Vol. LXXXIX, No. 56-S i chiagan Daiy -y, August 1,1979 Twelve Pages Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents House vote aids Carter gas plan WASHINGTON (AP) - The House voted yesterday to make it easier for the president to develop a standby gasoline rationing plan, then turned around and voted to repeal part of the month-old law setting mandatory tem- perature controls for commercial buildings. The House voted 267-152 to exempt from the president's 78-degree rule buildings which use alternate ways of saving an equivalent amount of energy. The action came on the heels of a 234- 189 House vote giving the president a free hand to develop a standby rationing plan. FOLLOWING the give-and-take session, the house recessed until today - when final action on the energy bill is expected. The vote on rationing was the first ^ energy victory handed Carter by Congress since he unveiled his new energy program in early July. The vote, overturning one taken last r« Wednesday, appeared to break the legislative logjam that has delayed ac- tion on this part of Carter's energy Takinga the plun aAP Photo plan. It also opened the way to expected final House passage of the rationing Ideal water conditions and oppressive heat make plunging into the river measure today. irresistible. These children in New London, Conn., find the Thames River CONGRESSIONAL leaders said they an inviting escape on a summer afternoon, still hoped to get the bill to President New academics V.P. expected Carter by late tomorrow when they begin their month-long August recess - but conceded this goal is now clouded by the adoption of the amendment rolling back part of the thermostat law. Senate leaders have said they will move quickly on the bill once it passes the House in an effort to meet the deadline of getting it to Carter by Thur- sday night. Rep. John Dingell, (D-Mich.), said that rolling back the thermostat rule - the only one of the president's previous batch of energy-conservation bills that Congress had passed - added "new controversy" to the overall rationing bill and made its passage by the end of the week much more in doubt. REP. CHALMERS Wylie (R-Ohio), sponsor of the thermostat amendment, cited the unpopularity of the man- datory temperature law - which he said has left office workers, shoppers, and others in commercial buildings around the country uncomfortable in the summer heat. "If there is a different way to conser- ve energy, then I think we should adopt it," Wylie said. Backers said steps, like turning off lights at night or turning off other elec- trical devices in a building were exam- ples of a way that a building could save the same amount of energy as dialing up thermostats to 78 degrees. "I BELIEVE this is an issue on which this House should speak. People are up- set throughout the nation by the 78- degree thermostat setting," Wylie said. The proposal would also allow buildings to be exempt from setting thermostats at 65 degrees in the winter if - as in the summer - an equivalent energy saving from other methods could be documented. One way of documenting the saving See HOUSE, Page 2 to be nan By JULIE ENGEBRECHT Before Harold Shapiro assumes the University presidency in January, a successor to the current University vice-president for academic affairs most likely will be in office. Members of the University Board of Regents and other administrative of- ficials have agreed to start the search as quickly as possible in order to have a new vice-president when Shapiro becomes president. IF A SEARCH similar to the one im- plemented when Shapiro replaced for- mer Vice-President for Academic Af- fairs Frank Rhodes is used, the Senate Assembly Committee on University Af- fairs (SACUA) will review candidates, but receive some input from students and minority groups. According to criteria set for the job in 1977 when Rhodes resigned to take the presidency at Cornell University, "the candidate should possess an earned doctorate (and) qualify for a professorial appointment." The ap- plicant should also have "demonstrated administrative leadership" and ex- perience with budgeting, the qualifications said. A "knowledge of and familiarity with the University of Michigan academic program" was also listed as a desirable trait, although candidates from outside the University also were considered in 1977------------------ red before January VICE-PRESIDENT for State largerole in the search. Relations and Secretary of the Univer- Regent Paul Brown (D-Petoslkey) sity Richard Kennedy said he believes a said the process would emphasize the process for the selection will be faculty's role, but include some student discussed by the Regents' September input. He said he expects the Board meeting. won't make any decisions on can- SACUA again is expected to play a didates, except the final appointment. Ann Arbor might be included in Detroit's 1985 census By TIM YAGLE Counting the people in the United States is a monumental task, and beginning next year, the federal Bureau of Census will do it every five years. According to Fred Bohl, of the Ann Arbor Planning Commission, infor- mation and statistics gathered by the bureau "become out-of-date too rapidly in 10 years. The information is not ac- curate enough in 10-year spans." CENSUS STATISTICS provide in- formation "out the age, sex, ethnic origins, marital status, type of housing, occupation, and education of more than 215 million Americans. The 1980 census questionnaire will emphasize ethnic origins, energy use, and travel-to-work patterns, according to a census bureau fact sheet. Ann Arbor residents will not be coun- ted in 1980 as part of the burgeoning Detroit area, said Tim Jones of the cen- sus bureau's Detroit office. Commuting patterns between and Washtenaw and Wayne counties, currently under study, may lead the bureau to consider Ann Arbor part of metropolitan Detroit for the 1985 census. "There are enough commuters going in and out of Wayne County from Washtenaw County," Jones said. "Nothing is firm until after the census. 1982 is the likely date for the change." BOHL SAID THE 1970 census under- counted University students because "many just left town and most had more important things on their minds" such as -passing final exams. A local committee comprised of University Tepr entatives, the Ana Arbor plod- tabulation ning department, and residents of both Ypsilanti and Ann Arbor will use com- puters and mailing lists to ensure a more accurate student count next year. The census bureau estimated after the 1970 tabulation that 2.5 per cent, or 5.3 million Americans had not been counted. The bureau is seeking to cut the undercount rate in 190, Bohl said. To improve the count of minorities, the bureau is establishing a task force to explain to minority groups the function of the census. Blacks were undercoun- ted by 7.7 per cent in 1978, according to the bureau, the largest miscount of any minority group. The Bureau of Census hires a tem- porary work force of 280,080 natio- wide in 409 census district offices, ac- cording to the fact sheet. Completed SeeAFTER, Page 2