Page 2-Friday, May 4, 1979---The Michigan Daily
HEW releases doubled radiation statistics
(Continued from Pag 1)
greater health risks than the general
population." However, Califano said
risk figures had not yet been calculated
for these workers.
He said he expects an even higher
figure will be reported in a fuller
analysis of the data which is expected
to be completed and made public next
week by the Nuclear Regulatory Com-
mission (NRC).
Califano said he based his projections
on the traditional formula for com-
puting the link between radiation doses
and cancer. But, he noted, "scientists
who believe that traditional theory un-
derestimates the risk of low-level
radiation would predict up to ten ad-
ditional cancer deaths for this
"ALTHOUGH one additional fatal
cancer or even 10 fatal cancers may
seem small statistically . . . it is
nonetheless ultimately, significant for
the individuals who become these
statistics," he said.
During the NRC meeting, the agen-
cy's staff said 721 people living within
three miles of the nuclear plant were
checked from April 10 to 18 but no
radioactivity from Three Mile Island
was found.
CALIFANO SAID that in any general
population of two million, some 325,000
individuals will ultimately die of some
form of cancer.
He told senators that one reason the
government initially underestimated
the dose from Three Mile Island was
that, during the first three days of the
accident when releases were the
highest, fewer than 20 radiation
monitors were in place.
Some areas had no radiation
monitors and, "moreover, it is uncer-
tain how many persons were located in
each area," Califano testified.
BUT HE SAID refined calculations
and more sophisticated monitoring,
plus the fact that some substances
released by the plant continue to emit
radioactivity, gave federal health of-
ficials the new, higher figures released
Despite prodding from subcommittee
members, Califano declined to take a
stand on the future of nuclear power in
light of the accident.
"It is not for me to determine how
fast we should move with nuclear
power," he said. "But we do believe -
and I speak for all the top health of-
ficials at HEW - there should be a
penetrating re-examination of all of our
nation's nuclear standards, many of
which were set years ago."
At the same time, staff members of
the NRC told a commission meeting
that no dangerous levels of radiation
were found in samples of air, water, soil
and milk in the Harrisburg, Pen-
nsylvania, area near the plant.
inspection division, said several hun-
dred samples had been taken since the
March 28 accident caused a crisis
during which pregnant women and
children were advised to evacuate the
area temporarily.
Higginbotham said high levels of
radiation were found at the plant site
and within the damaged reactor.
Conservatives lead
in British election
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(ContinludifromPage 1)
Five opinion polls published Election
Day gave her Conservative Party leads
ranging from 2 to 8 percentage points.
The nation's legal bookmakers repor-
ted heavy wagering in favor of the
Tories, including one bet of $41,000.
Stock prices nudged record highs on
hopes the party that traditionally backs
big business would win.
The final newspaper poll of the cam-
paign, published in the Evening Stan-
dard, gave the Conservatives a 45 per
cent to 37 per cent edge over Labor,
with 15 per cent going to the small
Liberal Party.
AN ELECTORATE of 41,093,262 was
eligible to cast ballots for the new
Commons. The party that wins the most
seats will be asked by Queen Elizabeth
II to form a government. It will hold
power for up to five years, until it calls
a new election.
Few women in modern history have
led their nations'.governments.
Sirimavo Bandaranaike was prime
minister of Sri Lanka in 1960-65 and
1970-77; Indira Gandhi served as prime
with all the trimmings. 4 79
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minister of India in 1966-77; Golda Meir
was Israel's prime minister in 1969-74,
and Isabel Peron was president of
Argentina in 1974-76.
Callaghan fought an uphill battle sin-
ce a vote of no-confidence brought
about a dissolution of Commons in
March. Labor won 319 seats, a
majority, in the last election, in October
1974. But deaths, by-elections and party
defections eventually cut that number
to 306, and Callaghan had depended on
the support of the Liberals and other
small parties to stay in power.
THE CAMPAIGN was waged
mainly over the pocketbook issues of
jobs-1.3 million Britons are out of
work, a 5.6 per cent unemployment
rate-and prices, most of which have
doubled in the past five years.
Callaghan stressed his experience as
a former foreign secretary, home
secretary, chancellor of the exchequer
and prime minister, the post he moved
into in April 1976 when Harold Wilson
resigned as government chief and
Labor Party leader.
Callaghan maintained that a Labor
government-with its special relation-
ship with the country's powerful trade
unions-was best equipped to keep the
economy on an even keel by main-
taining union peace and controlling
prices and wages through state inter-
THATCHER, Conservative chief sin-
ce 1975, contended government should
take a back seat in the nation's
economic affairs and allow freer play
for basic market forces. She scoffed at
Callaghan's record on maintaining
labor peace and pointed to last winter's
series of disruptive public-service
Both the Laborites and Conservatives
pledged to cut the income tax,
(USPS 344-900)
Volume LXXXIX, No. 3-S
Friday, May 4, 1979
is edited and managed by students at
the University of Michigan. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday morn-
ings during the University year at 420
Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan
48t09. Subscription rates: $12 Septem-
ber through April (2 semesters); $13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer ses-
sion published Tuesday through.Satur-
day mornings. Subscription rates:
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out-
side Ann Arbor. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.