P'a8 6-WednesdayI-Augusf ;1979-The Michigan Daily Nixon low-key since resignation WASHINGTON (AP) - It has been five years since Richard Nixon left the presidency in disgrace, but he still can't make a speech, take a trip, or buy a home without m eting protest. The weight of Watergate and Viet- Watergate haunts expresident. nam and the antagonism of those who will not forgive have turned the former president into a near-recluse and denied him the respect and the plat- form that is the usual reward of a for- mer American chief executive. "I LET THE American people down, and I have to carry that burden with me for the rest of my life," Nixon told TV interviewer Ddvid Frost two years ago. "My political life is over. I will never again have an opportunity to serve in an official position." Nixon announced his intention to resign in a prime-time television speech on Aug. 8, 1974 - not long after the House Judiciary Committee voted to recommend that he be impeached for attempting to cover up White House in- volvement in the break-in of Democratic Party headquarters in the Watergate Office Building. The official resignation was received by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at 11:35 a.m. the next day, when Nixon was already in the air on his way home. IN THE FIRST 18 months afterward, Nixon rarely ventured from La Casa, Pacifica, his tightly guarded seaside estate in San Clemente, Calif. Then he went to China where the welcome was warm and protests non- existent. He has traveled more since, but always without fanfare. Flying to, Washington on a commercial airliner last January, Nixon was let off the plane at the edge of the runway and met by only acar and driver. Not until July 1978 did Nixon make his first speech in public at Hyden, Ky., an isolated town where no Democrat has been elected to office since the Civil War. He ventured out again in October for an Armistice Day observance in Biloxi, Miss. THOSE SPEECHES and appearan- ces on French television and at Oxford University are the sum of Nixon's public forays in the five years. He made a 12-hour journey to Mexico last month to visit the deposed Shah of Iran, a friend from the days when both were in power, and he has made several trips to New York and the Bahamas. He and Mrs. Nixon also have allowed their home to be used for a Republican fun- draiser, and they gave a party for 450 people, honoring America's astronauts. Last month, the Nixons decided to move east. Then it became known they were buying a $750,000 penthouse apar- tment in a cooperative building in New York, WITHIN DAYS, a resident of the building polled her neighbors and an- nounced many were opposed to the Nixons living in their midst. The residents said it was not politics but simply the- fuss which surrounds a celebrity. Nixon backed out of the deal. When Nixon resigned, the first president to do so, he owed more than $400,000 in back taxes and his legal bills were mounting. Worse, he feared he would be indicted, tried, and perhaps sent to prison. That specter was lifted by Gerald Ford, who gave Nixon a complete par- don for any crimes he might have committed in office. Nixon later said he would have preferred the "agony of a trial" to accepting a presidential par- don that he knew made him look guilty, but "there was no chance whatsoever I could get a fair trial." THE MOVIES AT BRIARWOOD i-94 & S. STATE. 0 769-8780 (Adjacent to J C Penney) *DAILY EARLY BIRD MATINEES-Adults $1.50 DISCOUNT IS FOR SHOWS STARTING BEFORE 1:30 * Mon. thru Sat. 10:00 A.M. til 1:30 P.M. Sun. & Hols. 12 Noon til 1:30 P.M. I Guerrillas set conditions forpeace in Rhodesia (Continued from Page 2) within five weeks. Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere, reject the present constitution, which chairman of the five front-line African produced Rhodesia's first black- countries supporting the guerrillas, en- dominated government, as a sellout to dorsed the new peace plan and held a white interests because the whites con- news conference to stress that the in- trol 28 of the 100 parliamentary seats, surgents always have been cooperative the judiciary, the civil service, the ar- but eac als. my, and police.' about peace talks. y ndw planppaentyhNyerere skirted questions about what The new plan apparently has -been he and other black African leaders kept deliberately vague to avoid the would do to bring the guerrillas to the pro-negotiation squabbling over details conference table. that defeated other peace plans. From his headquarters in Mozam- "LET'S TAKE one step at a time," bique, Mugabe backed up Tekere with cautioned Britain's Prime Minister another condition: that former white Margaret Thatcher at a brisk news con- Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith, ference earlier yesterday. She said she now a Cabinet Minister, and black hoped to have a new constitution draf- Prime Minister Abel Muzorewa "have ted and talks under way in London got to go." Mideast talks end; major ...- the - Istit IJUM 12 : fastest ANN-MARGRET 2:11 funTBZZI 7:30 i FSTER BROOKSW WAAM RADIO PRESENTS AUGUST IS W. C. FIELDS MONTH I FRI. THfS WEEKEND: ond AhIP BREK /i SAT. "NEVER wv1 ASUCKERN A EVEN 1K 120 Old-Time Prices Are Back-EVERYONE 12.50 issues remain (ContinuedfromPage3) agenda in themselves prejudiced the final decisions in the mind of one side or the other. That was why no agreement was yet possible on an agenda for talks on the council's responsibilities. The Mideast negotiations remain deadlocked on the issue of how much power Palestinians should be given in the occupied territories. Israel wants autonomy limited to the conduct of daily lives, but Egypt seeks broad self- government falling just short of full in- dependence. DELEGATION LEADERS asserted that the mere fact that Egypt and Israel agreed on subjects to be discussed in more detail implied what the decisions ultimately might be. . "It is not an easy job," said Egyptian Prime Minister Mustafa Enalil. "I am satisfied with the progress." The agreed agenda will be turned over to working committees that will meet in two weeks in Alexandria,. Egypt, said Israeli delegation chief Yosef Burg. The full negotiating teams unsettled will reconvene in that city in four or five weeks. CAIRO NEWSPAPERS reported, meanwhile, that Egyptian President Anwar Sadat would come to Haifa Sept. .5 and hold further talks on the Palestine issue with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. The two leaders last met at a July summit but were unable to resolve the autonomy issue. Begin was released from a hospital last week where he had been recovering from a minor stroke. Overshadowing the two-day Haifa conference this week was a bitter Israeli dispute with the United States over diplomatic maneuvers toward a new U.N. Security Council resolution on the Palestinians. The resolution also was injected briefly into the talks when Egypt argued that such U.N. action could prompt moderate Palestinians to join negotiations. Israel responded with a vailed threat that it might break off talks if thataction vere taken..,