The Michigan Daily--Tuesday, July 24, 1979-Page 9 FRANKFURT, West Germany (AP) A ra- About 1,000 American and European homosexuals converged on this central German city yesterday to seek ways to fight discrimination against them. The E week-long rally will be anxiously wat- uropean ched by city authorities. "As far as homosexuality goes, West Germany is a very liberal country in g a y s flj j the legal sense, but there remains. the discrimination by society of homosexuals in many walks of life," Gerold Hens, spokesman for the at G erman organizers, told The Associated Press during a telephone conversation. "GAYS ARE still being mugged in public places, they sometimes ex- co e m n m perience difficulties in finding a place to live or to find jobs," Hens said. He also charged that police keep files on Viewing public records shouldn't cost, says Kelley homosexuals, "though they deny it." ticipate," Hens replied to a question. An organization made up of homosexual groups throughout West He said that besides the Germans the Germany sponsored the international organizers expect some six to 70 pargy: visitors from Britain, France, Italy, "We want to be together for a week, Spain, the Benelux countries, and the exchange experiences and help gays United States. gain more self confidence," Hens said. He emphasized that the mass rally has CITY OFFICIALS clamped strict no set program and no firm aims.. seeuity measures on the events HENS SAID the last such iter- scheduled to end Sunday. They deman- national meeting was inEdinburgh, ded that a demonstration dubbed "A Scotland, in 1973. "But all we had plan- Volcano Erupts," scheduled for Satur- ned to do then fizzled out and just a few day, be guarded by 50 self-appointed personal relationships remained," he stewards, that the organizers be said' available at all times during the Unfortunately, our invitations for demonstration and that participanta Frankfurt went out mainly aimed at rfanfo arighleso male homosexuals, but we hope that reainf females will also resound and oar- pons. LANSING (UPI) - Michigan citizens have a right to view, without charge, most public documents, according to Attorney General Frank Kelley. Under the state's 1976 Freedom of In- formation Act, public officials and governmental agencies may not charge for the costs of finding a document, deleting information exempted from the statute, or allowing a citizen to in- spect it, Kelley said yesterday. The massive opinion - the longest ever issued by the attorney general's office - was issued in response to 58 separate questions raised by state of- ficials on various aspects of the 1976 statute. "UPON A written or oral request suf- ficient for a public body to locate a public record a person has the right to inspect, copy or receive copies of a public record of a public body unless there exists an exemption ...," Kelley said. "A public body must furnish a requesting person a reasonable oppor- tunity for inspection and examination of public records and must provide reasonable facilities for making memoranda or abstracts from public; records during usual business hours,"' he said. with the discharge of its functions." KELLEY SAID agencies must state the reasons for denying requests to view records and documents and said law enforcement agencies may refuse the request by virtue of a special exem- ption. When a government employee is fired, suspended or prosecuted, Kelley said, details of the charges may be disclosed. According to Kelley's opinion: " Persons are not entitled to receive copies of copyrighted material included in an agency's rules and records. " A person who seeks only to inspect a public record and does not request a copy may not be charged for the costs of the search, or for deleting exempted material prior to the review. " A public body may refuse to reveal to a third party part of an employee's personnel file which contains coun- seling and related material, if such disclosure would constitute an invasion of individual privacy. * Absent a written prohibition from the pupil or parent, schools are required to disclose the names and ad- dresses of students. They may not, however, release information regar- ding the student's behavior. Overview of Rep season: Fever' a hit, Bard a bomb BEST ACTRESS, SUPPORTING ROLE: Lorel Janiszewski as Jackie Coryton in Hay Fever. A very, very funny, bawling, nervous wreck as Mr. Bliss' young flapper friend. Honorable mention to Camille Horn for transcen- ding the artificiality of Wedding Band, and forthrightly playing a little girl - which she happens to be. WORST ACTRESS, SUPPORTING ROLE: Georgette Fleischer for her stab at Myra in Hay Fever, but especially for her non-portrayal of the tramp in Ah, Wilderness. Her directors were evidently powerless to effect any change in her appalling performances, and she is the worst thing about both these shows. BEST ACTOR, SUPPORTING ROLE: Terry Caza for Hay Fever's Simon, and Jon Hallquist as Arthur in Ah, Wilderness. Caza has found a per- fect forum for his broad, naturally acerb wit while Hallquist wisely un- derstates his character's pretentiously pompous asininity. Both very funny. ,,)VORST\ACT6O, SUPPORTING ROLE: Loren Dale- Bass in Wedding Band. As the Bell Man, Bass is a fran- tic, wildly uncontrolled cartoon charac- ter. MOST IMPROVED ARTIST: Steve Reynolds, director of Ah, Wilderness. Reynolds' rendition of O'Neill's lightest work is respectfully balanced, restrained, and thought-provoking - a clear step up. THE BOZO THE CLOWN MEMOR- IAL FOOLISH INDULGENCE AWARD: To Richard Burgwin for ap- pointing a musical director, Randy Neighbarger, in a Rep season with no musical. Neighbarger's tasks are (a) playing his homemade harpsichord in Much Ado, and (b) selecting incidental music for the other three shows. Shakespeare's script, though, calls for no instrument and would have done bet- ter without one; incidental music could as easily have been chosen by the direc- tors. A mysterious artistic decision, this. More critics notes tomorrow, these aboutMusk 's origin, show, In The Dark,