The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, July 31,_1979-Page 7
China admits it aided Hanoi in Vietnam war
PEKING (AP) - Chinese officials,
divulging a long-secret chapter of the
Indochina War, said yesterday that
Peking sent 300,000 soldiers to Vietnam
- including anti-aircraft crews - to
help Hanoi fight U.S. forces. They said
more than 1,000 were killed.
The Vietnamese disputed the figures,
however, saying the number of Chinese
in Vietnam during the war was "tiny."
THE STATEMENTS came after an
acrimonious and fruitless round of
peace talks between the two countries.
China reminded Vietnam of its past
military help in order-to underline what
it says are its good intentions toward its
smaller southern neighbor.
But the negotiations remained at an
impasse, each side accusing the other
of border provocations and preparing
for a new war.
Yang Gongau, deputy head of the
Chinese delegation, said at a news con-
ference following the talks that China
had supplied more than 300,000 army
personnel to Vietnam between 1964 and
1971. They worked as anti-aircraft ar-
tillerypersons, road builders, railway
workers, and logistics teams to keep
supply lines open, he said.
IF THE CHINESE were on one-year
rotation duty in Vietnam, this means
40,000 or 50,000 would have been there
at any one time. At the height of the
war, about a half-million American
service persons were serving in the In-
dochina theater.
More than 1,000 Chinese soldiers were
killed and several thousand others were
wounded, he said. He said the Chinese
did not enter South Vietnam, indicating
that the casualties were the result of
American air raids on the North.
DURING THE war there were per-
sistent reports that unknown numbers
of Chinese military advisers and
technicians were in North Vietnam. But
this was believed to be the first time
China has officially acknowledged sen-
ding troops to its communist ally's aid.
It was known at the time that both
China and the Soviet Union were
pouring material aid into North Viet-
nam. Yang said the Chinese supplied
more than two million guns, more than
270 million rounds of ammunition,
37,000 artillery pieces, 18.8 million ar-
tillery shells, 179 aircraft, and 145 naval
The head of the Chinese delegation to
the talks, Han Nianlong, said at the
negotiating session, "When the United Liem said at a news conference that the
States started a massive invasion of 300,000 figure was "pure fabrication"
southern Vietnam and wanton bombing and the actual number was "tiny."
in the North, we ... went all out to help BESIDES THE Chinese in Vietnam,
defend the airspace of northern Viet- Western reports said some 20,000
nam." Chinese soldiers were in Laos during
HE SAID the Chinese ensured unin- the war, building an all-weather road
terrupted transportation to North Viet- from China's Yunnan province into
nam "at the cost of blood and lives." northwestern Laos.
When the United States mined Viet- The peace talks were begun to
namese ports, Chinese sailors risked resolve the disputes between Vietnam
their lives to ship food and supplies, he and China that led to a brief but bloody
said. border war earlier this year.
"The bones of Chinese martyrs in Despite the continued bitterness
their thousands remain on Vietnamese across the negotiating table, both sides
soil," he said "... Was all this to 'an- indicated they were willing to meet
nex Vietnam'?" again for a tenth session, the fifth in
Vietnamese negotiator Dinh Nho Peking. No date was set.
Marxist philosopher Marcuse dies
STARNBERG, West Germany (AP)
- German-American philosopher Her-
bert Marcuse, white-haired sage of the
youth revolt of the 1960s, is dead at the
age of 81.
Marcuse, who was on a visit to his
native Germany for a research project,
died in a local hospital Sunday after
suffering a stroke. A highly original
thinker and writer on modern society,
he gained his greatest fame while
teaching at the University of California
at San Diego in the 1960s. Since retiring
in 1970, he continued to reside in nearby
La Jolla, Calif., kept a small office on
the campus and sometimes taught
small groups of graduate students on a
volunteer basis.
"One of the great philosophers of the
present has left us," the Max Planck
Society, the research organization with
which Marcuse was working here, said
in a statement issued yesterday in
nearby Munich.
MARCUSE WAS A Marxist, but also
an apostle of freedom who said true
freedom had yet to be attained even in
the most liberal societies.
"In my books I have tried to make a
critique of society - and not only
capitalist society - in terms that avoid
all ideology," he explained to an inter-
viewer in 1968. "I have tried to show
that contemporary society is a
repressive society in all its aspects,
that even the comfort, the prosperity,
the alleged political and moral freedom
are utilized for oppressive ends."
Marcuse - pronounced Markooza -
was a Berlin-born Jew who was
educated at the University of Freiburg
and helped found the Frankfurt In-
stitute of Social Research. He fled the
Hitler regime in the early 1930s, ob-
tained American citizenship in 1940 and
based most of his work on his experien-
ce with capitalism in his adopted coun-
HE HELD a position at Columbia
University in the 1930s, then worked for
the State Department and U.S. in-
telligence agencies, including the CIA,
from 1942 to 1950. Later he taught at
Columbia's Russian Institute, at Har-
vard University, and at Brandeis
University, which he left in 1965 to join
the San Diego faculty as a professor of
His major works included "Culture
and Society," "The End of Utopia,"
"Eros and Civilization," and "One
Dimensional Man," which was
published in 1964 and became the most
popular of his books. He also published
a critical analysis of the Soviet Union in
Israeli and Egyptian
defense ministers tour
oceuied West Bank
JERICHO, Occupied West Bank (P) Secretary of State Cyrus Vance and an
- Defense ministers Ezer Weizman of Egyptian official. In Cairo, the Egyp-
Israel and Gen. Kamal Hassan Ali of tian government was reported reluc-
Egypt toured the occupied West Bank tant to send a representative unless
of the Jordan River yesterday to certain unspecified clarifications were
acquaint Ali with the area slated for made.
Palestinian autonomy. Weizman and Ali flew by helicopter
"I was trying to emphasize the from a small airfield on Tel Aviv's
specific features of the terrain of the coast toward Jerusalem and circled the
West Bank - the hills, the deserts, and city several times so that the Egyptian
the distance from the sea," said Weiz- official could study the city from the
man, former commander of Israel's air air. Then the aircraft headed east to a
force. "Like all generals, each reads rocky point overlooking the biblical
his own conclusions." town of Jericho and new Israeli set-
ALI TOLD reporters he had tlements on the road to the Jordan
requested the tour after it was River.
suggested during Israeli-Egyptian THE EGYPTIAN defense minister
negotiations on establishing the peered through a high-powered
autonomous Palestinian authority un- telescope as Weizman and an Israeli
der the two countries' peace treaty. general described Jordanian forces
"I couldn't enter any discussion positioned across the river. "All quiet
without having a full knowledge of the on the eastern front," Weizman joked.
terrain," said Ali. He called the four Ali was critical of the Jewish set-
and one-half hour tour "very fruitful." tlements Israel has built in the West
Later in the day, Ali toured the Israeli Bank, and called them a "provocative
port city of Haifa, which Egypt's action toward the people of the West
President Anwar Sadat will visit next Bank.
month. Ali was to tour an aircraft plant "I see as a military man that the set-
today before flying home. tlements do not add, for such a powerful-
WEIZMAN SAID he and Ali did not country;any strength," he said.
discuss the issue of the United Nations WEIZMAN countered that "one-thing
Emergency Force between the Israeli will not change - this is the terrain.
and Egyptian armies in the Sinai Hopefully opinions will change," he
desert. He said the foreign ministers of said.
Israel and Egypt would deal with the Weizman said a solution such as that
issue of replacing UNEF troops whose reached in Sinai - a total Israeli
mandate was allowed to expire last pullback - was not appropriate for
week. other areas, meaning the West Bank.
On Sunday, Israel's cabinet accepted Weizman and Ali switched to a four-
an invitation for Foreign Minister wheel-drive vehicle and drove down the
Moshe Dayan to fly to Washington in a mountain towards the northern end of
few days to discuss the'matter'*lth' - the Dead Sea.
Ado h
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