The Michigan Daily-Friday, July 27, 1979-Page 13 Shapiro to be new 'U' president The Regents and their three advisory c ontinued from Page i know whether he would return to the professor refused to commit himself, search committees hate refused to classroom in September or in January. however, saying, "That's just what's comiment on candidates or search didates idicated the new presidentwas He did indicate, however, that either being said around here." Shapiro was progress since January. Members of to be chosen from within the Univer- date would be "fine" with him. chairman of the Department of the Board adopted a "no comment" sity, and that it would be Shapiro. Some University officials would not Economics from 1974 until 1977. stsnce on all YS EAoilyFfews"aond eecsywhte atenel sidenteon llquestions about the sear- LSA DEAN Billy Frye was "around even say whether the new president Since the search began, University ch, and directed faculty, student, and the top 18," according to Waters. He would be named today, but several community members have mentioned alumni search committee members to added that the Board reduced its list of Regents said the meeting's purpose is Shapiro as the leading candidate from follow their lead. candidates from about 18 to six within to announce the new president. within the University. Last week, The Regents said they feared leaks of the last two-weeks. Smith said late yesterday afternoon several University sources said Shapiro candidates' names would impair the Of the final six candidates, "the he did not know the name of the new was a finalist for the post. search, and any commitment of a final majority of them were on all three president. He added he was hoping for a Shapiro, was named vice-president date for the search might make it look advisory committee lists," according to call from Regent Robert Nederlander for academic affairs in June 1977 after as though the Regents were not meeting Waters. The three advisory groups (D-Birmingham), who chaired the Frank Rhodes left to become Cornell their deadline. were comprised of students, faculty, Regents search committee, sometime University president in Ithaca, New At 44, Shapiro is one of the youngest and alum.o . before the announcement this morning. York. men to be named president. Clarence None of those contacted, including A SPOKESPERSON for Rhodes said Cook Little was 36 when he was named Waters, said they knew when the new ONE ECONOMICS professor, who last week Rhodes had been approached University president in 1925. president would take office. asked not to be named, said it was his by the Regents, but told them he wasn't INTERIM UNIVERSITY President understanding Shapiro would be the interested because of his commitment In/oded in this srorv are fi/es from Daily Allan Smith said yesterday he did not next University president. The to Cornell. reporer Mitch Cantor. Shapiro cautious'in past administrative post By ELIZABETH SLOWIK A Daily News Analysis Harold Shapiro has been charac- terized as a low-key, cautious man in his past administrative duties. But his track record provides little indication of his positions on current campus issues such as affirmative action, faculty tenure, and University holdings in firms with South African branches. The nationally prominent economist is more prepared to tackle problems such as inflation, recession and declining enrollment - challenges ex- pected for the 1980's. SHAPRIO JOINED the University faculty in 1984 as assistant professor of economics. He boasts a list of ad- ministrative duties, including chair- man of the Department of Economics, and executive committee memberships on both the Institute for Social Resear- ch and the Institute for Public Policy Studies. He also has served on several search committees, including the group which recommended LSA Dean Billy Frye, who had been mentioned recently as a presidential candidate. Most recently, Shapiro has been University vice-president for academic affairs. He assumed that. position in July 1977 after former Vice-President for Academic Affairs Frank Rhodes left to take the president's post of Cornell University. Rhodes confirmed last week that the University Board of Regents had considered him as a presidential candidate. "I WAS surprised to learn that I was under consideration for the post. But I tried to take it as lightly as possible," Shapiro said in 1977. At the public portion of Monday's special Regents' meeting, Shapiro was observed twisting his watch, picking his teeth with a staple, and toying with the nameplate that rests in front of him on the massive table in the Regents Room. "Deciding to take on a job like this . . . involved so many decisions that I decided not to confront them until I really knew that there was a reason to. It's very difficult for me to make such decisions, such changes, so I just waited," Shapiro also said that sum- mer. During the same interview, Shapiro noted that "the pool (of students) from which we traditionally draw is getting smaller" and said that the University will have to concentrate on attracting "highly-qualified" students. He also said state appropriations probably would fall, and the University would be forced in the future to find a greater proportion of funding elsewhere. Shapiro also played a low-key role in moderating a racial dispute among School of Nursing faculty members in 1977, saying little about the case but providing a sounding board for the disgruntled instructors and the dean. """" IT'S T E MOVIE EVERY E'S BEEN TALKING ABOUT! All NEW' 411 VIFfEENT IF YOU LIKED "BLOOPERS" YOU'LL LOVE... pP o TM PART TWO SEE...JOHN BOY SMOKE A JOINT! SEE...CAROL BURNETT PICK HER NOSE! SEE...THE FRANKENSTEIN MONSTER BREAK UP WITH LAUGHTER! * STAR TREK * ABBOTT & COSTELLO * BETTE DAVIS " HOLLYWOOD PALACE " MASH " HUMPHREY BOGART " BOB HOPE " ELVIS PRESLEY " DRACULA " NAME THAT TUNE " ERROL FLYNN * EDW. G. 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