Page 14-Saturday, August 11, 1979-The Michigan Daily 'Uobservatory undergoing renovations Continued from flage 3 th about $6,000 in 1852. But now, they The only visible exterior change is thought one way to do it was build one of seems to have time to do it. Mohler said are worthless because of today's ad- what Mohler jokingly called a the country's best observatories, aside from a $2,000 grant from the vanced technology telescopes. "superhighway" - a winding white Mohler continued. National Academy of Sciences, no According to Mohler, the sidewalk from the base of the steep hill TAPPAN IMMEDIATELY went to specific funds have been set aside to Smithsonian Institution in Washington on Observatory St. to the front door Europe to buy the equipment he wanted accomplish the task. has wanted the telescopes for years, but facing the hospital. and hired Pister and Martins of Berlin, Mohler in recent weeks has cleaned won't offer any money for them. Tappan decided to build an obser- the most famous manufacturers of up the room which houses the six-inch ASTRONOMY faculty seem to favor vatory the day he became the Univer- astronomical equipment in Europe at refractor, one of two telescopes in the some sort of astronomical museum sity's first president, Mohler said. A that time, to begin building the obser- observatory. The other is a 12-inch containing "a sample of the history of science enthusiast, Tappan wanted to vatory. refractor. the area," said Mohler. "It's nice to establish the University's reputation Mohler said Tappan had wealthy Kohler said the telescopes were wor- have memories." for academic excellence, and he friends in Detroit who provided most of the initial money for the ambitious hl yyS ,* project, which is why it's called the Health Service soon self-suppoting Detroit Observatory. Tappan originally wanted the obser- ({Continued from Page 3' vatory located in the center of the Diag. program associate for Health Service. During the 1979-80 school year, tests, x-rays, and other clinic calls cost But after some squabbling, the obser- She helped students form the Student students will be assessed $23 per term fees that are "very reasonable" com- vatory was built on its current location, Health Organization (SHO) two years for Health Service. A report to the pared to other area health care which was an open field in 1852. ago. Active during the past academic University Board of Regents last April facilities, Mills said. iOTH TELESCOPES were installed year, SHO acts as a liasion between showed the amount of the assessment to Health Service also provides a con- in 1854 and were used mostly for Earth- students and staff, promotes health be comparable to that of other univer- traceptive clinic, birth control lectures, oriented astronomical calculations un- eductionandcan erveas stuent sities. Health Service literature claims education, and can serve as a student the fee students pay is a argain, and a venereal disease clinic that is til1939, when the increased use of radio voice in policy-making. compared to the cost of arain sponsored by the Washtenaw County signals replaced the telescopes' Ryan said this last function of the the Ann Arbor m dical c Department of Health. primary function. group has been "down-played in my EVERY ENROLLED student is en- Although primarily for students, Prof. Dean McLaughlin used the view," and said she hopes someday titled to unlimited free visits to the faculty and staff are also seen oc- telescope to discover what he thought students will have a stronger represen- medical clinic during regular hours in casionally on a fee-for-service basis, was volcanic activity on Mars in 1939. tation in the decision-making. the building on Fletcher Street. Lab Mills said. New 'U' Hospital plans subject of ongoing controversy (Continued from Page 4) Michigan. But the University needs an educational facility that can draw medical students. Tuition for out-of- state medical students is the highest the University charges any of its students - a whopping $2,950 per term. For that amount of money, students should be able to expect high quality facilities and instructors. The CHPC-SEM indicated in April that it opposed the University's $244 million plan to re .ace its hospital The regional council tas been campaigning to cut the number of beds in southeastern Michigan, and the 923-bed building the University proposed was too much, .t a, for the area to absorb. While . recognized the University's special need for educational and research facilities, it feared the burden . the plan would throw on Michigan tax- payers. In May, the Regents gave the go- ahead for University officials to seek a 30-day delay in the review process to continue negotiations with Department of Public Health officials. The University, in bargaining with state health officials, settled on nine conditions for approval of the cer- tificate of need, which is required before funding methods can be discussed. The conditions, outlined by the public health department's chief of the Health Care Administration Bureau, Dr. Her- mann Ziel in early June, included cut- ting the proposed number of beds from 923 to 900, which in effect slices the plan's cost from $244 million to $241 million. Patient space worth $219 million also would have to be cut to $200 million. CHPC-SEM then charged that the public health department had violated the intent of health care planning laws by making drastic changes in the proposal at state-level negotiations, in- stead of at the regional level. "The changes agreed to between the Univer- sity and the Department of Public H'ealth constitute a new application for approval by regional health planners," contended CHPC-SEM President Delia Goodwin in late June. She added that the regional planners expected to be able to review the proposed hospital again. Goodwin sent letters to both Gov. William Milliken and then-Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Joseph Califano, asking them to intervene on the regional council's behalf. But since the CHPC-SEM had not exhausted all appeals processes, the intervention never occurred. It seemed the University and the public health department had formed a coalition against the relatively powerless regional health planning council. The Detroit Free Press in an editorial called the University "arrogant" and demanded it revise the new hospital plans. A flurry of letters from both sides of the controversy also appeared in the Detroit newspaper. The Board of Trustees of CHPC-SEM voted unanimously June 27 to sue the Department of Public Health for violating the intent of health planning laws and to demand a re-review of the proposed hospital. At that point, the public health department's deadline for granting the certificate of need was Aug. 8. Public Health Department Director Dr. Maurice Reizen on July 2 refused to allow the regional council a second review, saying furtherdelay would be "unfair" to the University. The regional council claimed state approval of the hospital proposal would hinder CHPC-SEM cost-cutting efforts and damage its credibility. Goodwin said the University should provide more evidence it is sharing expensive services and equipment with other hospitals in southeastern Michigan; that the University should consider training more students at the currently under-utilized Wayne County General Hospital; and that the University must realize the impact a new hospital would have on over-bedded southeastern Michigan. The University contended that many of its patients come from outstate, not metropolitan Detroit. But to avoid risking a court battle that could delay the hospital review process longer than would a second review, the Regents at their July meeting agreed to ask for yet another delay, giving the regional council enough time to look at the plans again. The CHPC-SEM now has until Sept. 1to make a recommendation to the public health department, and that agency deadline to grant the certificate of need is one month later. It was at that July meeting that Regent Dunn threatened to reveal the political jungle through which the hospital plans undoubtediy have traveled. University officials and regional planners reportedly were close to a compromise in late July. .The longer the hospital replacement project is postponed, the more it will cost both the University and the tax- payers. Negotiations for funding still must follow the certificate of need from the Department of Public Health, and it appears several more years with the antiquated University Hospital face the University. I I I I Clip and Save CINEMA II Next Week's lineup Friday. August 17 IMAGES (ROBERTALTMAN, 1972) A stunning psychological suspense thriller and portrait of schizophrenia and sexual hysteria. Stomu Yamashta's eerie soundtrack helps heighten the tension to near unbearable levels. Those who say nobody writes roles for women should see what SUSANNAH YORK does with the role Altman wrote for her-a woman and her encroaching madness. RENE AUBER- JONOIS, MARCEL BOZZUFI. (101 Min.) Saturday, August 18 PIRANHA (JOE DANTE, 1978) Our summer finale. In the Roger Corman genre, this is not an exploitation of the Jaws mania, but a film about the legacy of horror films. Dante uses great humor in showing how horror films play a part in modern life. A strain of super-piranha, capable of living in any waters, was originally developed by the army as a variant of biological warfare. They're accidentally released and leave carnage on their way to a resort-opening party for an incredible climax. "Piranha is on absolutely dynamite horror movie."-Take One. Starring KEVIN McCARTHY (Invasion of the Body Snatchers), BARBARA STEELE, BRADFORD DILLMAN, HEATHER MENZIES, and KEENAN WYN. Look for our piranha display tank at the show. (90 Min.) All shows Aud A-$1.50 That's all folks for this summerl took for Cinema lI this fall with a full schedule and "Holding Up Half the Sky"-A tribute to women in film. 1 I I I I I I I I I U I H I I I I I I I I AUDITIONS "The Devil's Disciple" Sun. and Mon.. August 12 and 13. 7:30 p.m. Call-backs Wed., Aug. 14. Ann Arbor Civic Theatre, 201 Mulholland, off W. Washington. Roles for 5 women plus extras and 10 men plus extras. Women's ages: 1, 16 yrs., 1, 30 yrs., 3 over 50 Men's ages: 2, 20-30 yrs., 2, 30-40 yrs., 6, 45-60 yrs. r r ri r r