The Michigan Daily-Saturday, July 28, 1979--Page 9
Carter names two to Cabinet
WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter completed selection of his
revamped Cabinet yesterday, then flew
to Camp David, Md., where the
overhaul of his administration began
more than three weeks ago.
Carter chose former New Orleans
Mayor Moon Landrieu as secretary of
Housing and Urban Development
(HUD) and selected Portland, Ore.,
Mayor Neil Goldschmidt as his new
secretary of transportation.
Landrieu, former president of the
U.S. Conference of Mayors, will suc-
ceed HUD Secretary Patricia Roberts
Harris, named earlier by Carter to
become secretary of health, education,
and welfare.
GOLDSCHMIDT, 39, will replace
Brock Adams, who resigned at the
height of Carter's purge of his Cabinet.
After meeting with Goldschmidt
yesterday afternoon, Carter departed
for a weekend at Camp David where he
had secluded himself three weeks ago
before launching the shakeup of his
The selection of Landrieu and Gold-
schmidt seemed certain to please the
nation's big city mayors, who have
been critical of Carter for paring urban
programs in his fight against inflation.
Heavily Democratic, these mayors
could be a key factor in the 1980
presidential primaries.
IN SELECTING Goldschmidt and
Landrieu, Carter did some ethnic and
religious balancing of his Cabinet.
Goldschmidt is Jewish and Landrieu is
Roman Catholic.
Joseph Califano, Jr., fired as
secretary of health, education and
welfare, had been the only Catholic in
Carter's original Cabinet. Goldschmidt
will be the only Jewish Cabinet mem-
Yesterday's announcements wrap-
ped up an overhaul of the Cabinet in
PRESIDENT CARTER yesterday nominated former New Orleans Mayor Moon Landrieu (left) to be secretary of the Depar-
tment of Housing and Urban Development.
" W. Michael Blumenthal was fired
as treasury secretary. Carter
nominated G. William Miller, chairman
of the Federal Reserve Board, to
replace him.
" Attorney General Griffin Bell an-
nounced his retirement. Carter
nominated Benjamin Civiletti, - deputy
attorney general, to succeed him.
" Califano was removed as secretary
of health, education, and welfare, with
Harris nominated to replace him.
* James Schlesinger resigned as
secretary of energy. Carter has
nominated Charles Duncan, deputy
defense secretary, to succeed him. my full support and confidence."
IN ANNOUNCING the appointment White House press secretary Jody
of Goldschmidt, Carter said in a Powell said Goldschmidt already has
statement that the Portland mayor "is discussed an orderly transition at the
known as an aggressive and innovative Transportation Department with Navy
mayor with outstanding administrative Secretary W. Graham Claytor, who has
abilities." He said Goldschmidt under- been acting as head of the department
stands local transit problems and "has since Adams' departure last week.
Urban areas fascinate
new HUD Chief Landrieu
NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Former mayor.
Mayor Moon Landrieu danced out of of- His tenure in City Hall, from 1970 to
fice to a jazz band last year, telling 1978, lefta mark on this Deep South city
friends: "Free at last, free at last, of 600,000. He integrated City Hall and
thank God Almighty, Iam freeat last." pushed for an end to racial
But cities fascinate Landrieu, and the discrimination, helped create the state-
plight and politics of the nation's urban owned Superdome, and worked for
areas proved too tempting - yester- development in the city's French Quar-
day, the 49-year-old father of nine was ter.
named President Carter's new And he met with problems.
secretary of Housing and Urban HE NAMED Terrence Duvernay as
Development. the city's first black chief ad-
A VIGOROUS six-footer, with a thick ministrative officer, the No. 2 man in
mop of white hair, a strong jaw, and city government, and worked for in-
gold-rimmed spectacles, Landrieu is tegration in other areas - smart
known in this Louisiana city as a liberal politics in a city with a population more
with a thin skin. He once wept during a than 50 per cent black.
dispute over the $163.2 million Super- But after a year as president of the
dome. U.S. Conference of Mayors, he told the
"I've been in politics 16 years and 1977 National League of Cities conven-
that's the only time I can remember tion:
that happening to me," he said later. "If you embark on a campaign to end
Despite eight years as mayor and racial discrimination in your
stints as a state legislator and city hometown, you will need nerves of
councilman, Landrieu never developed steel, a will of iron, skin like leather,
calluses. And he was noted for run-ins and testicles of brass to withstand the
with reporters - some of which were slings and arrows.
televised live. "I have myself these past eight years
LANDRIEU, WHO holds.. a law been known in some quarters as 'Moon
degree from Loyola University, legally the Coon,' an epithet that has caused
changed his name from Maurice to mesome pain at times, but that is also a
Moon - a boyhood handle prompted by .badge of honor that bears testimony to
his rrndd face-b iefore runningo'r'' what we try to do."'._-_ _ _ . .
Executive in Charge of Production JERE IENSHAW
eatre Phone 668-6416 1:25-3:25-5:25-7:25-9:25
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