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July 24, 1979 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1979-07-24

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Page 2-Tuesday, July 24, 1979-The Michigan Daily
President's staff gets pep talk

WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter told some 300 members of the
White House staff yesterday they have
nothing to fear from controversial
evaluation forms if they are competent,
work hard, and are loyal.
Carter associates, who asked not to
be named, said this was one message
the president relayed to subordinates at
a pep talk in the East Room that was
beamed by closed circuit television to
the few who remained at work in their
Last week, all senior executives in
government and at the White House
were asked by new Carter staff chief
Hamilton Jordan to rate their un-
derlings on evalustion forms that have
been parodied and often ridiculed since
they came to light last week.
CARTER WAS quoted as telling his
staff at yesterday's meeting that the
evaluation process is "necessary and
important" to his goal of reasserting
presidential leadership and running a
tighter ship.
Carter, according to sources, said
nothing specific about impending per-
sonnel changes or a planned restruc-
turing of some White House operations.
A White House official said Carter's
meeting with his staff was prompted by
a desire to share his thoughts and con-

to th

ons following his introspective Presidential appointees from depar- nationally broadcast news conferen
nestic summit" at Camp David, tments and independent agencies have since May 29. It will be held tomorro
been invited to a similar conference at 9 p.m. EDT in the White House Ea
WAS SAID to have asked all his Today. Room.
iates to join in providing proper SOURCES SAID that meeting will in- During last week's Cabinet upheava
ership, if only by, as an example, volve all sub-Cabinet level presidential Carter tagged Federal Reserve Cha
ling making critical private com- appointees such as assistant man G. William Miller to be his ne
s about Congress members that secretaries. The invitations were issued treasury secretary. White House pre
it be interpreted as having official yesterday afternoon by telephone. That secretary Jody Powell told a group
tion. meeting could involve several hundred broadcast reporters Monday:
e president, who was accompanied officials. "THAT MILLER'S replacement w
e sessiona by Jordan and Charles Meanwhile, Carter and his staff have our top priority and will be tt
o, an Atlanta attorney and Carter pressed a top-priority search for a new decision, the replacement, that
idant, ended the meeting by Federal Reserve Board chief and the probably named first."
onding to staff questions. president also scheduled his first
Brown: Changes would imperil SALT
kSHINGTON (AP) - Defense ess inns was im rt nt t i" B Jackson (D-Wash.), that it failed


Secretary Harold Brown said yesterday
that important concessions made by the
Soviet Union during SALT II
negotiations would be imperiled if the
Senate insists on changing the treaty.
Brown said Russia had conceded to
the United States on issues such as
missile launchers and warhead
ceilings, exclusion of French and
British nuclear forces from the pact,
and the range of airborne cruise
"In short, each of these Soviet con-

Cubu1wil11puran w us, rown
said. "Taken together, they are far
more important than the Backfire issue
or the heavy missile issue."
THE SECRETARY testified at the
opening round of hearings on the treaty
by the Senate Armed Services Commit-
tee, whose members include some of
the treaty's staunchest foes. The Senate
Foreign Relations Committee already
has held two weeks of hearings on the
Several senators objected that the
treaty permits the Soviet Union to
retain 308 giant SS-18 missiles with far
greater explosive power than U.S.
rockets. They also argued that the
Soviet Backfire bomber should be in-
cluded in the actual treaty instead of
being covered by a separate under-
Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.), said
the Backfire "may be the No. 1 and first
stumbling block of the SALT treaty"
and urged Brown to reconsider the ad-
ministration's position.
BROWN ALSO defended the treaty
against charges by Sen. Henry M.

meet standards set by the Senate in 1972
as it debated the first U.S.-Soviet arms
limitation pact.
"I would not trade our current force
for theirs," Brown said.
Jackson said, "this treaty is unequal
in a number of respects," such as by
allowing the Soviets to have missiles
far bigger than those of the United
States. The treaty does place an equal
ceiling on the number of weapons.
"IT IS meaningless to speak in terms
of numbers alone,' Jackson said. "A
team of giants and a team of dwarfs
might have equal numbers of
players . .. but they are hardly equal."
Brown replied that, "If the dwarfs
are just as strong and able and agile as
the giants, the teams are not unequal.
Jackson challenged Brown's asser-
tion that without SALT, the Soviets
would expand their nuclear arsenal to
about 3,000 weapons. The treaty sets a
cap of 2,250 strategic missiles and bom-
bers through 1985.

'Brilliant'grad student
struck and killed by van

A University student, considered a
"brilliant" archeologist by her
colleagues, was killed Friday when she
was struck by a van on the east side of
Central Campus, according to Ann Ar-
bor police.
Jane Sallade, 30, was crossing the
median on N. University Ave. at Chur-
ch St. on her way to the anthropology
museum, when a 1976 Ford van, driven
by 25-year-old Mark McCleary of Yp-
silanti, swerved off the road, struck
Sallade, and threw her 80 feet, police
said. She was pronounced dead on
arrival at University Hospital, police
MCCLEARY WAS arraigned in
Washtenaw County 15th District Court
Saturday on charges of manslaughter
and released on $5,000 bond.
According to police, the van bounced
between the sidewalk and the street for
nearly 60 feet before striking Sallade.
Police said results of a Breathalizer
test were incomplete, but McCleary
appeared intoxicated at the time.
Sallade, a native of Carbondale, Ill.,

had just returned from a year-long trig
doing field work on land use patterns i
Cyprus and was compiling her notes t
write her doctoral dissertation here
according to Barbara Whallon
Sallade's classmate and wife of Univer
sity Anthropology Department Chaii
man Robert Whallon. She said Sallade'
thesis wouldehave been the firs
publication of its kind in this country
Robert Whallon is acting director of th
THE FORMER University un
dergraduate had been widely publishe
and "was an unusually brillian
student," Barbara Whallon said. "Sh
was a total professional."
She said Salade's husband, Davi
Braun, a Southern Illinois- Universit
professor, plans to file suit against Mc
"There's no question but that this is
great personal and professional loss,
Prof. Henry Wright, curator of the A
thropology Museum said. He said sh
was rapidly emerging as a leadir
figure in the relatively new fieldt


t House votes to postpone
- saeeharin ban two years
d WASHINGTON (AP) - The House ban saccharin as a food additive
t informally voted yesterday to allow because of studies linking it to cancer in
ie diet sodas and other products con- laboratory animals.
taining the artificial sweetener sac- However, Congress intervened and
d charin to remain on store shelves for kept the prohibition from taking place
y two more years. with an 18-month moratorium that ex-
c- The legislation would extend to June pired May 23.
30, 1981, a moratorium which since mid- CONGRESS ALSO ordered that diet
a 1977 has blocked a planned government soft drinks and other saccharin produc-
" ban on saccharin as a possible cancer- ts be labeled with a written health war-
n- causing substance. ning.
ie SPONSORS SAID they hoped the ad- The National Academy of Sciences,
ig ditional two years would be used in responding to the congressional
of developing an alternative to saccharin. moratorium, reported last November
Passage was by voice vote. A formal, that saccharin should be regarded as a
recorded vote will be held today but it potential cancer-causing substance in
was not expected to change the out- humans - although it said it was one of
come. low potency.
The Senate has yet to act on the
proposed extension. TH E MICHIGAN DAILY
IN MARCH 1977, the Food and Drug - V USPS 344-900)
Administration announced it planned to VolTuesday, July 24, 1979
is edited anu managed by students at
the University of Michigan. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday morn-
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" *RMaynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan
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