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July 25, 1979 - Image 31

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Michigan Daily, 1979-07-25

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 25, 1979-Page 11

Capt. Cornell
(ouninuedfrom Page 4
terested not in education but
rather in maintaining the
University's $35 million dollar
capital fund. Captain Cornell
crystalizes these ideological
gems in his most recent hit "The
Sounds of Compliance." Frank
H.T. Rhodes wails on the
Hello trustees my oldfriends,
You've brought me here to speak
Because you won'tfund Cornell's
With the profits you are reaping.
Budget revisions simply madefor
fiscal gain;
Who's to blame?
The students sound, compliance.
In comic strips you plot alon,
While the students all get stoned;
You know the battle has been won,
When you can raise tuition just for
When the Senate was dismantled
without afight;
You thought it right.
The students sound, compliance.
You trustees havefound your prey,
For the students have no say;
Although tuition is soaring,
Next semester Istart touring,
"The costs and the profits are painted
on the campus walls,
And Sibley Hall"
And whisper thesound,
But victories - cannot be
measured by comic strips or
album sales. It's the record that
counts. And what is the record?
Maybe the trustees are right.
Perhaps Captain Cornell is only
the delirious scribblings of an ob-
scure cartoonist gone mad. After
all, the trustees are rich, power-
ful, big businessmen. We're mere
They're vice presidents of
major U.S. corporations. We're
They have a concern for the
University's fiscal solvency.
We're here for an education.
They can be more objective;
they rarely show their faces in
Ithaca. But we're not impressed.
Although the comic strip has
run its course, Captain Cornell
need not fade away. While stands
against such issues as Cornell's
investments in corporations in-
volved in South Africa may not be
hits with the trustees, Frank
Rhodes should strive for creative
leadership at the expense of
commercial success.
It would be sad indeed if Cap-
tain Cornell limited himself to
tossing an occasional Frisbee on
the arts quad, frequenting local
bars, or fraternizing with the
Cornell Liberation Army. It's
time to face the music.
Cone on, Captain Cornell;
Kryptonite is found only in the
LOS ANGELES (AP)-The market
for automated office products will ex-
ceed $15 billion by 1982, reports AM In-
Included in the category are such
common itemgsas duplicators and such
exotic items as laser optical recognition
systems that turn typed copy into com-,
puter language.

TEHRAN, Iran (AP)-Iranian radio
played Persian folk music, classical
pieces, and themes of the nation's
revolution yesterday, ignoring a call by
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini for a ban
on music, which he described as an
opiate that makes the brain inactive.
The director of the state radio said
the ban "would apply only to the holy
month of Ramadan, which starts on
"For periods starting at the end of
Ramadan, an appropriate decision will
be made later on," said Director
Sadegh Ghotbzadeh, apparently
avoiding a direct clash with Khomeini,
the nation's austere 79-year-old
religious leader.
In other developments yesterday:
" Rebellious Kurdish forces captured
a state police headquarters near the

ignore ban
town of Khoy in northwestern Iran as
fighting was reported elsewhere in the
region letween Kurds and government
Two men were arrested, tried, and
executed within hours of being caught
while trying to set off a bomb near
pipelines leading to the world's largest
oil processing plant. Saboteurs believed
to be ethnic Arabs pressing for
autonomy damaged pipelines in the
Persian Gulf region earlier this month.
Khomeini launched his attack on
music in an address Monday to em-
ployees of a summer radio stationa in
the holy city of Qom.
"Music should not be played over
radio and television . . . like opium,
music also stupefies persons listening
to it and makes their brain inactive and
frivolous," the official Pars news agen-

China accuses Soviets
of provocation' at border

PEKING (AP) - China accused the
Soviet Union yesterday of creating "a
serious incident of provovation and
bloodshed" on their border by killing
one Chinese and wounding another, just
when both sides were preparing to talk
about improving relations.
The official Xinhua news agency said
about 20 Soviet soldiers lying in ambush
at the Soviet border with northwest
China's Xinjiang region killed a her-
dsman and wounded a veterinarian as
they were inspecting a pasture on July
Xinhua said a strong protest note to
the Soviet Embassy in Peking accused
the Soviet Union of a number of
provocations this summer "designed to
create tension and threaten thebsafety
and life of the Chinese border
THE NOTE declared: "The Soviet
side has deliberately created a border
incident of provocation and bloodshed
at a time when concrete arrangements
are being discussed for negotiations on
the relations between China and the
Soviet Union. This cannot but draw the
serious attention of the Chinese side."

After notifying the Soviet Union it
would not renew their amity treaty
when it expires next year, China had
proposed talks on their relations
covering such matters as trade,
technological cooperation, peaceful
coexistence and non-interference in
each other's affairs.
After exchanges of notes, the Soviet
Embassy in Peking said last week
China had unconditionally accepted
talks on a variety of government-to-
government questions with the Soviet
CHINA ALSO publicized a protest to
the Soviet Union in May last year, when
it accused Soviet troops of intruding in-
to northeast China's northeastern
Heilungkiang province, shooting at
more than 30 Chinese and wounding
some of them. The Soviet Union said its
troops became lost while searching for
an armed Soviet criminal, but had not
fired at Chinese.
Meanwhile, Japan's Kyodo news ser-
vice reported from Peking that an open
letter has been put up on "democracy
wall" urging promotion of friendship
with the Soviet people - as opposed to
the Soviet government.

on music
cy quoted him as saying.
KHOMEINI ACCUSED the regime of
deposed Shah Mohammad Reza
Pahlavi of "corrupting and degrading"
Iranian youth by permitting music to be
broadcast over the nation's airwaves.
But songs of the revolution that top-
pled the shah's regime and other stan-
dard music fare still were broadcast
Tuesday on Iranian radio.
Two Tehran teen-agers laughed when
reporters asked their reactions to
Khomeini's ban. "I don't care what
state radio does, but in the privacy of
my home and in the company of my
friends, we find music relaxing and in-
spiring," one of the teen-agers said.
reminiscent of attempts in other coun-
tries to censor music. China tried to
root out some music in its Cultural
Revolution of the 1960s. Radicals said
Western music reflected "the nasty rot-
ten life and decadent sentiments of the
But Western music is back in China.
Loudspeakers in a Peking park recen-
tly blared such light numbers as "The
Skater's Waltz" and "The Sound of
Hitler banned "depraved art," in-
cluding jazz and some modern classical
composers. But he loved Richard
Wagner, and for that reason, an unof-
ficial, but firm ban of Wagner's music
persists on Israeli radio, television and
concert stages.
nor General Jamshid Haghu of West
Azerbaijan Province disclosed that the
state police headquarters near the town
of Khoy had fallen to insurgent Kurds,
Pars said.
"We have no information about the
situation in other state police posts
between Khoy and Ghatur since our
communication lines are down," Haghu
told Pars in Orumiyeh, capital of West
Azerbaijan province.
Premier Mehdi Bazargan's
provisional government acted quickly
and severely to discourage further at-
tempts to sabotaging the country's vital
petroleum industry.
der the old code, a radiologist who spot-
ted a serious disease while reading the
X-ray of a patient referred by a
chiropractor was obligated to tell the
patient about it. The new code obligates
him only to tell the chiropractor.
LONDON (AP)-Exterminators
say that mice which go foraging in a
London meat market are developing
long fur coats to protect them from the
chill inside the cold-storage units.
U-M Stylists
AT THE Union
Open Mon-Sat

AMA studies ethics code

CHICAGO (AP) - A new ethics code
that would have let physicians adver-
tise was shelved for more study yester-
day at. the American Medical
Association (AMA) convention.
The AMA House of Delegates voted to
send the ethics proposal to its state and
local medical societies for comment.
The vote has the effect of delaying final
action on a revision of the elisting
ethics code, which was first enacted in
1957, until at least December 1980.
MEANWHILE, the delegates also
adopted a new position paper that
modifies a stand that chiropractors are
members of an "unscientific cult." The
position said, in effect, that chiroprac-
tic is unsupported by scientific eviden-
ce, but that individual chiropractors
may be all right.
According to Dr. James Todd,
chairman of the committee that wrote
the ethics revisions, "The =public has
the right to go to hell medically if they
so choose, and we think they're doing
that by licensing chiropractors and so
forth. But that's their right."
AMA Executive Vice-President
James Sammons said the mere fact
that revisions were under study would
put the AMA inbetter legal position in

its many lawsuits stemming from its
current policies banning advertising
and accepting patient referrals from
THE 214000-MEMBER doctors'
group is fighting a decision by a
Federal Trade Commission judge that
said its advertising policies were
restraint of trade.
It's also defending itself in three
states against charges by chiropractors
that the AMA is trying to put them out
of business. Among the revisions in the
new code:
" It encourages physicians to "make
relevant information available to the
public," a section Todd said would
permit "honest" advertising.
* It removes the old code's
prohibition against working with "un-
scientific" practitioners. That referen-
ce has been taken to mean doctors -
particularly radiologists - should not
accept patients referred by chiroprac-
tors, although many doctors do.
" It says a physician may choose how
and where to practice. "That removes
anything against group practice or
prepaid medical plans," Todd said.
- It limits a physician's respon-
sibility to a patient referred to him. Un-

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