Page 10-Tuesday, July 31, 1979-Th
ROSEMONT, III. (AP) - Maintenan-
ce procedures blamed for a crack in a
DC-10. pylon saved American Airlines
about 50 man-hours each time it serviced
an engine, a metallurgist testified
yesterday at the start of hearings into
the nation's worst air disaster.
Michael Marx, a metallurgist for the
National Transportation Safety Board
(NTSB), testified as the board opened a
two-week hearing into the crash of
Ameriean Airlines Flight 191 onntake-
off from Chicago's O'Hare Inter-
national Airport May 25. The left engine
fell awayas the plane lifted off and the
jet plunged to the ground, killing 273
A CRACK in the pylon which suppor-
ted the engine beneath the wing was
caused by the airline's maintenance
procedures, Marx said.
Marx, whose testimony concurred
with earlier NTSB reports, said
American's maintenance crews
removed both the engine and its pylon
as a unit rather than separately.
Then, in order to re-attach the engine
to the wing, the crew had to force the
The said
was hopeless.
They said
was hopeless.
They said
was hopeless.
is only
a disease.
Even when most
people considered the
struggle against polio
hopeless, the people
who worked in
medical research
believed they would
someday find the
The same was true
for tuberculosis. And
for smallpox. The
same is true for cancer
We know because
we hear from people
doing medical research
in laboratories all over
the country. They talk
to us because they all
need support. They
are all excited because
they all think they're
on the right track.
And that the work
they're doing will
unlock a secret and
lead to asolution for
cancer. And you know
At least one of them
is right. But which
one? We must support
them all.
We want to
cure cancer
in your lifetime.
e Michigan Daily
gs begin on DC-1O air disaster
connection to fit, making a bend in the DC-10 during its last maintenance told his supervisor about the problem.
engine mounting structure which even- check in March admitted that he and HE SAID THAT to his knowledge, a
tually led to a crack, he said. other mechanics did not follow exactly representative of McDonnell Douglas
BY REMOVING the engine and the the sequence of steps in a work order never observed the removal of the
pylon together, American Airlines-was issued by American. engine-pylon unit.
able to save about 50 man-hours of time Mechanic William Robinson said the American, however, contended in a
on each engine it services, Marx way the company ordered the engine statement to the NTSB that personnel
testified. and pylon to be removed could not be from McDonnell Douglas were on hand
Later in the day, a Tulsa, Okla.-based followed step by step. He said he per- to observe removal of the units
mechanic who worked on the ill-fated formed the tasks out of order, but never together.
Milliken says prison report not secret
LANSING (UPI) - Gov. William
Milliken said yesterday findings of a
so-called "secret report" on
homosexual assaults within the
state prison system have been public
record since 1974.
"The allegation that the state has
in any way suppressed or attempted
to hide the findings of a State Police
investigation of sexual harrassment
and intimidation in our prison
system is false," Milliken said of a
story in the Detroit Free Press Sun-
THE ARTICLE charged the foot-
thick study substantiates claims
that indifference or fear of
retaliation keepsguardsfrom repor-
ting homosexual attacks on inmates
by other prisoners.
MIlliken ordered the study in 1974
after Jackson County Circuit Court
Judge Gordon Britten refused to
return to prison several escapees
who said they had been victims of
homosexual pressure at Southern
Michigan Prison in Jackson.
The governor said that a five-page
summary of the study was made
public, but most details of inter-
views with 410 inmates and 160 em-
ployees were not released.
"THE GUARANTEE of confiden-
tiality was important to assure a
thorough investigation and to assure
the safety of those prisoners and
employees willing to cooperate," he
Milliken said that while names of
those interviewed were not revealed
in the full report, "enough
significant details are included to-
allow easy identification of inmates
by others in the prison."
According to the article, the study
summary attempted to minimize the
extent of sexual harrassment within
the prison system. It charged that
the state would accept as
homosexual assaults only those in-
cidents in which there were wit-
power li
a gener
power f
about 4(
setts an(
hour ou
the prob
Power failure hits 400,000 in East
ON (AP) - A tree falling on a Massachusetts and Rhode Island with shutting off current across the region.
ne and a mechanical failure at Connecticut. STEVENS SAID the breakdowns of
ating plant caused a massive About a half hour later, a malfun- the transmission line and power plant
ailure yesterday that affected ctioning safety device intended to were coincidental.
00,000 residents of Massachu- guard against excess bearing wear shut "In any given day, we will have a
d Rhode Island, utility officials down a large generator at Everett, normal number of breakdowns," he
Mass. Within 15 minutes, this loss of said. "Occasionally you get two very
r officials had blamed the two- power caused an overload at another serious problems at the same time, and
tage on overuse of air con- generator in Somerset, Mass. that's what happened today."
s that overloaded the power Because of this sudden loss of power, He said that if air conditioners had
However, they later said hot officials of the New England Power Ex- not been running, the power system
aggravated, but did not create change, which operates the region's would have been able to operate,
lem. electrical network, were forced to begin despite the breakdowns.
TS FLICKERED off and air
ers died in dozens of cities and
including Boston, Worcester, Br w tps c uiu l
Mass., and Providence, R.I.
Theoutage began at 10:30a.m.
As the regional power network began
to break down, utilities switched off
power to about 15 per cent of their
customers to keep the blackout from
spreading further.
JOHN STEVENS, a vice-president of
Boston Edison, said the outage was
triggered when a tree fell across a
345,000-volt power line that links
5th Avenue st Libet St. 761-9700
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into presidential campaign
(Continied trom Pages5)
definition of exploratory, and so Brown
informed the committee.
Brown's move toward a challenge to
Carter comes at a time when the
president is down in the polls. But
Brown also facesproblems, not the
least of which are the difficulty of
challenging a president of his own party
and the potential candidacy of Sen.
Edward Kennedy.
Kennedy says he supports Carter, but
active draft-Kennedy movements have
sprung up in several states, and the
polls show the Massachusetts
Democrat easily beating either Brown
or Carter.
FOR ANOTHER thing, Brown is bet-
ter known nationally thai when, he
plunged into presidential politics in
1976, a little over a year after starting
his first term as governor. That can be
a plus, giving him better name
recognition, but it can also be a minus.
Brown's positions on such volatile
issues as abortion, nuclear power, and
arms limitation are better known now.
In contrast to Carter, he opposes
limits on government-funded abortions
for poor women, is a strong critic of
nuclear power, and opposes Carter's
bid to build the MX missile.
"Jerry Brown is in a much different
position now," says Tom DAlessandro,
a Maryland Democratic leader and key
Brown supporter in 1976.. "He was .a
mystery then, this unique young man
from out West who came in on a
whirlwind. There was a lot of curiosity
about him then. There also was a
Republican president.
"NOW WE'VE got a Democratic
president. People now either like or
dislike Jerry Brown. The mystery is
However, D'Allessandro says if
Brown can do well in an early primary
where both Carter's and Kennedy's
names are on the ballot, "he's on his
way. But if he loses, it's all over."
Pollster Lou Harris concluded recen-
tly that although it would take a
"miracle" for Carter to win the
Democratic nomination, his soundings
find that Brown is "bombing out" as a
Proposition 13 support for spending
cuts and a balanced federal budget and
his pattern of being liberal on some
issues and conservative on others,
gives people the feeling he is "very op-
portunistic, hypocritical, even unprin-
cipled," Harris says.
Davis disputes that, saying that while
Brown doesn't fit into any political
mold, he does have predictable
positions on many issues.
"When he first came to office, he
talked about an era of limits, about not
enough cookies in the jar to fund all the
programs of the 60s,".Davis said. "He's
been very consisteht on fiscal issues.