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July 25, 1979 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1979-07-25

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The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents

Vol. LXXXIX, Na. 51-S
Wednesday, July 25, 1979
Twelve Pages


bid to
yesterday decisively killed a proposed
constitutional amendment aimed at
eliminating busing as a tactic used to
end school segregation.
On a vote of 216-109 the amendment
failed to win even majority support.
The proposal needed a two thirds en-
dorsement to survive and fell 75 votes
short of that mark.
The House vote was the first time that
either body of Congress has taken a
stand on busing as a constitutional
MEANWHILE, THE Senate refused Backstage
to add an anti-busing amendment to the
$8.25 billion appropriations bill for the Today is the first day of this year's Art Fair, an event lauded by som
Departments of State, Justice and have set up displays to cater to the throngs of people that will visit A
Commerce. Similar to the measure workers are constructing a booth near the Physics and Astronomy Bul
considered asa proposed constitutional
amendment by the House, the Senste N TT
proposal failed ona60-37 vote. PROVISION NOT APPLICABLE TO-C
The size of the House vote against the
amendment surprised even its staun-
chest critics. Rep. Louis Stokes (D- co u r ru l s in
Ohio) said opponents of the measure
expected 185 votes at best.
"I think in the final analysis, people By SARA ANSPACH A SPOKESMAN for Dan
were able to differentiate being for or With UPi reports Associates, Inc., a Denver,1
against busing and tampering with the The state Supreme Court ruled firm that has expressed inter
Constitution," he said, yesterday the city may grant a cable city's ailing cable TV system
PRESIDENT CARTER had joined a television franchise without the ap- torneys for the company will
coalition of civil rights, education and proval of local voters. Michigan lawyers in the next
labor groups in opposing the proposed Most city officials welcomed the to discuss the exact legal ram
amendment in the House. decision, which overturned two lower of the ruling, but "on the sur
The amendment would "unaccep- court rulings, and said the city's cable firm was pleased with the deci
tably and arbitrarily interfere for all television system would be more "We would very much lik
time with the roles and judgments of marketable now that the threat of a corporate business in Ann Arb
See HOUSE, Page 10 lawsuit is removed. spokesman John Muraglia. H
Senate to delay 'windfall profits' tax
WASHINGTON (AP)-Senate leaders program designed to reduce the Corporation, to handle vario
told President Carter yesterday they nation's dependence on imported oil. native energy programs, w
have abandoned plans to push for Press secretary Jody Powell said billion would be provided fo
passage of his proposed "windfall that at the session yesterday morning, come assistance and $16.5 bill
profits" tax before Congress begins a Carter, among other things, "warned, be spent on programs to impr
month-long recess on Aug. 3. or expressed his concern about" moves sportation efficiency.
But Sen. Russell Long (D-La.), to use the money from the oil profits tax THE REMAINDER would
chairman of the tax-writing Senate "on a politics as usual or business as on such things asa solar energ
Finance Committee, assured the usual basis." program for reducing utilities'
president that Congress will enact a tax POWELL SAID the president was and for oil shale and natural
on oil producers later this year that he speaking of a move to let Congress credits.
"will be pleased to sign." retain project-by-project control over The "windfall profits" tax
Carter learned of the Senate's bad- spending on energy programs, rather passed by the House of Repres
news, good-news intentions at a White than turning control over them to an earlier this year, but the mea
House breakfast meeting with top Energy Security Corporation. been in Long's Finance Commi
Democrats in Congress, where energy The White House spokesman also since.
legislation was the prime topic of said that Carter "has no disagreemnt Senate Majority Leader Rob
discussion. with the timetable" Long offered for (D-W.Va.) sais after the se
THE PRESIDENT has several major approving the oil profits tax. He also hopes to complete Senate ap
energy proposals pending in Congress, said the president expects that some the tax, as well as other part
and had hoped for final action on his elements of his energy legislation will ter's energy program, before t
"windfall profits" tax before the House be approved before the August recess. September.
and Senate begin their summer recess. Approximately $88 billion of the THE SENATE Budget Co
Carter needs the tax to finance his 10- $142.2 billion would be funneled through has decided to set upa special
year, $142.2 billion development Carter's proposed Energy Security SeSENATE,Page10

Doily Photo by LISA KLAUSNER
e and dreaded by others. More than 1,000 artists
nn Arbor during the next four days. Here, three
favor of city
iels and expects to know within several days
Colorado whether the firm will ask to purchase
est in the the Ann Arbor franchise.
, said at- In yesterday's ruling, the Supreme
meet with Court said while cable television should
two days be considered a public utility, the in-
ifications dustry is not subject to the provision in
face" the the Michigan Constitution which says
sion. three-fifths of local voters must ap-
e to be a prove public utility contracts, and con-
or," said tracts must be revocable at the will of
e said he the city.
IF THE constitutional provision were
applied to cable television, cities "could
stand to lose valuable services and
unknown millions of dollars," said the
us alter- court.
while $24 Local attorney Elmer White, who
r low in- originally brought the suit to Circuit
ion would Court, has said cable television will be a
ove tran- valuable public utility in the future and
the city should retain their right to
be spent regulate the system.
y bank, a "It's a big victory for (Ann Arbor
use of oil Mayor) Lou Belcher," he said of the
gas tax decision yesterday, adding he was
disappointed with the ruling.

had been
sure has
ttee ever
ert Byrd
ssion he
proval of
s of Car-
he end of
task for--

said the city will have an easier time
finding bidders for the cable system
without "the lawsuit hanging over our
heads." The city's cable television or-
dinance approved last week is not af-
fected by yesterday's decision, he said.
Laidlaw said he had heard that
several firms had considered bidding
for the Ann Arbor system, but decided
not to because the risks of-a franchise
revocable by the city were

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