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July 31, 1979 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1979-07-31

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Page 2-Tuesday, July 31, 1979-The Michigan Daily
Conflict, silence marked presidential search

(Continued from Page 1)
On Oct. 24, MSA reviewed its boycott
because student interviewing
privileges with the candidates had been
denied. The faculty and alumni search
groups continued to participate in the
selection process.
The search went on for the next three
weeks without student involvement.
While alumni and faculty groups
worked on documents detailing the
needs of the University, the Regents
refused to expand on the future of the
ON DEC. 12, MSA changed its mind.
Student leaders continued "good faith"
negoiations with the Board, but began
to interview candidates for their ad-
visory panel. Once formed, that com-
mittee began the task of catching up
with the other committees.
That chore was completed when the
group issued its needs assessment on
Feb. 15. The strongly-worded document
criticized the University for alleged
shortcomings in affirmative action,
labor relations, and student in-
The faculty needs statement, submit-
ted late in 1978, stressed commitment to
academic programs and quality.
THE CONTENTS of the alumni needs

statement were not publicly released.
On Feb. 16, the three advisory com-
mittees won the right to interview
presidential candidates. Three mem-
bers of the 15-person faculty commit-
tee, along with two members from both
the ten-person student and alumni
groups were to interview the final
nominees with the Regents when the
list of condidates was pared down to
about eight.
After Feb. 16, the list of candidates
shrank slowly. The only noticeable
change was a growing secrecy, a
secrecy that became almost total as the
months passed.
THE EIGHT Regents adopted a "no
comment" stance toward almost every
question about the search, and faculty
and alumni groups said next to nothing.
Student committee members slowly
acquiesced to the policy of silence. The
Regents defended the secrecy orders,
pointing to the tumultuous 18-month
search at Michigan State University,
during which several candidates with-
drew because of unwanted publicity.
Shapiro said, after the announcement
of his presidency, that he would riot
have wanted to be considered for the
job if the search process had been any
less confidential. He did say, however,
that speculation about his candidacy,

which surfaced during the final weeks.
of the search, did not "bother" him.
LSA Dean Billy Frye and Shapiro's
predecessor, Frank Rhodes, also were
mentioned as possible candidates for
the post. Regent James Waters {D-
Muskegon) said Frye was "around the
top 18," and a spokesperson for Rhodes
- now president of Cornell University
- said Rhodes had been approached by
the Regents, but that he told them he
was not interested because of his com-
mitment to Cornell.
SHAPIRO AND THE other finalists
were interviewed by representatives
from the four selection committees
earlier this month for "about three of
four hours" each, according to student
committee chairman Jeff Supowit.
Supowit declined to say how many
candidates were interviewed. He did
say, however, that "it was a small
The Regents made their final
decision on July 23 after consulting with
the advisory groups about the qualities
of the remaining candidates. The Board
met in a marathon executive closed
session that night, its third in just over
a month.
MEMBERS OF THE advisory com-

mittees said they felt their advice was
heeded in the Regents' selection of
But students who participated in the
search still said their role was
somewhat more limited than the other
groups because of the lack of infor-
mation they had about candidates out-
side the University.
Student committee co-chairwoman
Olivia Wesley explained that, unlike the
Regents and the faculty, and alumni
committee members who might have
had contact with many candidates in
their years as professionals, the studen-
ts did not have as wide an acquaintance
with many of the nationally-known con-
tenders for the post.
"THEY COULD call and ask
somebody else about a candidate,"
Wesley explained. "There was no way
we had access to that type of infor-
mation, and there wasn't really any
way we could make the same types of
"But, it's surprising the final
decisions were almost unanimous,
despite all that," she added.
"As far as being able to participate in
the search, and work with the Regents,
faculty, and alumni all at one time - it
was just an extraordinary experience,"
Wesley concluded.

Volcker says inflation fighting will be top priority
nomination. There is little doubt it will ministration in its conduct of monetary circumstances."
WASHINGTON (AP) - Paul Volcker be approved. policy. He said he thinks the ad- Asked if he would favor a tax cut to
wasted little time yesterday in making "President Carter deserves a lot of ministration wants this, too. he recession, Volcker said he
clear to Congress that fighting inflation credit for picking you, who I consider to BUT, IN A statement that pleased help endtherkioolea ite
will be his top priority as chairman of be the best man for the job," Proxmire members of the committee, he said: "I doesn't think it would be "appropriate
the Fedler, 51 ve Board told Volcker. want to be clear that monetary policies
Volcker, 51, who was nominated to Volcker sought to assure members of ultimately are those of the Federal He also said it is too early to say the
the post by President Carter last week' the committee that he will work to Reserve and they might clash at some economy is in a recession, although he
said the nation's inflation rate is maintain the Federal Reserve Board's point. . . with what the administration said he would not be surprised if one oc-
responsible for the high interest rates in independence of the Carter ad- believes are appropriate in particular curred.
the economy and also for the slide in __
value of the dollar on world money
"DOMESTIC inflation lies behind C utrfssH a lerln e u s
this almost chronic weakness of the LANSING (UPI) - The Michigan
dollar we've had recently," he told the Supreme Court yesterday refused the decided. It also complained about the assume some costs of outstate courts
Senate Banking Committee, legislature's request for an advisory lack of any precedents to guide its were conditioned upon high court ac-
"If we don't deal with the inflation opinion on implementation of the deliberations. ceptance of this interpretation.
problem in its overall context, I don't Headlee Tax Limitation Amendment, The justices also said they were An appropriation of $6.5 million to
know any way to keep interest rates placing in limbo appropriations totaling reluctant to prejudge issues which may take over county probation services
low as they used to be," he said at nearly $18 million, later be raised in taxpayer suits or to had a similar condition attached.
another point. The legislature had requested an ad- take action which would affect other THE STATE might have to greatly
He also said that further reducing visory opinion on the constitutionality legislation, increase its payments to local gover-
unemployment depends on restoring of its measure placing into law the THE LEGISLATURE specifically nments if these expenditures do not
ecnmicgroth depend on pressrin fHeadlee amendment's provisions asked for the court's opinion on sections count toward fulfilling the local aid
econtrolling inflation. However, he said preserving local governments' current of the bill which provide that when the requirements of the Headlee amen-
it will be at leat several months before share of state revenues, state takes over a local service, it can dment.
any progress is evident. IN SEPARATE bills, appropriations continue to- count the cost of that Legislative staffers said the high
HIS STATEMENTS struck respon- for state take-over county probations program as aid to local government. court decision means lawmakers will
sive chords in most members of the services, Wayne County court costs and Appropriations of 18.5 million to take have to go back to the drawing board
committee. The committee chairman, some outstate court expenses were over the cost of Wayne County's finan- this fall and reconsider the programs.
Sen. William Proxmire (D-Wis.), said conditioned on a favorable high court cially troubled courts and $2.9 million to
the committee will meet tomorrow to ruling on the issue.
decide whether to approve the But the court, in a 4-3 decision, said rt Er booths e on e
the constitutional issues raised in the
Ij questions so broad that they would have f E
Garnted to be applied to a specific case to be as merchants count profits
T( MContinued from Page 1) mittee, said Art Fair promoters and
STHE MICHIGN DAILY Bill Kenny. "Bargains were better, organizers were concerned about
Volu.meLXXIX . eo .r%.%, customers were in better humor." said criticisms that the fair has become too

Applicions .
For Fall Term 1979 are due in
the Office of Financial Aid,
2011 SAB by Friday, Aug. 3.

Tuesday, July 31, 1978 Kenny. He said his business was commercialized. "I hate to get in the
is edited and managed by students at "superb," with an 80 per cent increase syndrome of bigger and better ... and
the University of Michigan. Published over last year's sales. take away from the show," he commen-
daily Tuesday through Sunday morn- Merchants aren't the only ones ted. "I don't think we're at that point
ings duringt the University year at 420 pleased with the 1979 Art Fair. City em- yet."
4a810.ubscrietnrate $2rMichigan ployees report the fair went Ann Arbor Police Major Robert Whit-
ber through April (2 semesters); $13 by "smoothly." taker estimated that between 104,000
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer ses- "It went off very well," said Dave and 250,000 people attended the fair,
sion published Tuesday through Satur- Williams, member of the Mayor's and said police had few problems, ex-
day mornings. Subscription rates:
0 in Ann rbor;b $0 bmail out- Committee on Street Art Fairs. In cept with illegally parked cars.
side Ann Arbor. Second class postage August, the committee is expected to "People were just parking regardless
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST- meet to evaluate this year's fair and of the restrictions" causing many traf-
THE MICHIGAN daILY420 Maynard start planning for the 1980 version, he fic bottlenecks, said Walter Stevens,
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. said. assistant director of the University
StUeVnAra.MI48e10.9.- .Department of Safety.

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