Page 14--Saturday, July 28, 1979--The Michigan Daily MEDr) SWIM FINS ANQ MASK. $15.00 for both. Rich: S.5S321.I013S7213 SINGLE SERTA innerspring box mattrnss and box springs in mseal Hollywood frame; 2 Danish chairs, loose pillow type. CaliIMr. Earl at663-8244. dBtc 1972 VW Fanthack. Lownileage, good conditinn. 704- 9300, 9:O00amx-5:00 pm; 662-3879. evenings. Ernie.. 04B725 GRDR, .PROIFESSIOINAL, WANTEDIo I share spa- cou "aparlmefll, older house.Brnsy Park. Reason- able. 6570:6.01(728 GRAIND OPENING RENTAL HOMES Brand new homes with fireplace, cathedral ceiling, 1wocr garage with automatic opener, four bed- rooms or tbree bedrooms and family room, full basement, large wood deck, use of tennis court and healed pool. Approx. 1 miles from campus off W. Liberty. Dhimann Aps. Ltd., 701-7000. T-W.1 L W,3 N,,' -ORN PROA SANS SOUA marrted couple unable to have child seed volun- Large 1 and 2 bedroom farnished aplartments teer surrngate mober Is be artifirially inseminated. available for immediate and fall occspancy. Apart- All responses treated confidentially, all espouses in- menlo inclsding heat, free parking, and large curred with above covered. The surrogate mother balcony or patio. Located across from the UM will be compensated to the extent permitted by law. Stadium. Bus service to and from central campus Replyto P.0. Box 222, TroyMichigan. 8 4F807 Idaly. Call 405-2372 after :00 p~m. for information or appointment. SUPI'LEMENT CITY KOIMBED: NOl SURIVIVORIS THOMPSON APARTMENTS Located us central campus. Efficiescies, I and 2 bedroom furnished apartments available for fall occupancy. Atractive, modern buildings and' furnishings. Sub-leases available mcluding laundry facilities, air conditioning. Call 665-2200 for infor- mation or appointmsent. cClc FALL-CAMPUS We are icurrently leasing our remaining few efficiencies and 1 bedroom, modern, furnisbed apartments for next Fall. Slop by or call Gahl- muon Apartments, 543 Cburcb, 701-7000, Mon-Fri. 9-S. cCtc WOIMAN t;IADUIAll- sude-nt 0s-eks nonsmoking, nonldrinking. Christian wvomano graduoatestudenot to1 1hare0one bedo~om lull a101rt110111lo(1101-o ampus0 . ll 1-7791 472, o!('100 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trude Jaffe 01589Ls Am~tn aTan Seadiei ACROSS 361 Posed 9 Food fishes S Finally 39 Global area 10 Penny pincher 7 Glove 40 College official: 11 Brazilian macaws, 11 Abbreviation on Abbr. 32 Unoccspied street signs 41 Sosrce of heat 23 Corrects 14 Property in land 44 Wood strip 19 Journeyer 15 Small case, 45 Reverberate 21 Frees from cass- continental style 46 Die tic substances 16 Member of the. 48 Whip-tailed flat 23 Men in gray: flock fisb Colloli, 17- Tackle, as an op. 50 -- words 24 Extinct wild ox ponent' (that is to soy) 25 Disavowals 18 Lugubrious ox- 52 Habituate: Var. 29 Apprehended by pressionL.Colloq. 53 Certain hideouts touch. taste. etc 20 Misjudged 55 -- Green 33 Making progress 22 Of a barren 58 Here: Fr. 35 Shophar expans 59 Baltic port 38 Hides away 23 Designating the 60 Watering place 37 Eastern title color of some in Belgium 38 City on the dogs 61 Sleuth Hudson 26 London thorough- 62 Busybedylah 39 Belief fare (with "The") 63 Headlands 40 Rues tne day 27 Pennsylvanla DOWN 41 Life principle city 1 Study course 42 Card holding 28 Islands 2 Mild beverage 43 Amatory of France 3 Site for a 47 The sun: 30 Turns in a certain summer camp 11 Prefix direction 4 Put on guard 49 "M*AS*H" role 31, Melville hero _ 5 Fable 51 Certain. army Billy 6 Waterway in. men: Abbr. 32 Condiment north England 54 Repeat 34 Compass pt. 7 Director Brooks 56 See 34 Across 35 Dug for ore 8 Actor Robert 57 Public notices: again, and family Colloq. 1 2 3 4 5 7 - - 10 11 12 13 17- - - - - 25 2- - - 31F 32- 37 3 sO 1 5 46 7 -3 5 55 - - 5 57 - sI~ - - h nT,.-.- 2:.oT3 adF728 NEVER BUY ANOITHIER MUFFLER! Lifetime guarantee. Call Ann Arbor Mottler Installers tfoe FREE Prior Quote. 709-5913. eFte THANKS MITCfI!! N{l PROBLIEM LENNY--- d F728 BILLlIARDIS at reduced r 110leverydaa 1 6:100 pm. at 101- UNIOIN.lOpen II Il a m .Monday-Fridaly: 1:101pm .Saturday and Sunday, 1720 ART OR ART HISTORY Students wasted to par- ticipate in poychological esperiments. Call 704- 9175. 91F803 SECOND SERVE Factory close-outs on ACTION SPORTS APPAREL. 40 E. Liberty-2hblocks offlState. cPtc OFFSET AND XEROX FAST LOW COST DUPLICATING COPYQUICK-769-0560 12175S. University' ePtc Welcome a quiet retreat? Browse comfortably at the EXHIBIT MUSEUM GIFTSHOP. where almost everything is on sale: Monday-Friday, 10:00-4:30, Saturday. 10:00-5:00, Sunday, 1:005:01. Hubven Museum xl Natural Histocy, N.University & Geddes Avenue. 97F728 SCIENCE-FICTION: More than 1000 used SF titles. Buy ours, sell yours, or trade. USED BOOKS-We buy single boots, libraries, or estates. USED SHEET MUSIC THE DAWN TREADER BOOK SHOP' 525 E. Liberty, inside Bills Bindery. sus-ton c ete MAKE LOVE-NOT WAR (Il's goed foeour busisess) Austin Diamond 1209S. University 663-7151 Specializing inscustom engagement & wedding rings eFte THE MICHIGANENSIAN YEARBOOK COMETH: And it's time to gel your copy. Availble at the Student Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, for only 812.00. dF MOVING AND HAULING. Very cheap. 973-9631, call betwees7 am. and 2p us cFlO31 1971 GREMLIN. Excellent condition, GOOD GAS MILEAGE, many extras, so rust. Call Bob, 000- 7270. dM731 74 O7IEMLINN. gomodc:oditio. oslus:miles. power steerinog,automatic. 201mpg,$11001 9-4057. IN720 THE MICHIGANENSIAN YEARBOOK COMETH: And its time to get your copy. Available at the Student Publicatioss Bldg., 420 Maynard St., Anno Arbor, for only 812.00. dU SAVE GAS. Loose one-halt of a horse. Losoons showing grooming, will work to desensitize persons whotfear horses. 761-8645 and 971-209. - OOWOII- ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE' RIDER NEEDED-an Francic: leaving July 29, arrivingAngst 3. Sharexpenses. 682-147. 89G72 MOIISLS WANTED-12/r. Apply in person Velvet Touch. 215 S. Fourb Ave 11H0001 DIENTAL.STtDENT_ With good DAT scores wanted t tor:11forbrDATPar-tim begning Auguslt. all662-1149. 12180: HOUISEKEEPER. -12 hours per owee.41hor Da-sFleible. 94-449. ater 6:00 p m 031172 BILItNtGUAL, PYHLOGllIST andllsciawo:re-r lfor prvale Melr:pollanDoir:t :ulp41:1conic t all: 55101 .131,001808ull APPLICATIONS PRIIOGAMMERS nededhby on Arbor Busness Sysems bhouse 0wll0:- ding d- velopmentllwo:rkon miis and mcros experiencein busness applcaios Prgrammng srogly pre li-reidCall (100Ssems:9951671. 114110: MultiMedia Advertising is looing for display adver- tising salespersons. Full or part-time, must have some experience. Reply Box 013, Ann Arbor, MI 107 -96172 TYPING TYPING/BINDING " Dissertations " Teses/Term Papers " Businesseters/Resumes " Legal Julie Birdsall 665-9843 612S. Forest Suite B cite TYPING PAPERS, DISSERTATIONS, THESES - CAN HELP WITH SPELLING & ENGLISH STRUC- TURECALL 05-1000ior 663-578. ejc THE SECRETARIAT Term Papers, Theses & Dissertaios Typing, Copyig & Binding 812 South Saetree 994-3594 94Mon.-Sat. cte WRITING SERVICES. Creative, Technical, Editing. Research. Typing. Experienced Professional. 99- 056. - Jc LOOIKING PF111 ONE. WlOMAN Ito share a rom:oin a thrceebedrom. nlrosbed h:ose 1110 *1. 051 mo. CllAno ,r Gail, 0110-14. 217211 ROOIIMMATE-!WANTE- Grdule stuetseek room andor quietmal.on-smoking raomilal:' Call o11 r rielRch 11an0la, 09lHigb Sr-Ilt, Winde. CL 04810201:379i-0l381178011 150111110ltl okng for lfemaleto 1sar' furishd1 aprme in desirab'leonvrsty Tlwes.-s721 38o6 or 70-217410Y711 Do a Tree a Favor: Recycle Your Daily tIitQ is preserved on Mmim W°DULM The Michigan Daily 420 Maynard Street AND Graduate Library