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July 28, 1979 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1979-07-28

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The. Michiga n Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents
Shapiro to assur
presidency Jan
Dai ly hotoM by LIS K S0
presient f th Uniersit at speial eetin of he Uiverity Bard f Reents
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Daily Photo by LISA KLAUSNEKf
UNIVERSITY VICE-PRESIDENT for Academic Affairs Harold Shapiro yesterday was named the 10th permanent
president of the University at a special meeting of the University Board of Regents.
Shapiro ponders future
By JULIE ENGEBRECHT to his colleagues "to get their ideas."
Before University President-elect He said he probably would spend some
Harold Shapiro makes any decision time visiting government agencies.
about what he will do as president, he "THAT'S WHAT I'll do. I hope it will
plans to give his future priorities a lot of be helpful," he said.
thought, consulting with faculty and But Shapiro obviously has had some
students here and colleagues all across time to think about his new job.
the country. "I hope that when I'm through as
"I'll be thinking," said Shapiro University president that people will
yesterday afternoon, looking pleased not say that Shapiro was president
and somewhat relieved that the new during three years. What they'll say is
University president had been chosen. that during those years, here's a
SHAPIRO.WAS cautious in assessing program that flourished, there's a
the University's strengths, weaknesses, fellowship for the institution. That's
or what he might consider some of his what counts in the University.
top priorities for the University in the ADMINISTRATORS are just here to
next decade. provide those opportunities."
"One of the reasons I postponed The nationally reknowned economist
raking the presidency until Jan. 1 is said as president he "must provide a
Precisely to give that rather careful ' style of leadership that -allows the
Lhought and to not think about that faculty and-students to maximize their
alone, but to think about it with the potential-a style of leadership that will
faculty, students, alumni, and Regen- raise the being around the University."
is,"he said. Shapiro earned the admiration of his
The 44-year-old administrator said in colleagues in performing his previous

the months until he assumes his new and current administrative duties, and PRESIDENT-ELECT Harold Shapir
Post, he will visit other universities in in his leadership positions has had to' University, including chairman of th
the state and around the nation to talk See THE PRESIDENT, Page 17 president for academic affairs.

Vol. LXXXIX, No. 54-S
Twenty Pages
ne 'U'
iary I
Harold Shapiro, University
Vice-President for Academic
Affairs, will become the
University's 10th president on
Jan. 1, 1980.
The University's Board of
Regents announced Shapiro's
appointment at a special 10
a.m. meeting yesterday. The
announcement culminated a
ten and one-half month search
for a successor to former
President Robben Fleming.
THE REGENTS, Interim President
Allan Smith, and the school's vice-
presidents sat around the large table in
the Regents Room of the Ad-
ministration Building as more than 100
spectators and media representatives
awaited the announcement. While most
of the six vice-presidents sat on the east
end of the table, Shaprio was placed
next to Smith, on the west end, as
television lights glared on the crowd.
The Regents praised their choice
prior to the formal Board vote yester-
See SHAPIRO, Page 18

of U'

o has held a number of positions in the
e Department of Economics and vice-

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