WASHIT Republica to Preside yesterday, cuts, a ba opportunit Meanw Democrat ter all the pieces of despite t challenges O'Neill ind work, clai powerful t question at The con senators The Michigan Daily-Friday, July 27, 1979-Page 7 GOP devises options to Carter programs NGTON (AP) - Senate ministration "seems to lack either the "windfall profits" tax on the oil in- Finance Committee, where the ad- ns offered their alternatives ability or the will - or both - to deal dustry. ministration is fearful amendments nt Carter's economic policies with" inflation and recession. MEANWHILE, the Senate Energy may whittle it down, jeopardizing fun- urging across the board tax THE GOP economic document left Committee gave Carter's energy plan a ding for Carter's $142 billion energy lanced budget and new job open such questions as the size of boost by voting to establish an energy plan. ies. proposed tax cuts and when the federal board with broad authority to speed h ile, Congressional budgetshould be balanced. construction of priority energy projec- The president also claimed a new im- ic leaders vowed to give Car- And, in a reflection of deep divisions ts. passe on gasoline rationing in the help he needs to keep the within the party, Sen. Jacob Javits, (R- By a vote of 14-1, the committee House "illustrates once again the his new energy plan intact, N.Y.), who chaired the subcommittee agreed to the creation of a national timidity of the Congress." It was a he recent setbacks and that produced the document, said such Energy Mobilization Board with three reference to the House's 232-187 ap- . But House Speaker Thomas "quick-fix measures" as wholesale tax advisory members and a powerful ad- proval late Wednesday of a Republican- licated that may take a lot of cuts "will only paper over the problem ministrator. The board is designed to sponsored amendment limiting the ming "the oil lobby is more and simply further fuel the fires of our cut government red tape and speed president's flexibility by giving han it's ever been. There's no double-digit inflation." development of various non-nuclear Congress two separate opportunities to bout it. The first test of the GOP plan is ex- energy facilities as a means of reducing block any rationing plan. iference of 41 Republican pected when the Senate Finance Com- U.S. dependence on foreign oil imports. agreed that the Carter ad- mittee begins writing its version of a Carter, in his nationally-televised Both Wright and O'Neill blamed the news conference Wednesday night, ap- development - which caught them by Dems maneuvered budget fund-state GOP leader LANSING (UPI) - A House stabilization bill was not to allow th Republican leader yesterday accused removal of funds merely in anticipati Democrats of pulling off a "raid" on the of hard times. state's Budget Stabilization Fund in a "The decision by the Deinocrat back-door legislative maneuver - a leadership to circumvent that intent claim denied by the majority party. attempting to 'raid' the budg House Republican Floor Leader stabilization fund at the 11th hour wit Michael Busch of Saginaw asked Gov, absolutely no public debate William Milliken to veto a section of a discussion is unjustifiable," he said. recently-passed budget bill which he BUSCII SAID the actions of th said appropriates $59.1 million out of Democrats were especially ironic the fund. light of House Speaker Bobby Crim BUSCHl SAID the provision was lavish praise of the "openness" of th sneked through the legislature in the recently completed budget-writin waning hours of the session in a "gross session. abuse of power on the part of the Busch said Milliken should veto tt Democratic leadership." entire bill if necessary to block the a touse Fiscal Agency Director John propriation. Morberg said the section in question is MORBERG SAID the budg an estimate of the money that will be stabilization law requires an annu available from the fund - not an ap- estimate of the transfers into and out propriation. the fund. The $59.1 million estimate The bill "does not appropriate money based on projections that personal i out of the fund," he said. conre, adjusted for inflation, w A MILLIKEN spokesperson said the decline in the coming fiscal year. possibility of a veto is under study. The money would come out of tI The fund is designed to store up fund only as needed, Morberg said. money in good economic years for use The section of the bill containing tI during recessions when revenues dip budget stabilization estimate also i and the demand for state services cludes projections of revenue from tf grows. income tax, sales tax, lottery and oth Busch said language appropriating items. $59.1 million out of the fund was slipped into the multi-purpose general gover- nment budget bill after House-Senate AT conferees already had agreed on a final version of the measure. Republican conferees had no knowledge the section 5th Avenue at Liberty St. 761-9 was added, he charged. Formerly Fifth Forum Theater "OUR CAUCUS does not dispute the fact that the Michigan economy may decline to the point where an infusion of W OO DY A LLEN money from this fund may become N L 0 N necessary," Busch said in a letter to DIA KEATrN Milliken. I H E "However, the intent of the MICHAEL MURPH legislature in passing the economic - 4 MARIEL HEMING RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE M ERYL STREE P SUMMER PLAYERS PRESENT ANNE BYRN BERTOLT BRECHT'S Puntile And His Hired Man A comedy for the summer 8:00 pm TrJ1S 2 Come for the E flmaJu* 26-Sot J*28 E QuadAudjtorum Sat.-Sun.-Wed. -2:3O Mon. -Tues.-Thurs.., Admission $300' pealed to Americans to help him win surprise - on partisan politics and con- approval of his energy plan, depicting a fusion among the 79 defecting "massive effort to gut" his proposed Democrats who backed the GOP amen- windfall profits tax on oil companies. dment. THE TAX HAS already passed the "I feel certain we can turn it House and is now before the Senate around," O'Neill said. he on ic by et th or he in 's he ig be p- et al of is in- ill :he he n- -he er k h~o rwAufJunt11 jj VPPP, uIAA '' tA& ~ak- -l~l e~~1WflWi jt 2eseqsw "'i 870 ~o o UCQ geell biasr!e o estaran 87 Biawod f~h in* *bo 9996-4444 .. 1 ,A L 9'700 ,r lY NAY FINAL WEEK! MON.-TUES.-THURS.-FRI. E gst$show$ h.50 d t*lipprox.6:30) evenings $3.50, child $1.50 WED-SAT.-SUN, 1 St show $1.50 (tiI opprox. 3:00) matinees $2.50 til 5:30 evenings $3.50, child $1.50 rlybird Special! , 4:20, 6:20, 8:10, 10:00 ri,.-6:20,,8:10, 10:00 ._