)

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