Page 28-Wednesday, May 2, 1979-The Michigan Daily Bill would ban racial steering LAN,,' stUPI)-Legislation to ban housing patterns in Michigan have been required to do so after a third convic- The main value of the bill is "to put agents cleared the House Civil Rights reinforced because some real estate tion. the industry on some kind of notice that Committee yesterday, despite the agents subtly steer white clients to all- "THE REAL estate industry ought the practice is wrong," he said. sponsor's candid admission its impact white neighborhoods and black clients not to be making decisions about where Bennane also said it is possible the at- be limited to all-black neighborhoods. people live," said the bill's sponsor, torney general could prosecute in some Democrats provided six of the seven The measures define steering as Rep. Michael Benne D-Detroitt. extreme instances. votes which sent the two bills to the trying to influence a buyers' decisions "I think it's up to the buyer,"eal said. REP. NICK SMITH (R-Addison) House floor. A series of weakening based on their race or the racial com- " tought to be up to the reator tohd sought to soften the bills' impact with amendments were defeated on party- position of the neighborhood involved. sh t s period." amendments limiting their covering to line votes. It also covers sex, religion, and other- BENNANE CONCEDED, however, "deliberate" steering and allowing Similar legislation passed the House characteristics. that his bills may have more bark than agents to respond to direct questions last year but died in the Senate. The state Department of Licensing bite because of the likelihood that any concerning the racial or ethnic com- IT HAS BEEN given impetus by and Regulation could lift the license of steering complaint will be settled position of a neighborhood. studies indicating that segregated any agent found guilty of steering and is through conciliation. Soviets show military (Continuedfrom Page 16) show by the military in May Day Lenin's Red Square tomb with an escort festivities was 1968, when tanks, guns close at his side. and rockets were paraded through Red Soviet marines and paratroopers Square, as they still are every year for gripping rifles with fixed bayonets the November 7 anniversary of the marched through Red Square yester- revolution. day to applause from Kremlin leaders Although yesterday's drill was on a in the first appearance by the military lesser scale, it appeared to mark a at a Moscow May Day parade for 11 clear boost for the military by putting it years. back in the forefront of what for years Soldiers, sailors and airmen took part was a purely civilian occasion. in the five-minute show of precision Further emphasis on the role of the drilling and formation marching which armed forces was seen in the replaced the colorful gymnastic display placement of the defense minister next by youths and girls that has marked the to Brezhnev. celebrations for the past decade. ON NOVEMBER 7, the defense chief THE LAST TIME there was a major has always stood next to the Kremlin in May Day leader. But in the past on May Day, Brezhnev has been flanked by Kosygin and another senior civilian official, Mikhail Suslov. There was no official explanation for the new role assigned to the military in the celebrations, but one Western am- bassador commented: "These things do not happen by chance in Moscow." The presence of the troops surprised foreigners who watched parade preparations, and imprecise drilling by some squads suggested they might have been brought in quite late. THE USE OF the military in the May Day parade was dropped by the Soviet Union several years after China turned 15 * i Book rush is never pleasant. But Ulrich's can make it better. Just hand your course list to one of Ulrich's people, and they'll get your books for you. While you're there, you can pick up your other supplies, too. It won't cost you an arm and a leg, either. Give it a try. MORE THAN A BOOKSTORE 549East Universty at the corner of East U. and South U. parade it into a purely civilian occasion. Peking had suggested that Moscow's emphasis on the armed forces showed Soviet "militarism." Peking was aglow last night with red lanterns and mile-long strands of lights. But for the second year in a row there were no government-sponsored ac- tivities. The Peking People's Daily exhorted Chinese to "launch a nation- wide movement to increase production and practice economy." "We will be able to quicken our pace, turn out more and better products and make greater contributions to the state if this work is well done," the newspaper said. HUNDREDS OF thousands of Iranians marched in Tehran in the first May Day celebrations in recent memory. The government formally an- nounced the cutting of diplomatic ties with Egypt. The deposed Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi had banned the celebrations. Iraqi President Hassan Al Bakr and Vice President Saddam Hussein led a parade past tens of thousands of per- sons who lined Baghdad's streets. Later a huge effigy of Sadat was burned in the city's central square. Sadat, meanwhile, accused Saudi Arabia of having "paid off" other Arab countries to break relations with Egypt. In the Red Sea town of Safaga, he told assembled miners and oil workers that the Saudis launched the payoff cam- paign after succumbing to "pressure and threats" by hard-line Arab states. IN DAMASCUS, the Syrian capital, marchers carried placards that read, "Down with Sadat, Down with America. Down with Zionism." Jor- dan's King Hussein told marchers in Amman, "We shall never surrender to the aggressor." Taiwan's president, Chiang Ching- kuo received 230 model workers while labor leaders called for the nation to unite and adhere to government policy during the first May Day celebrations since the United States broke relations with the island country and established diplomatic ties with Peking. The Israelis held memorial services in remembrance of the 13,866 soldiers who have died since Israel gained in- dependence 31 years ago. AN ERITREAN'Liberation Front spokesman said Ethiopian warplanes bombed and strafed six Eritrean villages during May Day observances. There was .no immediate report on casualties, but the spokesman said there was "considerable human and material damage." The liberation front is fighting for independence from Ethiopia which annexed the former Italian colony. Tens of thousands'of workers surged through the streets of major French cities demonstrating for the right to work and the right to strike, Except for a inor scuffle i tpolice in Paris, no incidents were reported.