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July 24, 1979 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1979-07-24

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Page 6-Tuesday, July 24, 1979-The Michigan Daily


Ann Arbor Film Coopertive:
ART FAIRSPECIL-FruuAdrissiwnujak 24-28
(Michael Powell, Tim Whelan, Ludwig Berger, 1940) 7 only-AUD A
Filmed many times under various titles, this Arabian Nights tale of the
deposed prince who regains the throne with the aid of a thief was given a
super-lush treatment by producer Alexander Korda. Magnificent sets, superb
effects, brilliant trick photography, and a fine Miklos Rozsa score make this
the version to see and a fantasy classic. With evil CONRAD VEIDT as the evil
vizier, REZ INGRAM as the genie taller than Dr. J, and, for all you Sabu fans,
SABU the Elephant Boy as the plucky thief. Highly recommended. Bring the kids.
(Joseph Losey, 1968) 9 only-AUD A
A bizarre relationship is struck when ELIZABETH TAYLOR agrees topretend
to be rich, mad orphan MIA FARROW'S mother. Things go well until Farrow'
stepfather shows up in the person of ROBERT MITCHUM. Please note that we
are showing the unedited version. "Losey's best film in years ... the opulent
decadence works well."-N.Y. TIMES.
Wednesy, Jaly 25-ADMISSION FREE
(Robert Siodmak, 1948) 8 only-AUD A
In Lure noir style, BURT LANCASTER gets double-crossed by everybody in this
thriller about an armored car robbery. Great performance by villian extra-
ordinaire DAN DURYEA.
(Jules Dassin, 1947) 9:30 only-AUD A
A violent and hrrowingly exciting prison melodrama which marked Dossin's
debut as a notable director. A film noir classic with powerful performances
nwrsdy, Jul 26-ADMISSION FREE
(Roy Del Ruth, 1932) 8 only-AUD A
CAGNEY is at his cocky, kinetic best as a pugnacious taxi driver in this white
hot story of war among New York cabbies. Realism and violence, two trade-
marks of Warner Brothers in the thirties, are employed frequently and Del
Ruth's strong visual sense indelibly marks the film's style.
(Raoul Walsh, 1940) 9:15only-AUD A
BOGART made this melodrama about a trucker's life the year before the
MALTESE FALCON, In a rare sympathetic role, Bogart owns a rig with his
brother (GEORGE RAFT), and a mile-high stack of payments. When tragedy
strikes, IDA LUPINO takes over in one of her strongest roles as a woman bound
to get what she wants. The classic truck driver film.
(F. W. Murndu, 1922) 7 only-AUD A
The original, superbly loathsome version of Brom Stoker's DRACULA, the most
faithful (so for) to the novel. A concentrated essay in horror, full of wierd,
macabre camera effects, this film, unlike most other versions, still has
people looking over their shoulders on the way back home. MAX SCHRECK is
superb as Nosferatu, an emaciated demon with a rodent face, who spends
his days in his coffin, his nights sucking blood. An enduring image of horror.
A classic horror film and a classic film. Silent.
(Carl Dreyer, 1932) 8:30 only-AUD A
Adapted from Le Fanu's IN A GLASS DARKLY, this film, like NOSFERATU, can
scarcely be compared to the run-of-the-mill bat-and-blood schlock operas.
The horror is not a oroduct of physical violence as it is of ice-cold perversion
and malevolence. A mysterious traveler becomes involved with a town's
struggle to exorcise itself from the grip of vampires. Richly atmospheric,
tremendously influential on such greats as Cocteau and Welles, this film makes
you shiver at what you don't see. JULIAN WEST, HENRIETTA GERARD.
(Tod Browning, 1930) 9:40 only-AUD A
Ladies and gentlemen, the Count flies again! BELA LUGOSI-the only dracula,
in the film that made his career-dons cape, fangs, and thick Hungarian
accent to spread the empire of the undead across Europe. Rich, atmospheric
work by Tod Browning (FREAKS), the wierdest sensibility in Ameican films.
The movie still has its effective moments despite the years. Lugosi is a suave
count, for whom blood-sucking is not only immortality but private lechery
as well.
(Vincente Minnelli, 1956) 8 only-MLB 3
Quick, name one truly superior Hollywood movie about an artist's life. This
one happens to be one of the best ever, and presents a convincing, vivid
portrait of the tortured Vincent van Gogh and his extraordinary genius as a
painter. Everything works here-a fine script, splendid direction, eye-searing
color photography of van Gogh's masterpieces, classic score by Miklos Rozsa,
and a performance by KIRK DOUGLAS that seem to burn through his skin
(John Huston, 1953) 10 only-ML3 3
The life of pointer Toulouse-Lautrec presented Huston a canvas upon which to
splash a bounty of gorgeous color images of the Parisian Cafe World and
beautifully patterned compositions conveying sentiments, moods and atmos-
p here. JOSE FERRER turns in a haunting performance as Loutrec, but the true
highlight of the film is the dazzling color pattern Huston uses to capture
Montmarte. Often cited as the most beautiful movie of all time.
We support Projectionist's local395

UAW pension, benefit
demandls'shock' GM

DETROIT (UPI) - The United Auto
Workerk (UAW) Union yesterday
presented wide-ranging pension and
fringe benefit demands to the auto in-
dustry, drawing a shocked reaction
from a top General Motors (GM) Corp.
"I think the scope of the union
demands are unbelievable in light of
the nation's concerns about inflation,"
said George Morris, head of the GM
negotiating team.
HIS STATEMENT was the strongest.
from an industry official directly in-
volved in contract negotiations for
750,000 U.S. auto workers since talks
opened last week. Contracts expire
Sept. .4
"I'm really very disappointed in the
presentation the union made today,"
Morris said. "I'm afraid they haven't
given very much consideration to
today's economic climate.
"I would say this rivals anything
they've ever asked for in past
THE UAW demands were made in
general terms and did not give specific
cost figures. General wage proposals
from the union - also without dollar
figures - were expected today.
They included pension benefits for
retired workers tied to the cost of
living, increases in supplemental
unemployment benefits given to sup-
plement state unemployment benefits,
improved health care coverage in
dozens of areas and prepaid legal ser-
Earlier today, the union presented
two key non-economic demands - ab-
solute transfer rights for its members
and automatic union recognition in new
automotive plants.
Bluestone, head of the union's General
Motors bargaining team, described
those two demands as crucial. But he
stopped short of saying the union would
strike to win them.
"This is one about which we are dead
serious and we intend to drive it home
to a conclusion," Bluestone said.
Thus far, the union has presented
long lists of so-called non-economic

demands -- including those on union
recognition and transferrights.
THEY ARE aimed specifically at
GM, which the union has accused of
pursuing a "southern strategy" of
moving plants to southern states with
hostile union climates.
By winning the right of transfer, the
union would be able to place a core of
union sympathizers in such areas.
Currently, hourly workers are given
only preferential hiring in new plants.
Bluestone said "just gobs of people"
have been denied transfers - a charge
GM officials deny.
HE SAID THE union also will seek to
assure that when new plants open doing
the same type of work as is done in
existing plants, the union would be
recognized without the necessity of a
Another key demand is that the com-
pany notify the union in advance of any
contemplated transfer of plant
operations or plant closings "to resolve
adequately the problems facing the
workers by reason of such decision."
Union presentations on non-economic
issues also were proceeding at Ford
and Chrysler.
Hard bargaining on wage and benefit
demands is not expected until the union
picks a strike target, probably late in
NEW YORK (AP)-John de Lancie,
director of the Curtis Institute of Music,
says that under the terms of the will of
Leopold Stokowski, the conductor's en-
tire library of scores and parts and his
collection of musical instruments will
be permanently housed at the institute.
The Stokowski library includes hun-
dreds of orchestral scores and parts, as
well as the conductor's celebrated
transcriptions, many in several ver-
It is estimated that it will take a year
to organize and catalogue the collec-

Letter probes secrecy

(Continued from Page 4)
mation that is, and properly so, in the
public domain, is an effective tool for
influencing policy discussion and public
A timely example of the influence
that selective declassification has had
on public policy pertains to the status of
the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
(SALT). Until six months ago, State
Department spokesmen were not per-
mitted to validate that national
technical means of verification in-
cluded satellite photo-recannaissance,
yet alone to discuss well known and
readily appreciated features of such
systems. (While it may be true that
such information is readily available to
technically knowledgeable individuals,
it is not available to the general public,
who must ultimately make judgments
about SALT through their legislators.)
It is not surprising that the public wan-
ts SALT but is afraid to support it when
government officials are unable to ex-
plainhow it will be enforced. I
IF INDIVIDUALS are allowed to
selectively classify and declassify in-
formation for the purpose of influencing

public policy debate, it should be
recognized that they are being given
power to deprive the American people
of information they need to intelligently
chart their future. While governments
obviously have legitimate classification
needs, it is imperative that these
powers be used responsibly or we risk
destroying the democratic society we
wish to preserve.
The resolution of the conflict between
the Progressive and the U.S. gover-
nment is clearly a judicial matter;
however, the inept or improper han-
dling of sensitive information by ser-
vants of the American people is a mat-
ter that transcends the concerns of a
legal conflict. We believe that this
deplorable mishandling or misuse of
secured information should be in-
vestigated at a Congressional level.
All of signatories have read an early
version of the Progressive article and
have filed affidavits with the court. We
are all members of the professional
staff at Argonne National Laboratory,
however, this letter has no official con-
nection with the Laboratory, with the
University of Chicago, nor the U.S.
Department of Energy.


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