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July 25, 1979 - Image 18

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Michigan Daily, 1979-07-25

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Page 12-Wednesday, July 25,1979-The Michigan Daily
A2 Street Art Fair plans
special crafts for kids
(Continued from Page 3) formances take place, as a large struc-
mimes, and musicians gather under the ture made of fabric which serves as an
Graceful Arch, on East University, to unusual backdrop to the stage. The Ar-
perform. Highlights of this year's per- ch, Bottum said, was created by
formances will include the Young Assistant Architecture and . Urban
People's Theatre Repertory Co. per- Planning Prof. Kent Hubbell and his
forming "The Operation," The Tucker students as a special class project in
Blues Band, Melidioso, and a Latin Jazz 1977.
Band. Creative Movement for Children The day before the fair opens, Soutt
will be demonstrated by members of University merchants, their children,
Mirage, and ventriloquist Joelene Piatt and employees, construct the wooden
is scheduled to perform "Rusty and booths from which the artists will
Me." display their creations. After the booths
The Graceful Arch, where all per- are built, the white visqueen canopy (an
Ann Arbor Street Art Fair trademark),
is set atop. Bottum explained that the
visqueen can be removed in the event of
a storm, to prevent the booths from
blowing away.
'U' Guild
(Continued from Page 3)
to fill the Festival with student
Any student member of this univer-
sity organization and any guild mem-
ber who has had a booth in previous
years is guaranteed a space. Non-
students are put on a waiting list to
become members of the Guild.
The professional and amateur mix of
the Guild membership helps fill the
"gap between the time you're in school
and when you establish yourself as an
artist," Melis said.
According to Melis, most of the
Guild's student members are not art
students. The majority are enrolled in
-Photo courtesy of the colleges of Literature, Science and
University Information Service the Arts (LSA), Nursing, Medicine, or
THE POTTERS Guild, a local art- Rackham Graduate School.
ists group, is especially invited to On the average, artists will earn $1300
exhibit in the Ann Arbor Street Art each in sales, if profits line up with
Fair each year. those in past years, she estimated.

Turquoise to tiffany
Crafts lovers delight in the many art fair booths which sell a variety of
hand-crafted items.
State St. Amerchan ts

and artists
(Continued from Page 3)
treet fair. "A lot of the artists feel we
have a good amount df traffic (people)
due to the central business location,"
Schreersaid. "It's smaller and less
The State Street area fair began,
Schreer explained, because of the suc-
cess of the fair on South University.
"Local people wanted to expand it to
another shopping area," he said. They




Men's and Women's Ai'
Top-Siders Women's Clogs 7'
$5.00 off $15.48
values to $25 Men's and Women's
Hiking Boots-15% off='"" , '
Fryes Boots-15% off Wallabees
Downtown Campus
17 S Man 619 E. lberty t.
, .f a t" a .a . ra,.ar . ..y . _ [.... . _. j k .3"a , " . f fif

approached the State Street merchants
and persuaded them to support the
plan. "It (the fair) just grew," he ad-
NEARLY 400 people applied to
exhibit in the 175 positions, according to
Schreer. He said the artists that are
chosen make quality items that are af-
Displays of paintings, drawings, fiber
art, pottery, glass work and jewelry
will fill theexhibitors booths this
weekend. "There's room for a great
variety of art ... for a good cross-
section of people," said Nancy Wilson,
another member of the association of
merchants and professional people
sponsoring the fair.
More than half of the artists are state
residents. "Ninety-one come from
Michigan and the balance come from
other states," and Canada, Wilson said.
DURING THE fair judges will ven-
ture to each booth and give theartist a
score from one to five. After the fair,
the scores are tabulated to determine
which artists will be invited back,
Schreer said.
The Maynard Street section of the
fair is unique because the booths are
housed under a tent. This year a new
150 by 20 foot tent covers the exhibits.
The usual wandering minstrels will
perform during the fair, but no other
formal entertainment has been
scheduled. Watching the fair-goers is
entertaining, according to Wilson. "The
best entertainment in the world is
people," she said.
Merchants on the four streets of the
fair are holding their annual Bargain
Days on the sidewalks in front of their
shops. They will also sell refreshments.
As an added convenience for tired
patrons, more benches and port-a-johns
hayvsbeen added in the.arathiS year,

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