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May 02, 1979 - Image 23

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Michigan Daily, 1979-05-02

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, May 2, 1979-Page 23



the W
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to the
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Broncos sweep Wolverine nine
right, scoring Miklosi from first and from nine Michigan batters that sealed the five innings he worked. But tt
By BOB EMORY giving the Broncos their fifth con- the Wolverines' fate. his teammates were hitting the 1
re's something about non con- giv e Broncos.thesrefifthtcon- the Wolserines'dfdte, didn't seem to make a differen
cegmsthtjs trste secutive victory. Western got all the runs it needed in wl epthd
egambaeball tam rght os h The Wolverines made a serious bid to the first inning on a.single by Miklosi Aed if hes
igan baseball team right off. tie the game in their half of the seventh and another RBI double off the bat of Asked if he saw anythin
r that or there's something-about with a clutch two-out rally off Paul Scarpace. Dave Woodworth went the couraging in the twinbill d
(estern Michigan baseball team Schneider, the third Bronco pitcher. Af- first three innings, pitched perfect Benedict replied, "Naw, I did
urns the Wolverines off, because ter Jim Paciorek doubled, Schneider hit baseball and recorded his second win anything I liked out there. Alth
sinme out "mentally unprepared" have no complaints with the
~aymas oa "M obty Bnrpedict pu pinch-batter Pat Balaze to put two run- alongside three losses. Righthanders Wage pitchedlints fit gm
rnoay as Coach Moby Benedict put ners on, but then Leach, the hero up Larry McDaid and Ron Raiz split the Wagner pitched in the first game
mg both games of adouble-header through the seventh inning, bounced out last four innings of mound duty for the The Wolverines next take to th
Broncos 2-1 and 4-0 at Fisher to first to end the threat and the game. Broncos. this weekend, when they'll trave
a the fifth straight loss for IN THE NIGHTCAP, it was a superb Joe Wissing (1-.1) made his third double-headerS And for ipchig
gan at the hands of the Broncos pitching effort from three Bronco start of the season for Michigan, and Moby Benedict, that's good
hurlers and a piddly two singles effort gave up six hitsand two earned runs in ',,, ,
usar isnam .

he way
ball, it
ce how
g en-
n't see
ough I
e way
e field
, to In-
pair of
an and

this season, if you count the ten inning,
2-1 loss at the beginning of spring
training this past March. The two losses
also gave the Wolverines a 6-9 record
(15-11 overall) against nin-Big Ten
teams and naturally, Benedict wasn't
too pleased in the locker room after-
"We just got beat by a team that
shouldn't have beaten us because we
See more sports, -
pages 26 and 27

v --r - ,. _,._ ... ,., ., ....... ,........

Those are Big Ten gmes.

weren't ready to play," he said with a
touch of disgust.
"WHY WEREN'T you ready?" asked
the only reporter in his office. "I have
no idea," said Benedict. "Go ask those
guys out there, maybe they can tell ya.
"I don't know what it is," he con-
tinued, "but my teams the past couple
of years can't seem to get up for 7
anything but conference games. I
might as well not schedule those games
because my players don't seem to want
to play 'em, or if they do, they sure
haven't shown it to me."
Benedict scoffed at the notion of
having a, jinx against Western
Michigan, instead attributing the five
straight losses to being mentally un-
prepared. "What, we've lost five
straight to Western, well, that's
something our squad can be real proud IN A PLAY whi
of," he said sarcastically. Stadium yesterda
reached second oi
A SWEEP FOR the Broncos seemed ronhecodicoy
unlikely at first, as the Wolverines were, Broncos' victory
cruising alog with a 1-0 lead on the
strength of Steve Wagner's off-speed
pitching and Rick Leach's second home
run of the year, a line drive that
ricocheted off the Track and Tennis
Building in right field. But then came
the last inning.
Steve Perry had relieved a tiring
Wagner with two out in the sixth, and he
promptly struck out Tim Bourdo to end
that Bronco scoring threat. Then, after
striking out the first two batters in the
top of the seventh, Perry walked speed-
ster Marty Murray, who quickly went
to second when Perry's pick-off throw
hit him in the back and skidded away.
Shortstop Jerry Miklosi then singled
sharply up the middle, scoring Murray
from second to tie the game. That
seemedpto rattle Perry as Ken Scarpace
promptly drilled a double to the wall in
3150 Carpenter - ic
971 -4310 _ _____

ch keyed Western Michigan's 2-1 win over Michigan in the Broncos' doubleheader sweep at Fisher
y, sliding Bronco third baseman Marty Murray is hit in the back by Steve Perry's pickoff attempt. Murray
n the error, and then scored on a single by Jerry Miklosi. Miklosi then went home on a double, providing the
margin. Perry had struck out the fi ot two Bronco batters to begin the seventh and final inning.
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