Vol. LXXXIX, No. 61-S The IM chi gan Daily WednesdayAugust8, 1979 Twelve Pages Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents Clear sailing expected in fall housing hunt By TIM YAGLE Returning students, especially freshpersons, should encounter few obstacles in finding on-campus housing this fall, Assistant University Housing In- formation Director LeRoy Williams said yesterday. While Housing Office has been accepting housing applications since classes ended in April, there should be openings in dormitories and co-ops this fall. ACCORDING TO the administrator, freshpersons are always assured rooms, whether their ap- plications for University housing are received in May or September. Williams said that one month after housing ap- plications were first taken in mid-April, Mosher Jor- dan, Mary Markley, and Oxford Housing were completely filled. Juniors and seniors filing housing applications as of Aug. 1 are informed which units are available, Williams said. "If they refuse, they're out of the ballpark until Sept, 7," which is when temporary housing will become available. The usual procedure in this case, according to Williams, is to convert resident advisors' rooms into doubles, or lounges into student rooms. Some students prefer living in lounges because those rooms offer carpeting and more space, Williams said. Some students, Williams added, have requested the same lounge the next term because they liked it so much. HE SAID the housing office is having more trouble placing male applicants, partially because their ap- plications were turned in later than most applications from women. There is less housing for men than for women, Williams added. He also said that while demand for University housing has traditionally exceeded supply, lease can- cellations and re-assigned rooms balance out the figures. Williams said co-ops, fraternities, and sororities are becoming popular alternatives to University housing. This is important, Williams said, because Univer- sity housing provides less than 30 per cent, or about 9,000 spots for single students. "We're going to be in good shape by mid- September," he added. "If a person wants housing bad enough and if they put the time and effort into it, they'll find a place to live." Daily Photo by LISA KLAUSNER A GROUP OF LOCAL citizens are conducting a three-day vigil and fast at St. Mary's Church to commemorate the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on Aug. 6 and 9, 1945. The vigil will end at noon tomorrow with a prayer service. See story, Page 5. , Clericals, AFSCME voice support for striking campus trades workers Wage-price guidelines extension proposed WASHINGTON (AP) - The Carter administration, acknowledging it has a long way to go in restraining inflation, proposed yesterday extending its wage and price guidelines for a second year. An "issues paper" released by the Council on Wage and Price Stability gave no specific targets for pay and prices in 1980. It did, however, say that the price standard would likely have a two-year, cumulative goal and that for "sym- metry" the wage guide could be developed in a similar way. IT IMPLIED that the rapid rate of in- flation so far this year may force the council to allow higher wage and price increases next year. This year's wage limit is seven per cent, and price in- creases are to be held a half a percen- tage point below 1976-77 increases. "For example, a 15.5 per cent, two- year standard - seven per cent and eight per cent compounded- is com- parable to an eight per cent second- year standard," the council document said. "Under a cumulative standard, employee units that receive less than the seven per cent pay standard in the first year are rewarded with a higher base pay rate for the second year." There is no hint that the Carter ad- ministration is considering making the voluntary program mandatory or ex- panding its "enforcement" procedures beyond the current threat of adverse publicity or withholding of government contracts. ALFRED KAHN, chairman of the Council on Wage and Price Stability and President Carter's chief anti-in- flation adviser, told a news conference that "we have had an unanticipatedly high rate of inflation in the past nine months." He added that although it would be of little comfort to consumers faced with increases in food, fuel and housing See EXTENSION, Page 2 By PATRICIA HAGEN While campus skilled trades workers continued to picket yesterday, two other University labor groups con- sidered ways to support the trades council's week-old strike. At a special meeting of the Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Local 1583, the 22 union members present approved two measures to assist the trades council. The AFSCME local, the largest campus union, has more than 2,000 members. THE AFSCME workers approved funds for refreshments for the, picketers and a local newspaper adver- tising campaign insupport of the strike. Sue Ellen Hansen, president of the Organizing Committee. for, Clericals (OCC), a group trying to unionize University -clerical workers,.said the OCC has "made a statement in support of it (the trades council strike)." No new negotiating sessions have been scheduled since the talks last Thursday between the campus unit of the Washtenaw County Building Trades Council and the University hit a stalemate. UNIVERSITY chief negotiator Arlie Braman said he was waiting to hear from the Michigan Employment Relations Commission mediator. Jim Murphy, president of the 318- member campus trades council, however, said the next action "is up to the University." He said the union has "come down considerably" in its demands, while the University has not respondedor changed its position. Meanwhile, AFSCME Local 1583 President Dwight Newman told the union members at yesterday's meeting that the AFSCME executive board had discussed supportive actions that could be taken "short of walking out." He said a sympathy walk-out is illegal because of a no-strike clause in their contract. A walk-out would also violate the Public Employees Relations Act, he added. HE SAID IF the University succeeds in eliminating the trades union's sick time benefits - the main reason for the strike, according to picketers - the University may try to do the same to AFSCME the next time the AFSCME contract is negotiated. "We have some nice goodies they may want back, too," Newman said. Newman reminded AFSCME mem- bers not to do work usually handled by skilled trades workers, and told them they could show support by picketing and distributing refreshments to the picketers. See AFSCME, Page 9