Page 14-Friday, August 3, 1979-The Michigan Daily 'U' officials comment on proposed Education Dept. Continued from Page3 it woin't save any money." expensive operation of the sluggish department of pansion of federal control." Despite the problems he foresees if the legislation is HEW. But opponents said they believe the bills are A NEW DEPARTMENT with fewer employees enacted, Choen said he supports the measure because inadequate in these areas. would lead to some savings and "reduce overlap and under the "right" leadership, the benefits could be Carolyn Sladick, an aide for Rep. JOhn Erlenborn duplicaiton that exists now" in HEW, Hansell asserted. "substantial" in the long run. (R-Ill.), an outspoken critic of the proposal and mem- Rep. Carl Pursell (D-Ann Arbor) claimed the In consultation with Chairman of the Committee on ber of the conference committee, said, "We believe the proposed education unit would simply be a "lateral Government Operations Sen. Abraham Ribicoff (D- bill will lead to a federal education policy. It will lead to transfer" from HEW, but it "will be a big step forward Conn), Cohen suggested the need for a post-secondary federal control." in terms of efficiency." education assistant secretary to protect higher INSTEAD OF creating a new unit, she said, Erlen- "The priority of education tended to get lost in education. Both versions of the bill contain this born has suggested funding universities with federal HEW," Pursell added. position. block grants that could be used for a wide variety of The success and effect of the proposed department Cohen said he was "not optimistic" the legislation purposes will depend on the leadership of the new secretary, would be passed because of the amendmentsaon the Iq opposition to these contentions, Sen. Carl Levin Pursell said. He also pointed out that the Department House version, which allow voluntary prayer, and ban (D-Mich.), advocates a separate department to of Energy had "problems with leadership" under school busing for desegregation and the use of racial guarantee a "some what higher priority for education Secretsry James Schlesinger, who recently resigned and sexual quotas for college admission. in the federal government," according to Levin s aide from the Carter cabinet. "IF THEY don't take3 those riders off (in conference David Hansell. In the past two years, students have received more committee), I think it would be defeated. I hope it A new cabinet secretary, Hansell said, could devote money for education in federal grants, loans, and would be defeated," said Cohen. more time exclusively to education than could the work/study funds, and this would continue in a new In writing the bills,alawmakers stressed theneed to secretary of HEW. The Levin aide said both the House department, said Pursell, who is on the HEW ap- maintain local autonomy and cited the ineffective and and Senate versions include "prohibitions against ex- propriations committee. cor3du-roy Defined by College-Town as fine wales of softness that star on a seasonless stage. Miss J stakes her claim for polyester/cotton cords with western belts and detailing. Brown or blue in 5-13 sizes. A. Blazer with western-cut yoke and flap pockets, $50; Slim belted slit skirt, $24. B. Belted pant, $29; Tailored vest, western pockets, $25; Plaid shirt, outline-stitched V-placket inset front. Of polyester/cotton, $22. , _ +, ,: t; c , > i r' r '. , 1 f r c, s; ;iv r t r ;z Y . . 3'. 'r.. :, r ." . : ,s :« t nrit ':,. t { ,. ... , ...,. a , i ' z : g t "e "k t }i "., + ' s 1'1 i ''. s i t i t 1 j i i t Z i { OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 FREE PARKING IN ADJACENT RAMP - WE WILL VALIDATE YOUR TICKET , t, t' f « " f 'f iJ j : : ". 'r :f h .Y '} -'I K ',t i ,: " ':: "k 5 ' x , 1 A . r lit l