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July 18, 1979 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1979-07-18

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 18, 1979-Page 3
U housin program aims to cut costs
By TIM YAGLE panel composed of housing department supervisors. A Tanner said she is expecting many suggestions from
Two University secretaries each received approxi- cost analysis is then made to determine how much part-time student employees, because "they are sharp
mately $350 at an awards banquet yesterday in money can be saved if the suggestion is implemented, and they look at things ina critical way, a way they can
recognition of their outstanding suggestions in making Tanner said. be objective."
the housing division more cost-efficient. THE MONETARY AWARD, a maximum of $2,000
The two secretaries, Jennifer Belcher and Jan Wur- and a minimum of $20, is based on 25 per cent of the George San Facon, the housing department's energy
dock, received the first award for a suggestion estimated net savings during the year-long period manager, originated the idea, Tanner explained. And
designed to simplify paperwork in the room and board following implementation. Lawyer's Club housekeeper John Arquilla "launched
billing procedure for the Spring-Summer terms. Included in the evaluation board are Tanner, and it" with the first suggestion May 27. "We were ec-
THE BANQUET culminated the first four months of supervisors from Food Service, Housing Maintenance, static," Tanner exclaimed. She added Arquilla's idea
the 'suggestion program, which its director, Helen and the administrative assistant in the central housing also intended to reduce paperwork, but has not yet
Tanner, said is the first program of its kind operated office. been implemented because similar suggestions are
by an American university. Tanner said she has received an average of two still being studied. Tanner said most suggestions are
The project is designed, Tanner said, to "reduce suggestions per week and most have been feasible. examined for an average of two months.
costs, increase staff morale, and get people talking." "All have been sincere and positive," she said.
She said it has done just that. THE CATALYSTS behind the project, according to ACCORDING TO TANNER, no other University
She said the operation of the program is simple. Tanner, have to be the departmental supervisors. departments have tried the program, because, she
Housing staff members are urged to scrutinize their "Supervisors are the big boosters," she claimed. said, they are presumably waiting to see how the
jobs and offer suggestions to a four-member evaluation "They're the ones who must prompt examination." housing program fares.
Porter to start
EMU job Sept. 4

John Porter, former state superin-
tendent of public instruction, was of-
ficially named president of Eastern
Michigan University (EMU) in Yp-
silanti yesterday.
EMU's Board of Regents
unanimously approved Porter's ap-
pointment at a special meeting last
night, and EMU's 17th president an-
swered questions at a press conference
which followed. He will take the post
Sept. 4.
PORTER, WHO just this month
resigned his state post, replaces James
Brickley, who left the post to become
lieutenant governor.
"Eastern Michigan University must
be responsible to the clientele it ser-
ves," the school's new leader said. He
characterized EMU as a unique in-
stitution of higher learning in Michigan
and he hopes it ranks high nationally
"It must go beyond its traditional role
as providing teacher education," he
DECLINING enrollment must be
dealt with, according to Porter, and of
prime importance to him is
"strengthening the programs and ser-
vices to students."
Porter said he expected his in-

volvement in government to "be
nothing but pluses," particularly in
times of limited funding for higher
education. He denied that his gover-
nment connections had been a conflict
of interest.
EMU's search, which began when
Brickley was elected lieutenant gover-
nor, was conducted publicly, with the
final candidates subject to open inter-
"One of the achievements I'm sup-
posed to be associated with is dealing
with the public," Porter said. "I had no
problems with coming out and being in-
terviewed by anyone and everyone."
Porter said he had no apprehension at
all about the publicity, and that he was
pleased the university community had
a chance to evaluate him.
EMU Board Chairman Dr. Richard
Robb said although there were
problems with the "long and exhaustive
search process," he felt a selection
closed to the public would have led to
rumors and speculation, and generated
the public view that the regents were
attempting to "railroad someone
"There were difficulties for
everyone, but this is a public in-
stitution," Robb said.
Porter, 47, is a native of Fort Wayne,

Photo courtesy of EMU information Services
JOHN PORTER will take over the top post of Eastern Michigan University
(EMU) in early September. Porter's appointment to the EMU presidency
was officially announced by that university's Board of Regents last night.

Skating away ...
In the words of Roseanne Rosannadanna, "it's
always sumthin'." Last summer, it was skateboar-
ds; this summer, it's roller skates. More and more
people are rolling down State St., and they're
coming from Bivouac, the clothing store at the cor-
ner of Nickels Arcade. Last weekend, Bivouac star-
ted renting roller skates, much like the way it leases
cross-country ski equipment during the winter mon-
ths. The new service has gotten a good response,
according to Bivouac manager Barabara
Wenoker-Jacobs. "It's been pretty consistent,
people knowing about it," she said. The skates,
which go for $2 the first hour, $1.75 for additional
hours, and for special day rates, are rented mostly
by "younger people," Wenoker-Jacobs added. With
all the new road surfaces in town, it should be
smooth skating the rest of the summer.
But will they let her in the
locker room?
Crystal Fields has proved that the bat is.

mightier than the ERA. The 11-year-old Little
Leaguer captured the national Pitch, Hit, and Run
championship at the All-Star Game in Seattle,
Washington, becoming the first female ever to win
a professional sports youth program. Crystal won
local, district, and division titles, even though "the
boys kept laughing at me when I showed up for the
Pitch, Hit, and Run competitions." Chrystal, who at
5 feet tall, 90 pounds batted .528 this season, com-
piled 409 points at the finals to beat out seven boys
for the title. The kids are judged on three
categories: hitting for distance, running a base path
for speed, and accuracy on pitching at a target.
More for your money
The price of gasoline has been rising like the mer-
cury in a thermometer in Death Valley, but this is a
bit ridiculous. A classified ad in the weekly Preston
County (West Virginia) News recently offered one
tank of gasoline for $1,300. Lest someone think this
deal is a rotten one, the advertiser kicked in a
bonus-a 1974 Ford F-100 pick-up truck. Even OPEC
can't beat that offer.

Happenings .. .
... are depleted today. The Women's Inter-
national League for Peace and Freedom's Ann Ar-
bor-ypsilanti branch is sponsoring a Midsummer
Luncheon at noon in the Michigan League, Rooms 1
and .2. Call 663-4402 or 483-0058 for infor-
mation . . . then at 8 p.m., the Summer Reperatory
Theatre presents "Hay Fever" in the Power Cen-
ter ... FILMS: Media Resources Center-South
Africa: The White Laager; Zulu Zion; program
starts at 7:30 p.m., Aud. 3, MLB ... Ann Arbor
Film Co-op-Autumn Sonata, 7 p.m., 8:40 p.m.,
10:20 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
On the outside
Sometimes you'll find this paragraph funny;
Today you'll find the skies are sunny.
The high will be close to 80';
Weather like this can make you crazy.
The weather forecaster seems to be thrifty;
The low tonight will sink to 50'.
At last! The rain and humidity are gone.
Sometimes you'll find this paragraph all wrong.
(But not today.)

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