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August 09, 1979 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1979-08-09

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The Michigan Doily-Thursday, August 9, 1979-Page 9
Plumber: strike'only weapon' against 'U'
uContinued from Page 5
workers skills are indispenible. sick pay program for skilled trades to the union's demands for higher Wesley claimed. "They don't have the
"THE ELEMENTS don't bother us," employees, Wesley said. wages and continuation of the current tools. They are just letting things go
Wesley said yesterday afternoon, just "The outside scale is $4 to $5 per hour sick leave policy. down.
as the rain began to fall. He also pointed more," than for University skilled Picketers point out the ways the Wesley said maintaining the picket
to the red rash on his arms caused by workers, he estimated. strike[ has affected University lines is essential, and he even cancelled
overexposure to the sun. "FOR THE younger fellow who wan- operations, and say eventually the plans for a family weekend in Nash-
Despite the stalemated negotiations, ts to make the big money, this (the University will have to take them ville, Tenn. "I suppose a lot of other
"the sentiment in the rank and file is University) is not the place," Wesley seriously. "This outfit (the University) fellows had plans, too," he added.
very' strong," and growing stronger added, gesturing at the nearby campus runs on trades," Wesley said. "There's Wesley said his fellow trades workers
each day the strike continues, accor- buildings. alot of work to do before school starts." are dedicated to securing the union's
ding to trades council President Jim The union members say they hope the WHILE SUPERVISORS are perfor, demands. The majority of members
Murphy. work stoppage will be effective enough ning emergency repairs, "Anything voted to strike. "We're in this
Wesley, a plumber, has been a to convince the University to acquiesce big they couldn't handle. No way," together," explained Wesley.
University employee for 13 years. He
said he likes his job at the University,
even though he said most plumbers in
non-University jobs make more moneyCL S ID
than he does.
"OUTSIDE (the University) you
don't get the sick benefits,'" the gray-
haired plumber explained. The sick pay
and "more diverse" work are the ad- F*1
vantages of a University job, Wesley
The union is on strike because the
University is trying to eliminate the +hh
w w'w'aw watww


OKs franchise
Continued from Page3)
building; expanding reception to in-
clude two stations, one from Chicago
and one from Atlanta; special sports
coverage from Madison Square Gar-
den; and a 24-hour news channel.
The agreement under negotiation last
week complied with the city's newly
revised ordinance regulating cable
television, William Cullen, a consultant
hired by Ann Arbor Cablevision, said
last Thursday.
Low winds
stall Mexican
oil spill
Calm weather yesterday stalled the
northward drift through the Gulf of
Mexico of the world's largest oil spill,
which has defiled Texas' resort beaches
for two days.
But Coast Guard officials called the
development "a standoff" at best. They
warned that if southeasterly winds
resume, the oil would advance. The oil
has dotted the South Texas coast from
Port Isabel to Port Mansfield, a stretch
of about 30t miles.
NO EFFORTS have been made by
any agency to determine the amount of
oil that has washed ashore, Coast
Guard spokesman Joe Gibson said.
"We can only make a five-day predic-
tion. Right now, it looks good," said
Coast Guard Capt. Roger Madson, who
added that the leading edge of the spill
from atrunaway Mexican offshore well
reversed slightly on Tuesday. "If
Mother Nature decides to get up on her
hind legs and be uncooperative, we'd be
in a much more difficult situation."
Coast Guard officials said the slight
reversal was not significant. One said
of the situation, "At best, it's a stan-
Oil slicks and balls of oil-that hang
suspended below the surface of the
Gulf, moving with tides and currents,
have been drifting toward South Texas
for two months frombptn oil well' off
Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula.

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